Bonfire Night and Scones

Tea and scones in Ely Cathedral

Here are a few snaps of the last couple of days in the UK. On the way to Cambridge we stopped in Ely a cute little medieval town with a cathedral dating back to 679AD!! Of course we had tea with scones clotted cream and jam in the cathedral and Jasmine noisly said her prayers at the front of the church.

Ely Cathedral

Jasmine me and hubby at her first bonfire night.

They had sausage stands in Cambridge. Jasmine and I ate a Lincolnshire sausage hot dog.
Bonfire night in Cambridge we were treated to a wonderful display that lasted about 20 minutes.
You can see the bonfire in the distance

We had a wonderful evening and Jasmine was not afraid at all she had her eyes wide open taking in the fireworks, now looking forward to the next 4th July.

Of course we can't end without a recipe, so here is how Grandma makes scones.

  • 8oz SR Flour
  • 1.5 oz margerine or butter
  • 1.5 oz castor sugar
  • Pinch salt
  • 1/4 pint milk
Rub fat into the flour and mix to a soft dough with the milk. Add a little more milk if feels dry. Turn onto floured board and roll out to about 3/4" in thickness.

It is usual not to handle scone mixture too much but with this particular recipe it enhances the mixture to knead a little before rolling out.

Place on a greased baking tin and place in hot oven at 220 degrees centegrade or425 F for 10 to 12 minutes.

Makes 5 - 6 scones.

Love from the UK


  1. What a fun time your family and you are having in the UK!

  2. How fun! Oh, scones, I love them!
    Great that you enjoyed the bonfire night. See you in Paris.

  3. great fun it is as can be seen in the pictures...
    the scone recipe is so simple but perfect as it is a time tested recipe...enjoy n keep posting!!

  4. Nice. I'd love to visit the UK. I think scones are in order. ;-D

  5. I can tell that you have fun back to UK...more pictures of Jasmine, please...

  6. That looks like a fun night-out!!
    Kids nowadays are just not scared of anything-strange :)

  7. Looks like you are having a nice time in the UK.

  8. You are having a wonderful time and i'm so happy! Your smile is a mile wide :D Lovely, I love a good bonfire...and a good scone :D

  9. So glad you are having a good time and introducing Jasmine to the UK traditions - scones and Guy Fawkes!

    My DH has a cousin who lives in Ely, but we've never visited.

  10. fresh local and best: oh its wonderful
    laura: looking forward to meeting you
    Sangeeta: thanks will try my best lol
    Jenn: oh you would love it
    Angies: smiles
    Sweta: i know right!
    Melinda; smiles
    girlichef: love ya
    Janice you need to visit Ely so pretty

  11. Oh it looks like you're having a great time! And the food, as usual, looks great too. Keep having the fun!!

  12. Nice pictures, Rebecca!I would love to visit the UK:)

  13. Nice photos Rebecca...hope u r having gr8 time in UK..Nice scones recipe...

  14. I bet you are having so much fun.More pictures, rebecca..

  15. Good to see the family out having fun. Fun and Food = Perfect Entertainment Package.

  16. What a perfect, perfect night. I do adore scones - any time of the day. Glad you are enjoying the UK. Wish I was enjoying it with you!

  17. Great photos! Looks like you and your family are having a wonderful trip!

  18. What a lovely outing! Jasmine is incredibly cute : )

  19. Michelloui oh thanks so much sweet of you
    Erica: oh you must one day lol
    Vrinda: oh i am thanks oh i will try this recipe when i get home as well!
    Peachkins: coming up!
    Kelsey: thanks so much
    lady mystery oh you are so right thanks for stopping by
    Claudia: wish you were all here sweet blogging buds
    Nancy: oh we are thanks so much
    Caitlin thanks

  20. How much fun are you having! Oh my gosh, I've never seen a bonfire like that. I do have a question Rebecca, I've been seeing recipes calling for castor sugar. What is that? Thanks girl!

  21. Nice vacation memories coming back, right? :) You need another one? :)
    I will definitely try the scone recipe as it is one of the most requested items for our breakfasts!


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