Caramel Shortbread

We got some werthers original a tasty German Caramel recently and I had the idea it would be tasty added to shortbread :-) This was another fun time in the kitchen with Jasmine and I couldn't resist sharing the picture above with her foot in it. I am not the best at taking perfect pictures, its hard with a toddler as she moves the plate, closes shutters when I am trying to get light, starts eating it in seconds or I remember a smoothie she kicked over. Please forgive me for my pictures, but I try he he he 

  • 4oz butter softened
  • 2oz caster sugar
  • 5 oz flour
  • about 5 werthers original smashed up, and boy were they hard to break he he

1. cream butter and sugar
2. add flour with fork and broken pieces of caramel, then add to a baking tin, punch with fork many times and sprinkle with a little sugar, some of the holes got big as Jasmine was enjoying adding the holes :-)
3. bake in oven for 40 min at 325 until pale straw color.

Have you added anything to shortbread?

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  1. caramel shortbread looks delicious , i can see that in the face of Jasmine.

  2. Yum! Everything tastes better with a little footie in it :)

  3. yes i loved the little footie too :-)

    Anything will be just great with those antics you mention !!!
    And anything tastes great with caramel isn't it?

  4. I bet it hard taking pictures with a toddler helping, but you do a great job...and the shortbread sounds delicious...and Jasmine is a cutie.

  5. shortbread looks wonderful to snack

  6. I am also happy to find again some time for blogging! And happy to come back to your blog.

  7. Totally diggin the photo. I love the personality and realness this post brings. Pkus, I'm tempted by caramel shortbread no matter how it's shot!

  8. I love shortbread and caramel flavored sounds so delicious!

  9. What a wonderful addition to shortbread. What a cute little helper you have there. That foot willl only make it sweeter!

  10. Love this photo, Rebecca, with the cute little toes in the picture. Love this version of shortbread.

  11. Looks delicious! I've made shortbread with edible lavender and lavender sugar.

  12. You know, we just happen to have some werther's sitting around -- now I know what I'm going to do with them!

  13. I never know what to do with werthers. Great idea to incorporate it into shortbread.

  14. What a cut and fun idea!! Love the pictures!!

  15. Great idea to add caramel to shortbread, a must try for sure.

  16. Hi Rebecca. Werthers in shortbread! YUM! Consider this bookmarked for the Christmas baking!!! Love the photos!

  17. Your caramel shortbread sounds delicious, would love to have it with a cup of tea. Your little one is SO SO CUTE!
    Hope you are having a great week Rebecca :-)

  18. I love shortbread and the Jsmine foot, LOL , x gloria

  19. mmm any kind of shortbread is good, and yours looks delicious. I am interested in your opinion as a dietician about dairy consumption?

  20. I know my hubs will love these ~ he is BIG on caramel :)
    US Masala

  21. swathi
    Maureen he he
    Sangeeta yep true
    Bo thanks and wow loved your dal
    torview thanks
    jose thanks
    Laura great to have you back
    Adrian :-)
    thats ron thanks
    Joanne ;-) thanks
    Maris :-) true real life snaps
    Cathy :-)
    yummy chunklet that sounds so good
    rosemary cool hope you like it
    Biren :-)
    Claire he he
    Lisa oh thanks
    5 star foodie thanks
    Roz :-)
    Juliana yep great with tea
    Gloria thanks
    doc email me
    aipi thanks

  22. this is so simple! love it! you have one more month! so excited for u :D

  23. Caramel shortbread look delicious and Jasmine is the perfect helper.

  24. when i will see jasmine in person it looks like i've known her since she was a baby after been reading your blog all these years haha.
    thank you for sharing the joys of having Jasmine... enjoy the rest of the summer Reb!

  25. Love caramel anything. Your daughter is adorable. I think I always say that but she is.

  26. My eyes nearly missed the foot! Too funny.
    Love the idea of a caramel shortbread. I keep those Werthers out of the house...they are soooo good.

  27. Love this picture of Jasmine; she is adorable. I haven't made shortbread in years; it was one of my son's favourite treat. Everything tastes better with Caramel. Is the heat getting to you?

  28. Junia thanks so much yep excited to meet him
    Mimi oh she is :-) adore her
    Malou thanks will be cool to meet you in person will keep you posted on plans
    Lauren oh thanks she is a cutie
    Barbara he he thats funny
    Rita oh yep its hot many afternoons in doors and I am fine hugs

  29. I seldom make shortbread but this sounds so good with caramel.
    Love the picture with Jasmine little feet, so cute :)

  30. I love shortbread and caramels, so this sounds pretty amazing to me. Jasmine is just so sweet!!

  31. anccoo your shortbread would rock your an amazing baker
    Girlichef :-)

  32. I am a big fan of caramel and I like but don't love shortbread. I can see the caramel selling it, for me.

  33. I love shortbread and would love to try this flavor of it soon..thanks!

  34. Casey he he hope you like it and thanks for visiting
    thanks Bonnie
    thanks Suman

  35. I will have to try these. I have never made short breads. I bet the kids will like these too. Maybe add a little chocolate drizzle.

  36. I have always said I would make shortbread, but still have not.... Love this recipe:-) I am a big fan of Werthers candy, YUM:-) Love J's tootsie in the one pic;-)
    Hugs, Terra


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