Chow and Chatters First Giveaway!

We went to Costa Rica a few years ago and loved it, if you haven't been go!, its a beautiful country with amazing countryside and wildlife, friendly people and one of my favourite things in the world is grown there. Yep coffee, I adore it in fact you can order it directly from one of the plantations there, Cafe Britt.

So for the giveaway, a $25 dollar gift voucher, for you to go online and choose some of their coffee's to try its fantastic by the way!, or some chocolate covered espresso beans or fruits or whatever takes your fancy.

You have until the end of June, to some up with a creative coffee recipe, either sweet or savoury, or a coffee drink, it can be as simple as the perfect cappuccino. Simply give me a link to your blog, as a comment, either in this post or any other during the month of June, oh and consider becoming a follower, and come along for the ride.

The winner will be announced June 30th so get your thinking caps on I can't wait to see your master pieces.


the best place in the world to have coffee.

looking forward to your posts

Love Rebecca


  1. You blog is wonderful! Thanks for following my blog. I have done the same... Now, I'm following yours.

    ~Kamran (The Sophisticated Gourmet)

  2. Awesome pics. Where were those taken?

  3. What a great idea, i'll put on my chefs thinking cap. Thanks for following my blog.

  4. Cool!!!
    Gosh-something with coffee!!That's tough for me-I'm sure Jenn will come up with something absolutely healthy :)(I can only think of filter "kaapi")

  5. What a great contest! I'm actually watching the Food network right now and they are doing a burger contest..I love food contests, and drink contests :)

  6. This is a really creative give away. I hope you draw a crowd.

  7. Beautiful photos! Lucky you. I hve some Costa Rican coffee in my freezer from a thoughtful relative who took a trip there. It is truly amazing. (The coffee and the country)

  8. Kamran: thanks
    Jenn: Costa Rica, volan arenal and a road on the way to San Jose, amazing country
    Sarah: no probs, looking forward
    Sweta: you could make a perfect kaapi!, theres skill in South Indian filter coffee!
    Gina: thanks
    Claudia: thats nice of them, maybe you'll have some more soon
    Donna: thats great

  9. Oh, very cool. Will a recipe with coffee liqueur be good for this contest?

  10. 5 star foodie: sure why not, its made from coffee lol

  11. Cool..... stunning pix of Costa Rica.
    I usually don't drink coffee, but let's me see what I can do to with something to participate. :-))

  12. Oh, fun! I need my daily let's see what else I can do with it! Great idea :)

  13. So wild that you mention this company. My husband just came back from Peru and brought some of their choc covered coffee beans with him as well as some chocolate covered dried lucuma. They were all wonderful. I bet their coffee is outstanding. I need to start thinking!

    Great pics! Costa Rica has climbed up my travel list this year. My husband will have to go there for work in a month or two, but I'm not sure if I'll get to go or not. We'll see.

  14. We have a friend that has a place in Costa Rica and she loves it. We hear it's incredible there. What a fun give away. I better get busy.

  15. Costa Rica is a beautiful country!!!!! Coffee.......I love, love and love coffee.
    I have to make a recipe for your contest.

  16. What a terrific giveaway! I must get busy on a recipe! :0)

  17. I love desserts, I love caffeine...this should be a fun project!

  18. I love coffee, but little less in recipes. However, I would be happy to participate

  19. I am so excited, lets see what everyone comes up with Rebecca

  20. What a fun giveaway and a great way to get people to be creative with coffee! Hmm...what to make???

  21. Oh yes-somethnig up my alley--I will come up with a fantastic combo and coffee in a recipe and I know exactl what it is already! Did you get my email abck a month ago about flax seed?

  22. Like Lori, my hubs was also in Peru and came home with nearly the exact same goodies of coffee and choc-covered lucuma! 8-)

    I will keep this in mind and hope I don't miss it (my class ends mid-June).

  23. Hi Rebecca! Here's my entry -

  24. Here's my entry - Thanks!

  25. I love your blog! Right up my alley. I can not wait to go to Costa Rica.

  26. Hi Rebecca! Here's my entry :D

  27. oh my - that last picture of you is amazing. i want to make that a destination to have a great cup of coffee and a great view

  28. we're a little late in this but we'll try to get something in soon!

  29. Hi Rebecca!

    No recipe but I just put a link to this giveaway



  30. mmmm. I LOVE coffee (I'm a total addict) andthis is a wonderful giveaway!


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