Interview with Regina from Acute Designs

It is with great pleasure to introduce Regina to you from Acute designs, I met her through her food blog taste, she is an amazing cook and talented designer. She is also super sweet and supportive of all my little endeavors. So I asked if I could interview and spotlight her ventures here ;-) be sure to check out her store simply beautiful items. 

1. Tell us a little about yourself.....

I had a huge fear of getting stuck in a 9-5 job that I felt served no purpose {other than a paycheck} so I decided to spend my down time at work focusing on what I loved - witting and creating.  First I started a food and cooking blog called Taste, then a lifestyle blog called Acute Designs, and eventually a small handmade accessories business {also called Acute Designs}.

I soon realized that I could write and sell my handmade accessories full time and seven months ago I was able to quit the horrible "day job" and I now work full time doing what I love.

My husband has been extremely supportive and without him I would not be able to spend my days working in my dream!

2. How long have you been making head wear and jewelry and what made you decide to sell it 

 I started Acute Designs a year and a half ago.  It was started as a hobby but a few weeks into it, I knew that this is what I wanted to do for a living.  I have always loved to create - through food, sewing, etc but never realized that I could make decent money selling my creations.

3. You also cook great recipes are working on healthy eating ebook and write what are plans for the future your dream job

My goal for the future is to support my family doing what I love.  I intend to do this by growing all parts of my business - cooking/writing recipes, writing/blogging, and designing.  I love to do all three of these things and want to continue to improve and make each a viable aspect of my business.

My immediate summer goals include: writing an ebook all about my food lovers healthy eating plan {which has enable me to lose 14 pounds and keep it off} and expanding my line of jewelry.

Regina Morrison
San Diego, CA
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  1. Great interview! I'm inspired by anyone who quite a job they don't like to follow their heart.

  2. How lovely to be able to follow one's dream in such a way! I wish your friend much success!

  3. Lovely interview Rebecca, thanks for sharing with us!
    -Karriann Graf

  4. Beth, Ana Torview Kariann thanks :-) love interviewing folks

  5. Lovely interview with an obviously very talented artist. I adore those headbands!

  6. Lovely interview and also very motivational and inspiring!

  7. Great job with the interview! Can't wait to check out Acute Designs =)

  8. I just discovered her website and love all the great finds!

  9. Great interview. It is wonderful to be able to do what you love instead of working at something you dislike.

  10. Loved reading about her! She does have some cool stuff!

  11. Thanks Rebecca for introducing me to Regina. I spent an hours reading and admiring those work.. so beautiful!

  12. Love reading interviews from fellow bloggers- a great way to discover and connect. Great stufff

  13. you can't replace passion. It sounds as though Regina has many skills and ways to channel her creativity. Thanks for sharing. None of us should waste our time.

  14. Nice interview, Rebecca. I liked meeting Regina. On my way over to her blog now...

  15. Fun post and interview Rebecca! Regina has some ffun designs, and it's always nice to find a fellow San Diegan blogger :-)

  16. great interview!! way to go, always follow your dreams!


  17. What a nice interview! It's nice to meet you Regina! You make beautiful things. My friend makes jewelries too so I'm sending your link to her.

  18. Love the interview. And love Regina's story and designs. Thanks for sharing!!!

  19. so pleased you all enjoyed it let me know if you or anyone you know would like to be interviewed :-)


  20. A wonderful and inspirational interview!


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