Tour of Reynolda Gardens, Winston Salem NC

Join me for a walk around the historic gardens of Reynolda gardens managed by Wake Forrest University, complete with ponds, a greenhouse, vegetable garden and rose gardens. My favorite place in my city :-)

Where's the favorite place in your city?

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  1. What a pretty spot. We both went to college in Chapel Hill, NC, but that garden is a new one to us.

  2. Fun! I went to Duke for undergrad but never spent much time in Winston-Salem with Wake Forest being a rival and all. However, my sister's moving to NC for her new job in RTP, so I'll have to take her there!

  3. Very nice thanks for inviting me to join your tour.

  4. the duo dishes I was in Chapel hill today another neat area :-)
    Maris my pleasure
    yummychunklet he he thats funny and cool you studied at Duke gorgeous campus
    Gloria thanks for coming with me
    Swathi :-)

  5. the garden looks absolutely beautiful! what a lovely place to walk. :)

  6. Rebecca, thanks for the little tour. That is a beautiful garden to visit.

  7. A lovely place to visit! I can just imagine the heady scent of the rose garden when all the roses are in full bloom :)

  8. That was very nice. What a beautiful place. I would love to visit it someday.

    I live a short drive from Ogunquit, Maine which is a beautiful place, a quaint town with tiny but beautiful home gardens bordering the ocean with a walking trail that runs along a rocky cliff overlooking the ocean. That is a place I love to visit.

  9. Once upon a time I worked in NC and remember touring and visiting the gorgeous state. Beautiful.

  10. I love visiting gardens! Besides the garden in our backyard that my husband works so hard on, I've enjoyed taking my daughter to Centennial Farms at the OC Fairgrounds. We used to win blue ribbons for our produce entries every summer during the fair :)

  11. Such a lovely spot! We recently moved to a small town outside of Portland and we are still exploring and hunting for our favorite spots. ;)

  12. Beautiful garden! Thanks for the invite!

  13. The garden looks so beautiful. Thanks, Rebecca!

  14. i love campus life/college towns!! my favorite is ann arbor, michigan!

  15. I was watching the video thinking that the gardens looked like the English countryside and then you mentioned that they were very British in nature. I can see why you like going there so much! Maybe it reminds you of home?

  16. Gorgeous gardens! Looks like a lovely little trip :) Great video posts too

  17. Beautiful garden! So much greenery!

  18. Emily thanks for joining me
    quay po cooks thanks for coming along
    Claudia oh thats neat you have been to NC
    Biren oh I must go back when they are :-)
    Raina oh sounds lovely blog about it hugs
    Priscilla wow you are pros
    the ungourmet so much fun finding out new places
    supata my pleasure
    Angie thanks for coming
    Junia oh me too love college towns
    Kim :-)
    parsley sage he eh vlog posts are fun
    cheah :-)

  19. That is such a beautiful garden...I can see the allure :)

  20. For a poem I am writing about Reynolda (woods, garden, meadow, village)
    I invite anyone to send me his/her favorite Reynolda places.
    thanks Emily Wilson


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