Lemon Drizzle Cake

I made this cake recently it is super simple, you know me and cakes :-) and was eaten in no time always a good sign. I just adore lemon cakes so fresh and yet light at the same time.


  • 4 oz butter 
  • 4 oz sugar 
  • 4 oz self raising flour
  • 2 eggs 
  • juice of 1/4 lemon
  • 2 teaspoon of grated lemon peel
  • one teaspoon lemon peel for glaze
  • 2 tablespoon of confectioners sugar
  • hot water


  1. cream the sugar and butter till light and fluffy
  2. mix in the eggs and flour, lemon peel and juice
  3. bake at 375 for 20-30 minutes, until a knife comes out clean 
  4. let the cake cool
  5. then mix confectioners sugar with hot water and the lemon peel to make a glaze, pour over the cake and let cool
  6. enjoy :-)

This little cake tastes like summer to me 

Do you have a favorite summer cake?

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  1. Lemon bars are my favorite for summer..

  2. Lovely ...mu summer favorite would be any citrus cake , moist n sweet as this one looks :)

  3. Lemon in sweet dish is my fav.. I have atleast 3 cake with lemon in it :) that's how much i love it

  4. I'm a fan of anything with lemons!

  5. A lovely summer afternoon tea accompaniment!

  6. Lemon is perfect for summer. And anything with tart berries...

  7. I can' think anything better than this refreshing cake right now..it looks so yummy!

  8. There's just something about anything lemon that I adore. Actually, it seems to be almost anything citrus. Might explain why I don't have much of a sweet tooth.

  9. Lemon cakes are definitely some of my favorite desserts! So refreshing!

  10. Great looking cake. It looks moist and perfect...great with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on a hot day :)

  11. Lemon cakes and cookies are awesome. These look like its quite quick to make, and it seems they also disappear quickly as well

  12. That looks lovely and light! I love lemon cakes, in fact I'm getting a bit obsessed about making Nigella Lawson's little lemon puddings which are on her up-dated iPhone app!

  13. Lemon cakes are one of my favorites.

  14. I love lemon cake too, so good to serve with a cup of hot tea.

  15. i want to make this right now, but poor thing i don't have lemons. Can I make orange instead? Hmmm i guess i can try. I love simple cakes too. You see im not a baker myself hehe.


  16. Lately i have been seeing so much of lemon drizzle cake sin blog that finally i have to move my butt and start baking :)

  17. Love the simplicity of the powdered sugar drizzle. It really gives the cake a great zing of sweetness.

  18. ahhh i grew up eating lemon cake!!! we would sneak into the kitchen at night to eat more of it! hehehe. lovely recipe!

  19. I love citrus cake and this looks easy and delicious!!

  20. I just had to copy and paste and send this to my mom! Light easy and looks so delicious!

  21. I love lemon! Eating them raw is my favorite way but cake comes a close second :)

  22. This is the only cake for me! Only only only!!!

  23. oh yum! the picture instantly made my mouth water, i LOVE lemon treats!

  24. I love all with lemon! love this cake! gloria

  25. I'm not the best baker, but I'll bet I can handle this recipe and I adore lemon anything!

  26. Lemon cake is one of my absolute faves. This looks so yummy.

  27. I just need a good cup of hot coffee and I would be ready for the day. Love the flavor of lemon or other citrus in cakes.


  28. peachkins :-)
    aipi come on over
    sangeeta will send you a slice
    kanana :-)
    Jay thanks
    Beth :-) good taste
    angie oh so true
    Ilke oh yum love berries
    Suman here you go :-)
    Sam :-)
    joanne :-)
    parsely sage good idea
    three cookies thanks
    Anna oh thats neat and be sure to check out my app
    kyrsta thanks
    Anncoo oh perfect with tea
    malou oh I think orange will work well
    Ananda looking forward to yours and the pics
    yummychunklet love simple
    Junia sounds like my hubby
    Nami thanks
    Maris oh thanks hope your mum likes it
    nutmeg nanny wow raw
    E :-)
    teresa oh thanks
    Gloria :-)
    mother rimmy like me i need easy
    sonia thanks
    Lisa aw thanks
    velva perfect combo

  29. I love lemon desserts in the summer! Light and fresh are two wonderful ways to describe this and it sounds delicious.


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