Mango and Ginger Cake

So even dietitians make cakes!, I had some over ripe mango's so I decided to make a cake with them, I was inspired by a fellow foodie for this post

Ingredients: 2 cups flour, 2 teaspoon baking powder, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/2 cup margarine or butter, 2/3 cup sugar, 2 eggs, vanilla- I used ginger!,

1. preheat oven to 350
2. sift flour with baking powder and salt
3. cream marg and sugar then add eggs and a little ginger to taste.
4. gently fold in flour and scape the sides add to tin
5 arrange mango on the top with a little butter and sugar in between, I also added a little pineapple

Overall it had light texture and great topical taste, even cakes can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet, the key is portion control!, that's why I gave some away to my neighbours.


  1. That looks really good. I love ginger too!

  2. thanks mommy gourmet I so love your name

  3. Reb-this is great!! I love the taste of ginger in baked goodies(only in winter,somehow I hate it in the heat of summer).

  4. Looks good. I love mangoes and ginger, so this right up my alley. =)

  5. Yes for me on the mangoes and ginger, too! Yum!

  6. I really love the flavor and slight heat that ginger gives to food. I live this recipe.

  7. Oh!! Mango and ginger in a cake! This sounds delicious, what a fantastic combo!! First time here.. you have a lovely, lovely blog!

  8. This cake sounds really good with mango and ginger. I'm loving this combination and also working on another recipe combining crystallized ginger and mango.

  9. Love the flavor combination in this cake, Rebecca. I'm fond of simple, unfrosted cakes with fruits added in.

  10. thanks everyone, come over for tea and cake

  11. Love the combo of the mango with ginger. This looks great!

  12. I love the mango - ginger combo!
    The recipe sounds delicious!


  13. I have such a serious craving for mangos right now! I love the ginger combo. I would have a slice with some tea for a mid-afternoon break . . .

  14. tangled noodle right on tea and cake, love it you can tell I am British he he

  15. Hi! I found your blog through my mom's. That's so cool you studied in Aberdeen too! I'm just trawling through your older posts, as I like to do when I visit blogs it's a bad habit really, when I found this. I LOVE mango AND ginger but I've never heard of putting the two together! This looks interesting, I'm quite curious to try this out to see what it tastes like. Two of my favourite foods in one, I'd say that sounds pretty good ;)


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