Brief Introduction to QR Codes

Here's a brief introduction to QR (Quick response) codes and my take on them, with some examples of how folks are using them :-)

I plan to add QR codes for my social media tip vlog posts to my 101 tips on social media ebook to make it more interactive and fun :-), so folks can click to clips in book or print it and scan with a smart phone!

Here is the lovely Nelly's (her nickname) of Cooks with Books business cards with a QR code, she said - @ Marnely Rodriguez 


Heres a QR code for my website:-)

I used this site to make the code -
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  1. Rebecca, thanks so much for the shout out and picture of my card on your post! Definitely a new thing for most of us, and I do think that 28% of scanners will go up! :) Thanks for sharing another great video!

  2. Thanks for info on QR codes. i like the video too.

  3. I just learned what QR codes were this weekend at techmunch! How coincidental!

  4. Wow I actually have not heard of this thing...I mean, add the word "code" and I'm out of there, usually. LOL. Thanks for demystifying it for us! :-)

  5. Nelly my pleasure yep I think your right it will get more popular
    Swathi my pleasure love sharing info
    Anncoo and me
    Joanne oh what did you learn ?
    Parsley sage :-)
    Sophia he he pleased to share

  6. Thanks for sharing Rebecca you always share interesting things. First time to learn about it.

    Thanks mucho!

  7. I think you're speaking another language, ha. I need a lesson, you're out of my technology league.

  8. I've never even heard of QR codes before. I guess I'll have to read up on them a bit more!

  9. Malou oh my pleasure was new to me as well
    Lauren he he :-)
    Ron try to keep on top of it for fun
    Julie :-)

  10. Thanks for keeping us up to date.

  11. Thanks for this information, Rebecca...I had been wondering about QR codes, but had not taken the time to investigate. Now I know all about them!

  12. Bo my pleasure
    Ruth aw thanks
    Elizabeth my pleasure

  13. This is fascinating. I just heard about these codes the other day. Thanks for sharing Rebecca. You stay so current and "up to the minute" on things.


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