My First Madeleines!

Here's a sweet start to the week!

Oh I have been on a craze of French goodies since coming back, I made Madeleine's the other day and they actually turned out pretty good for me, better than the macarons!

A while back I saw that Dajana of Baker's Corner Somewhere in my Kitchen had brought a Madeleine pan and made them. So when I saw a silicon pan in France I just had to get it, it even had a recipe card inside.

  • 2 eggs
  • 75g sugar
  • pinch of salt
  • 90g flour (about a cup)
  • 3g of baking soda, it says yeast but Jamie from Life's a Feast said no it says baking soda in French!
  • grated zest of 1/2 a lemon
  • 90g melted butter, still liquid but cold
  • one spoon of runny honey
  • a few drops of vanilla essence
  1. melt the butter and keep it to one side
  2. whip the eggs with sugar and salt then slowly add the sifted flour and baking powder, lemon and vanilla essence.
  3. Mix until smooth then add the melted butter and honey and leave to chill for 30 minutes
  4. bake for 10 minutes at 425 degrees.

Mix it up!
Put in Fridge and chill for 30 minutes
Fresh out of the oven
Here they are, a tad sticky but a great first attempt

Feel free to help yourself!



  1. They turned out great! I bet their delicious!

  2. These are great! I'd love to have a few, sticky or not. 8-)

  3. excellent...but how did you get the shapes?

  4. Simply grand and you are inspiring me - both to read Proust and make Madeleines!

  5. Nice. I love madeleines!!! I love to get them from Costco and have a few for breakfast with my coffee sometimes.

  6. Wow! Nice job! I've never tried to make these. You've inspired me. :D

  7. Oh, I see you even have the madeleine pans! Bravo, Rebecca!

  8. Simply delicious! I love the idea of having a silicone madeleine pan...I need to get one of those.

  9. I have not tried making Madeleines yet but want to--they look delicious!

  10. Can you send some my way? it looks fantastic!

  11. BRAVO!
    You doing great, girl, just continue baking; it makes me happy, hope you find the same pleasure.

  12. Oh yay, Rebecca is baking! Seldom see you bake at home lol. hehe... Ooo... I'm sure Jasmine will love it.

  13. Delicious! I have been wanting to make these too. Can't wait!

  14. Reeni: thanks so much I'll send you one and one for moon!
    Tangled Noodle: sure thing here you go!
    Jhonny: they were in a mold
    Shri: thanks so much
    Claudia: oh you should put an Italian twist on them!
    Jenn: oh yep perfect with coffee
    Anncoo: your cake got some reaction on twitter yesterday!
    the ungourmet: you could do cupcake shaped ones LOL
    Laura: smiling
    Bridgett: it is very cool
    Deb: looking forward to yours then
    Peachkins: one for you and one for purple
    Dajana: will continue good or bad its a journey right!
    my little space: thats because I can't do it very well and its not blog worthy!!!
    Natashya u will love them

  15. This is on my list to learn how to make. They look amazing. -Tien

  16. How neat, I've never made those before. They look wonderful!

  17. Tien: and not very hard to do, thats good for me!
    eating RD: thanks so much

  18. This look really nice Rebecca, my little girl LOVES madellines...i need to get my hands on a mould and then try out your recipe !

  19. Oh you are such a tease with that last photo, and I want something sweet so bad! How cool even I do not venture into the baking side of the house often...

  20. Ooo. I'll take it! Oh wait, make that 10. I'll take 10!

  21. Homemade madelines! Wow, those look so delicious.. how did you get such pretty shapes?

  22. Those looks so good! They really look like they came from a professional bakery. Nice work!

  23. They look great,Rebecca!Great job :)

  24. Yum yucky smiles!
    Jamie Walker i have a mold lol and thanks for stopping by
    Chris: oh thanks so sweet of you thanks for stopping by
    Erica thanks so much

  25. I've always wanted to try making Madeleines too. Yours look great!

  26. Barbara: thanks so much
    Mardi: thanks smiles
    simply gluten free thanks

  27. Great job! They look delicious!

  28. I love madeleines! But as soon as I make them, they are gone! But they're so good it's worth it.

  29. Beeeautiful madeleines, I just love them!!!

    I'm trying to struggle with the macaroons now!!

  30. Wow, very impressive! I haven't ventured to try making those yet - yours look great!!!

  31. 5 star foodie: thanks so much
    Michelle: yep mine lasted a day!
    Renata; oh I tried those a bit harder all the best Rebecca
    Simply life you can do it!

  32. Looks lovely. I'm sure they were great. Now I wish I had purchased the pan I saw in a yard sale last spring to give these a shot.

    I'm sure they're great with morning tea.


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