Macarons with Life's a Feast!

We just returned from a lovely couple of days in Nantes after meeting the lovely and talented Jamie from Life's a Feast what a treat. I am amazed by food blogging and how much fun it is also to meet a person with a shared interest of food and travel after reading each other's blogs and twittering is amazing!

We took the famous and very fast TGV train from Paris and arrived in Nantes in 2 hours, Nantes is a pleasant town in The Loire region West of Paris with a beautiful Chateau and cathedral and cute little shops. We had the pleasure of having lunch at Jamie's and she made this amazing chocolate cake for us, it was scrumptious and wonderfully moist. I blogged that we were disappointed by the macarons in Angelina's and she even made macaron's for us, I am touched by what a sweet host and lovely person Jamie is.

We happily finished of the little chocolate macarons that night in our hotel.
For those bloggers meeting up in London at Food Blogger's connect you are in for a treat with Jamie in your presence LOL

Our little Angel tucking in!
This mornings market, great cheeses, fruit and vegetables, crepes, fresh breads, fresh seafood and more, I will write a post soon!

Brittany is famous for Galette/ crepes made with buckwheat oh they were so good, this one is with ham and cheese, it was also a welcome break from the rain it was thunder and hailing this afternoon!
So back in Paris for a couple more days before heading back to North Carolina, and meeting Laura from Laura's Paris Cooking Notebook tomorrow for tea!

This has been such an amazing trip thanks for all coming along

Love from France!


  1. Love the little macaroons and the crepe looks great. I bet the market had some awesome stuff too.

  2. looks like so much fun! Glad you had a good time!

  3. I want those macaroons. lol. Very sweet of Jamie. Jas looks adorable nibbling on them. ;-S

  4. I love the photo of you and jasmine at the market.
    The macarons looks really yummy!

  5. Hey Rebecca!

    I'm still jealous of you in France!

    I wanted to stop by and let you know I've moved...


  6. I love meeting other blogs, and I would love to meet the two of you!

    That dessert, heck it all looks great!

  7. What fun that you were able to meet Jamie! I love her blog!

    I have really been wanting to try macarons!They look wonderful.

    Glad you had a nice time! :D

  8. Look what you have there! All the good stuff and be careful that Jasmine might want to stay in Europe as she has so much fun!:-)

  9. I look forward to seeing you this afternoon!

  10. What a beautiful trip, Rebecca, I envy you because we ended up not going after all.
    Those chocolate treats are marvelous.

  11. I want to go, I want to go, I want to go. What a grand adventure you are having. Little macaroons and crepes.... mmmm.

  12. What a wonderful life and food journey. Thanks for sharing your wonderful adventure with all of your foodie friends.
    How exciting that you will enjoy Tea with Laura! I enjoy her blog and to meet your fellow bloggers is really cool.

  13. How fun! So glad you had a good time, and what a little cutie! :)

  14. How sweet and fun that you met Jamie! And she made you delicious treats! Have a safe trip home!

  15. Melinda: oh great eats and the market was lovely
    Trish: thanks for the kind wishes I hope I am not gaining weight!
    Jenn: oh she is so lovely and they were divine
    Peachkins: thanks lol
    Nicole: joined at your new address lol
    Chef E : could be soon! planning a trip to NYC
    the ungourmet: oh i know she is a lot like her blog fab
    Angie: oh i know she may say that when she starts taking!
    Laura: me too
    Dajana: so sorry about that, oh and I got madaleine molds, I remember seeing them on your blog and got inspired!
    Claudia: oh your right such fun
    Velva: thanks for coming along its nearly over sob sob, let me know if your in NC!
    Amanda: thanks so much

  16. Oh what fun!!It must feel great meeting blogger friends :)
    When r u coming to OR?

  17. Wow, your adventures in France continue, great reading.

  18. I have buckwheat flour and making a crepe and filling it with ham and cheese sounds so good right now.

    And the macaroons are gorgeous!

  19. Sweta; oh I would love to meet you come to NC less rain he he !
    Janice; thanks so much for coming along!
    Michelle I just bought some ! lol

  20. Oh you met Jamie!!! I wanna meet you and Jamie one day!

  21. Oh my gosh Rebecca, how much fun is that! Meeting a fellow food blogger and what a hostess! Jasmine looked so sweet eating that macaroon!

  22. Yum, more macaroons and I love the crepes. Feels like heaven.

  23. Those crepes & macaroons look heavenly! Gosh!

  24. Can NOT wait until Dec 26th when we head out to Brittany for some of those crêpes..... Look at Jasmine - she is going to grow up only knowing what the BEST macarons taste like!!!

  25. Thank you for posting the picture of Jasmine enjoying my macs! She's a great little foodie in the making! It was great having you guys over and eating out with you. It'll be easier when Jasmine is 16 but she is so great and so adorable! It was such fun!

  26. kenny: would love to
    Divina: oh i agree
    my little space: smiles
    Mardi: she will have great tastes for sure have fun Mardi
    Jamie: thanks so much for being you love ya

  27. this brings back so many fun Parisian memories. I want that macaron right now! :)

  28. That's so cool that Jamie made macarons for you!


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