Mushroom Croquettes Inspired by Jenn from Bread and Butter

I saw this recipe on Jenns blog today Bread and Butter

and it inspired me to give it a shot as today is our 6th wedding anniversary and I thought it would make a good starter for the main we are having Italian sausage with veggies fresh herbs and a tomato based sauce over polenta, then tiramisu for dessert. I cheated on the dessert its from Fresh Market!!

I adore Jenns blog she posts such simple recipes, in fact I want to give her another award

I also want to give this to Erica at My Columbian recipes she in inspiring me to try South American cooking so watch this space!, more than just rice and beans which I make a lot!!

check her blog out at

In fact I follow so many great blogs and get inspiration to try new things, cooking is fun and often so much healthier than eating out

Just going to put little one to bed then we will enjoy, I hear a sleepy cry!!

Love Rebecca


  1. Excellent choice for an appetizer. =) I hope you enjoyed them! Thanks for the award, too.

  2. Congratulations on your 6 years of marriage!
    Simple yet delicious food are what we always appreciate and enjoy.
    Now I am off to yoga....with cats (3 of them love to sit around when I am doing yoga)

  3. Mushroom croquettes sound terrific to me.. and congrats on your award!

  4. Jenn; no probs
    Angies: good for you doing yoga, i need to stretch more makes you feel so good, cats do it very well!
    Donna: I was giving the award to Jenn he he

  5. Thank you so much for the award!


  6. Happy belated anniversary!

  7. Belated Anniv wishes!!! Looks like you had a great time-hubby must be happy too with this new dish.
    Jenn is so creative with her dishes-I always love checking what she is up to next;)

  8. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I never heard of mushroom croquettes before. I've had potato, rice and chicken. Sounds great!


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