Tamarind Fish Soup: Canh Chua Ca

So I made Vietnamese Tamarind Fish Soup today with the ingredients from the Vietnamese store, it was delicious.

Ingredients: 4 cloves of garlic, 1 liter fish stock, 4 ladies fingers, 300g pineapple, 75g yam- I used sweet potato, 25g beansprouts, 50g Tamarind pulp, 3 tablespoon fish sauce, chili oil to taste 1 pack vermicelli 1 tablespoon sugar and salt.

1. Heat with oil (canola) and fry the garlic then remove to be used later as garnish
2. fry the fish (sea bass) in the oil, I got this frozen from the store, for 5 min
3. Add the okra, a few green beans, , pineapple, sweet potato, and I also added vermicelli
4. Add Tamarind pulp, fish sauce, sugar and salt, chili oil
5. Simmer for 20 min
6. Garnish with chili flakes, and the garlic

Enjoy, its a quick and easy meal and very healthy you can load it up with veggies and needs minimal oil

Much love Rebecca


  1. Do you make your own fish stock or can you buy it at your Asian market?
    This looks really nice.

  2. This sounds very delicious and good for you...so, are ladies fingers the fish then? Are they just cut thin & long? I'd love to try this.

  3. Yum, looks and sounds delicious. I love these soups you can just add more and more veges to.

  4. Mary: I got the stock at my local Harris Teeter It was called Orington Farms Gourmet Sea food soup base, expensive 8.99!, but really good. Oh and thanks my first time trying it.
    Girlichef: Sorry Ladies Fingers is another word for Okra, I meant to change it, I used sea bass, just 4 bucks for 3 medium steaks
    Bernie: post some more recipes for us, your right great soups

    - Rebecca

  5. It is!? I didn't know that! Cool, I love learning something new :) I did see the sea bass, but couldn't figure out how the lady fingers tied in, ha! Thanks :)

  6. I never though of adding tamarind pulp to the fish soup. Must give it a little sour taste. We used it as a drink with sugar, water and lots of ice.

  7. Mely yeah a little sour but there is pineapple in it so sweet and sour tasting, thats an interesting drink, the Indians use a lot of tamarind also, my husband is from South India, great to learn from everyone lol

  8. I'm a sucker for anything fish. So, I must try this fish soup.

  9. Thanks for stopping by my blog. So glad you had a great time in Italy.

  10. This looks delicious! It reminds me of the tamarind/sour fish soup in Filipino cooking called 'sinigang'. It's one of my husband's favorites so I think he'd like this one, too!

  11. Tangled Noodle I will look forward to the sinigang post!

  12. The soup looks delicious! I'm not too familiar with Vietnamese cuisine so I'm looking forward to trying this recipe! Thanks!

  13. Rebecca,

    I love all kinds of Vietnamese soups. Thanks for including the recipe.

    Michael Hastings
    Food Editor
    Winston-Salem Journal
    blog: www.journalnow.com/dishingitout

  14. Thanks Micheal for visiting my blog, I am going to try some Thai soups next, now I have found that amazing Asian store in Greensboro, you would love it


  15. Greensboro is a a great place for Asian food, in markets and restaurants, and has been for years.
    I'm still waiting for Winston-Salem to get its first Vietnamese restaurant. Xia's fusion cuisine is the closest we've come.

    Michael Hastings
    Food Editor
    Winston-Salem Journal
    Blog: www.journalnow.com/dishingitout

  16. will have to check it out, where is it?, have you joined Food Buzz, its a great website for foodies great recipes, folks would go crazy over your blog- Rebecca

  17. Haven't checked out Food Buzz.

    Xia's is downtown, on Spring Street, between Second and First streets.

  18. Wow Rebecca! This looks fantastic--thanks for sending:)
    Michaela (Fine Cooking)


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