First Award

My first blogging award from Jenn over at Bread and Butter she is a budding director and true Entrepreneur in every sense, and has an awesome food blog with great and often easy to prepare recipes and an infectious love of food, be sure to visit her blog.

So for this award I have to write 7 awesome things about myself, well its hard to write about yourself, better to ask others, so my first 4 are from my hubby:
1. Multi- talented
2. A great Mom
3. Adventurous traveler
4. Good Cook
5. I would say I am hard working and persistant I remember failing Maths at school so I studied harder and got a B, I also came in the top of my class at University.
6. I would like to say I love to encourage people and uplift them, thats one of the best parts of being a dietitian and counselling folks, to cheer them when they are struggling with weight loss and see them take steps to reach their goals
7. I would also say I am a loyal and supportive friend, I make a lot of effort to stay in touch

So they you go, I now want to pass it on to

Anthony at From a Dietitians Perspective, I recently emailed him to ask about writing and he sent me a wonderful and supportive reply he's an assert to the dietetic profession

Sweta from Bonne Nutrition she stumbled on my blog and we have been friends ever since an avid blogger and a wealth of sound nutrition and health knowledge she is a fellow RD from India (my hubbys homeland)

Bernie from Yoyo no more

I love her posts on things shes proud of, its a personal blog of someone who is trying to lose weight and keep it off very inspiring

Oh and Natasha from 5 Star Foodie her blog rocks and she reads so many and always offers great feedback and support to all us foodies

I am so pleased I started blogging its such fun!!

Much Love Rebecca


  1. Wow, congratulations! You deserve it!

  2. Congratulations on a well deserved award.

  3. thank you ladies you are wonderful appreciate your comments and also enjoy your posts

  4. Reb-thanks a ton!! Feels great to have you as a "blogger buddy"!Here's to many more years of blogging together :)

  5. Congratulations on your first award! Thanks for letting us get to know you a little bit more! 8-)

  6. Congrats on your first award! It is definitely deserved.

    I enjoyed learning more about you!


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