Roasted Eggplant over Penne

This was my first time oven roasting eggplant, I simply put it on a baking tray with a little salt and pepper and olive oil and roasted for 45 min then kept it for later.
Then later!, I made a simple tomato based pasta sauce, by sauteing onion, garlic, fresh basil, oregano, rosemary, marjoram and sage (remember the herb garden!), with fresh tomatoes and green peppers. I simmered it for 20 min and then added the eggplant.
It was served over whole wheat Penne pasta.

Eggplant is a good source of Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Thiamin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Pantothenic Acid, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Copper, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Folate, Potassium and Manganese.

My little one had some baby pasta and the sauce with extra cheese added!!


  1. For your first time roasting eggplants they turned out great! Just my kind of meal.

  2. oh my that sounds delicious. you have inspired me. :)

  3. I'm not a big eggplant fan-I just like it as "baingan bhartha".

  4. This is it: I have not tried eggplant in years and I am a nut about roasting veggies so this is what I will do: roast as you instruct, use my frozen marinara and place over blend pasta. thanks!

  5. Sound tasty and a good use for all those eggplants ripening outside. I also love roasted eggplants and capsicum drizzled with a little yoghurt as a salad.

  6. I love love love eggplant, congrats on a successful dish!

  7. Love to roast veggies when is possible, eggplant is one of them! Match perfect with pasta and it is an excellent healthy-tasty vegetable :)
    Well done!

  8. oh, this sounds good! too bad my husband is allergic to eggplant... i'll just have to make it for myself when he's at work! :)

  9. Jenn: thanks, will send you some lol
    Lauren: give it a go was easy
    Sweta: when its roasted tastes sweeter
    Jennifer: sounds like a good plan
    Spring Girl:yum with yogurt as a salad, next time
    Gina: thanks
    Gera: thanks, will need to roast more veggies - write us all a post!
    Sunny: thats what I do when my hubby works he he but often its what he will eat as leftovers!

  10. Yum. I just had eggplant on toast for breakfast. I love it.

  11. Roasted eggplant sounds delicious with pasta - great job!

  12. Sophie we call them Aubergines in the UK also! and South indians say Brinjal I am getting Americanized he he, thanks 5 star foodie,
    Bernie yum on toast how did you do it?

  13. Hi Rebecca!
    Eggplant is a favorite here! We give the babies "pastina" :)

  14. Hi Maryann I got that in Italy babies love it where do you buy it in the States lol Rebecca

  15. Sounds wonderful and super healthy! I may have to try this. Maybe I will become an eggplant convert. I love roasted vegetables.

  16. I am so sorry to say that eggplant is just not my thing but I would still give this a taste because it does look pretty darn yummy!

    I wish I could say come on over for leftovers but we finished it all off!

  17. Suzie the foodie, love your name, thanks
    Ungourmet: thats a sign of a good meal right there!, i love leftovers as I don't have to cook everyday and I just finished cooking with my little one crying through it! but she's fine now having a nap!!

  18. I just love roasted eggplant. Cant wait to get some fresh eggplant from the market and then from my garden. Yippee!

  19. Sounds delicious, healthy and full of flavor.

  20. Ronzoni makes it :)

  21. Maryann ; thanks will check it out
    Lori: thanks, wow you grow it wonderful
    Pam thanks

  22. I haven't tried making eggplant yet - too worried they come out mushy which is why I usually to go straight to that texture and eat it as baba ghannous. But in this dish, it looks great and easy to do!


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