Great Exercise Tips from The Three Musketeers

I am very much enjoying posts from Bernie at Yoyo no more, Sunny at That Extra 20lb and Joie at Joie de Vivre and their quest to lose weight and keep it of and be healthier, every monday they post on how things are going and tips, this week was exercise

Please see link, and add your own tips on the comments, I would like to add:

- walk in a different part of town or park every week, explore new places to keep it interesting
- Make activity part of daily life, go up and down the stairs more, park further away from the store (as Sunny said)
- Use a pedometer and aim for 10,000 steps my friend T is doing so well with hers I am proud of her.
- watch TV or read while on the treadmill, stationary bike or elliptical (Bernie watches movies on her laptop)
- do it with friends
- be accountable - Joie mentioned this in her post
-blog its an online diary of your efforts and you can share tips with others,

Hope you don't mind me sharing ladies but I am proud of you



  1. I have been reading "Weight Loss Weekly" and really admire her being so consistent with her weight-loss plan.

  2. Thanks Reb-have left my comments on her blog :)

  3. I totally agree with you, and love what they are doing!

  4. They are very inspirational...thanks for adding some more great tips :)

  5. I wish I knew about them before as a dietitian as its so powerful to be inspired by others, Rebecca

  6. aww, thanks rebecca! i'm glad you're enjoying our posts. :) i like your idea of taking walks in a different part of town each week, that would keep things interesting!!


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