Eat Slowly to Loss Weight

Researchers reported earlier this month in The Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism that when you eat too fast it stops the proper release of gut hormones that help you to feel full, causing you to overeat.
17 men ate icecream at different rate's ranging from 5 min to 30 minutes and their blood levels of the gut hormones were then measured. The ones that ate at a slower rate at a more anorexigenic gut peptide response or a decreased appetite.

So enjoy your food, sit at the table and taste every bite, it will be a better experience and help you to be a healthy weight!


  1. One of my biggest problems has always been eating too I have started eating with my non-dominant hand. It really slows down my eating! Interesting study!

  2. I think I started eating too fast when the kids were small. The only way to make sure you actually get to eat! Unfortunately I still eat fast.. and my kids are grown.
    Execpt while socializing, then I talk too much and am the last to finish. Sigh. :)

  3. That's what I keep telling my husband. But he says it's because his grandmother always urged him to finish his meal quickly.

  4. Wow, that's really interesting research. Thanks for sharing!

  5. That explains why the french people never gain weight! :)

  6. I am not even going to ask how they measured their gut hormones...

    Yes, I eat slow and hubby eats fast, but I am overweight... he says he does it because he is the oldest of eight kids, so he had to gobble it all down or he did not get more...

  7. Stacy: oh thats a cool tip
    Natashya: oh but it tastes better and you are such a great cook lol
    Dajana: he he they never listen to us!
    Nicole: good to tell the patients lol
    Jhonny: true
    hummingbird appetite: smiles
    chef E: oh bless him, my hubby is the oldest of 7 and eats fast as well!

  8. Thanks for sharing this! I always make an effort to eat slow, no matter how hungry I am. They say you should chew at least 25 times or so!
    Using chopsticks helps!

  9. Jennie; thanks for stopping by you are doing great

  10. nice reminder it is...i try and eat slow by eating chewy salads in between morsels to slow down as i am a fast eater ( which started after having a child n being busy all the time ).. using the smallest spoon also helps.

  11. great tips Sangeeta and like the small spoon idea

  12. I love the analogy from the photo - a turtle. That's a good example. I tend to eat fast when everyone around me eats really fast. So, I try not to look at them but I could hear their cutleries which is making my meals stressful. :)

  13. Oh, now I know why I've gained so much weight in the past 5 years. I used to be a slow eater until I had kids. Being a mom has changed me. Any chance I get I'd stuff myself before one of them called out for me. Thanks for this key reminder.

  14. Thanks for the helpful tips and oh the cute photo!!

  15. I always knew this in my heart. But good to see the data to support my faith :)

  16. Divina: bless you tell them to slow down and taste their food!
    Cate: oh I understand I am a new mum its tough, i sit with her and eat at the same time now that helps
    3 hungry tummies: my pleasure
    Reeni: no probs
    Jhonny: i love data as well lol

  17. I'm a fast eater due to my rush schedules! The only time I eat slowly was when I'm enjoying some cakes with a cup of coffee. hehe....

  18. I had read also that you need to chew your food well so that your body will eventually get the signal that it is full. Very interesting points:D

  19. my little space u are too funny
    Ballini Valli thanks for stopping by great point


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