What's your Dream?


  1. Dear Rebecca, I pray your dream comes true for you. God bless you and your little ones. Catherine

  2. Rebecca, what a lovely video. With all you do, you must fall into bed exhausted every night. My hat's off to you!

    I love my facebook and twitter friends and my website followers and I hope to retire and spend more time having fun with it.

    Good luck in August!

  3. Great video. Hope your dream comes to fruition.

  4. Lovely video. May all your dreams come true

  5. Very inspiring, thanks for sharing with us. :) Mine? Simple: to travel the world full time pigging out and blogging about it of course. Though, I can't leave behind my beloved pets LOL

  6. Thank you for sharing your dreams. I too put my daughter first, but I would love for my blog to get off the ground.

  7. I love your dream. And I'm sure with a Mom who has your heart and spirit, your dreams for your precious children will come true. Not to mention, you're so creative and talented, which means your dreams for Chow and Chatter will also continue to evovle the way you hope!

    My dream for many years was Freedom.
    Growing up without parents in my life. Ultimately losing my mom, or the dream I had for a Mom, in '99 to drugs and AIDS. Struggling with mental illness; depression, anxiety, which eventually manifested itself into complete non-functioning agoraphobia, an illness that kept me a total prisoner in my home for a combined nearly 14 years. Infertility, and thinking I'd never be able to have children on my own.

    When I met the man who would eventually become my husband online I knew he was someone incredibly special, and all of the work I had been doing on myself emotionally, physically and spiritually was finally being put to the test. After nearly a year over the phone, he flew to America from France to meet me not having any idea of my agoraphobia. I was too afraid he'd back off quickly if he did. Going to meet him at the airport was the first time I left my home in about 5 years.

    Today, he's my best friend and the love of my life. I've been in "remission" from agoraphobia for nearly 2 years. Defying many odds to become pregnant and an extremely challenging pregnancy I'm 9 months and 10 days pregnant with my first child. It happened on the first try! I know what happiness is...I know how to give and receive love. I know what love is. I'm incredibly blessed. I am free. I am living my dream. <3

  8. Hey, Rebecchah, nice to see you on the video. I always wanted to meet you and speak to you. My dream is also to look after my toddlers first, being with them means a lot to me!
    I loved your video and I think everyone should have a dream!! Hope all your dreams come true!

  9. dear friend, i hope your dream come true. sending prayers to you and yours.

    great video.


  10. Catherine oh thanks so kind of you wish u the same
    Maureen oh nice dream loving your blog
    yummychunklet thanks
    Maris thanks u too
    Adrian good plan, get a good pet sitter
    the slow roasted Italian it will
    Ree wow what an inspiring story may God continue to bless you and can't wait to hear about the safe arrival of your little one
    purabi so true
    Betty aw thanks

  11. Like you my dream is mostly about my family that they live long healthy happy lives. But I would not mind having some sort of cooking/baking venture take off from my blog:)

  12. Rebbecca your dreams are really beautiful and I would say the first one has come true you are a wonderful mother! Keep pursuing your dreams you are an inspiration to me!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Raina hope it works for you adore your recipes

  15. Ellie thanks so much your one of the best friends I have ever had love ya Rebecca

  16. Hope your dreams come true but I can say that you are already on track! It was lovely to hear your voice instead of fb messages:)

    My dream is to find my passion.Might sound weird but I have been feeling like a loose cannon lately and I do hope I will have a better, firm plan soon on how I want to spend my life! :)

  17. sweet Ilke hope you find your passion, will facebook u with my number

  18. i'd like to be a very creative chef & photographer...maybe combine both ;-)

  19. you are totally inspiring ....wishing u a happy life with your family :)

  20. You have very lovely dreams - especially the goal of raising your children with love and respect. I hope you will be able to reach your dreams. My dream is very simple and intensely complicated: peace and happiness.

  21. that sure does look like a fun salad! what an interesting combo. At work now, will go home and watch the video :)

  22. a spoonful of yum oh thanks all the best for your dreams too hugs
    Angela we all need that hugs
    Manju thanks

  23. I am just blown away by your post!! I am going to embed this in my blog right now - it's fabulous ! I can see you'll follow your dream .. and thank you for sharing this ... It;s fabulous !!

    xx PS Best of luck with baby !!

  24. thanks so much Vanessa wish you all the happiness in the world

  25. What a wonderful post. I found your blog through Vanessa (I too supplied a post about my dreams), but I thought it was very cool that you live in North Carolina (as I do as well).
    I love your blog and keep striving for your dreams.


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