Birthday Meal at Nobles Grill and Awards

We ate supper tonight at Nobles Grill Winston Salem, it is a famous high end restaurant in town, with a beautiful interior and great ambience and good service. Here's what we all ordered.

Tomato Basil Bisque this was very nice, but a tad too creamy for me
Duck, our friend seems to enjoy this and the presentation is very good.
My friends crab cakes, one thing I will say Nobles does very good crab cakes, my friend said they were pretty good and she is from Maryland!

I ordered Poulet Rouge, it was a little organic chicken, cooked on a wood fire, over mashed potatoes with some brussel sprouts.
Overall the chicken was very tasty, but after just returning from France the dish didn't taste French due to the creamed potatoes being too rich, and overpowering the star of the meal the Poulet Rouge

Coconut cake, this was pretty good, I had it with a cappuccino but again very little foam and a latte at most

Overall Nobles is a great place to eat, but pricey and I must confess after being in France we are spoiled by great food, this doesn't come close, and it leaves me feeling quite heavy. Where as in France I felt satisfied and light.

I was twittering with the restaurant and the owner responded to me!, his food blogs are wonderful and he really is someone to look up to in the culinary world.

Hi & thank you. I'm the owner of Noble's Restaurants & an active blogger & -Jim Noble

Finally here is our precious daughter the best gift you can ever have

I also want to thank Esme of Chocolate and Croissants for the lovely blog award, I wish to give her a friends award in return

Anncoo kindly gave me a Mama blogger award this is very special to me, I want to pass this to Diana of A Little Bit of Spain in Iowa as I adore the way she involves her boys in the kitchen.



  1. Your daughter is soooo cute!

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE crab cakes. Definitely a favorite food!

    And I love the new look on your blog!

  2. Too bad the meal was a little disappointing. The presentation is beautiful, though! I got to go with my mom to Paris a couple years ago, and boy, was the food terrific. I can see how just about anything would be a let-down after authentic French food.

  3. Your Daughter is really cute.

    The food appears new to me. I have eaten almost different types of dishes but I dont remember their names.

    Thanks for sharing the info. It is through your blog that I can see the unseen places.

  4. Great review of the restaurant. Your daughter is a cutie. Congratulation on your award.
    Thanks for stopping by Mimi's Kitchen, it so nice to meet new people.

  5. Aww, she is the sweetest baby! What a cutie. I would definitely enjoy those crab cakes...yum!

  6. I'm glad you've a fabulous time. And also hope that you'll enjoy the coming thanksgiving with your family too! Cheers & Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. I lived in Winston-Salem for five years and never managed to make it to Nobles restaurant. They had a food booth at the first annual Salute Wine Festival. I tried their chicken wrap. Very tasty chicken, but very disappointing wrap for the price.

  8. I love the new look of your website! And waht a gorgeous girl you have there! So sweeeeeet!

  9. OMG she is reeeealy cute!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats on that!!! And thanks a lot for coming to my 'little place'! I love your comments!!

  10. Looks like a yummy meal..I agree too much cream is not my thing.Happy Thanksgiving.

  11. Nicole: thanks for the kind feedback and i adore crab as well lol
    Lynn; oh yeah you understand
    Abilash: oh I am so happy I can take you to new places where you live is stunning love Kerala
    Mimi: oh love your blog as well i agree love finding new blogs
    Bridgett: thanks so much
    My little space: oh thanks Kristy
    Melanie: i think they need to adjust the prices cool you lived here
    ruth:thanks so so much
    Renata thanks and my pleasure
    figtree; happy thanksgiving

  12. oh my your daughter is such a darling!!

    great review for the restaurant too!!

  13. Your daughter is adorable! So you got spoiled with the French food in France? lol! The food looks really good.

    Thank you for visiting The Tiny Skillet. I'll be adding your blog to my reading list!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  14. Happy Late Birthday! Thanks for stopping by my blog, I am in the process of reading through yours and love what I see so far. Your dinner out looked quite fancy and I would love to try those crab cakes as those are one of my favorite foods!

  15. Congrats on your awards and Jasmine looks adorable!! That food may be rich but it sure looks delish.

    I LOVE the new look on your blog - so adorable! Have a great Thanksgiving ~ ♥

  16. That really must have been a good crab cake for a Maryland girl to give it respect. :)

  17. Lovely restaurant!! I hope you had a wonderful birthday ;) Thank you so much Rebecca for the mama award, I LOVE it!! I will definitely pass this on :)

  18. What a great celebration meal. And you are right about Jasmine being the best gift ever!

  19. What a darling little girl and so much good food! I love the coconut cake the best!
    I hope you like the waffle recipe!

  20. Dhanggit thanks and thanks for dropping by
    Lyndsey: thanks and the same to you your blog is great
    Carolina: thanks for visiting oh crab cakes rock
    the imperfect housewife: thanks so much true a little butter won;t hurt ya jasmine needs fattening up!
    Michelle: so true!
    Diana: the award is so you lol
    Mardi: oh she is I am blessed
    flourchild:thanks for stopping by yep love waffles

  21. That is one adorable child!

    I cannot get over the amount of butter and cream some restaurants wonder so many of us are fat!

  22. A sumptuous meal! and your kid looks super duper cute...:) :)

  23. What a sweetie! So cute.
    Nice to share your Nobles experience with you, the crab cakes sound really good.

  24. The chicken looks delicious!!!Jasmine is beautiful.Next year we can celebrate our birthdays together. Mine was November 17.

  25. It was a beautiful meal! I hope you have a great Thanksgiving!

  26. TKW; I know crazy amounts and fatty, your little ones are gorgeous too lol
    Jhonny walker: thanks
    Natashya: thanks for coming along lol
    Janice: smiles
    Erica: great idea belated wishes to you
    fresh local and best: the same to you

  27. Some beautiful presentations in these dishes. Somehow nothing seems to compare to France when you get home. At least it never did for me. There's something magic there....

    Happy Thanksgiving.


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