Columbian Style Chicken

This fun recipe was inspired by Erica's blog My Colombian Recipes one of my all time favorite. It had an interesting onion sauce with Worcester sauce, I tweaked it a little to add tomatoes and mushrooms to make more sauce, all in all a great dish.


  • 4 chicken legs 
  • one onion chopped
  • 8 mushrooms
  • 4 cloves of garlic 
  • one tablespoon of butter
  • a little olive oil
  • 2 tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 teaspoon of cumin
  • one cup of chicken stock 
  • salt and pepper to taste 
  • 3 chopped tomatoes 

  1. saute the chicken in the butter, salt and pepper to brown for 4-5 minutes and then keep to one side
  2. saute the onion, garlic for 2 minutes
  3. add the mushrooms, and tomatoes, cumin, Worcestershire sauce and stock and let it reduce down a little
  4. add the chicken back to the pot and simmer for 30 minutes 
  5. serve with rice or pasta would work well
Have a wonderful start to the week everyone 


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  1. mmm...Columbian food! I am amzed at the diversity of South American cuisine!

  2. I follow Erica's blog as well; my neighbor's friend had a columbian themed party and made all her dishes based on Erica's recipes! Love the chicken and cumin combo sounds delish.

  3. This looks quite delicious and I am bookmarking it for sure!

  4. I like making chicken recipes from different countries. Looks delicious!

  5. This chicken looks so tasty and easy! Perfect weeknight food. Yum!

  6. That looks incredible Rebecca! I'll definitely have to check out her blog.

  7. We love chicken during the week and this sounds like a wonderful recipe! I love your tweaks, too.

  8. Doc oh me too
    Tasteof beirut oh wow that is so cool bet Erica was thrilled
    Maris :-) you will love it
    yummychunklet oh me to always looking for new recipes
    Katie very true
    Julie u will enjoy it and she is a sweetie
    Susan aw thanks

  9. This looks great! thanks for introducing me to a new blog, Rebecca! xoxo

  10. I have never cooked anything Columbian...this looks so mouthwatering. Love broccoli too!

  11. Love the flavors of Columbian food, and I always like the addition of some veggies for color and nutrition :) I'm not familiar with Erica's blog but am going to check it out and send a link to my Columbian girlfriend!

  12. I think it's light and delicious dish perfect for summer!Love your Columbian style chicken!

  13. This Columbian food sounds easy to prepare and looks good too!

  14. Delicious chicken the recipe..must try..thanks for sharing!

  15. I never had Columbian food, but this chicken dish looks and sounds delicious!

  16. I love South American food. Great add ins with the tomato and mushrooms as well. Very tasty!

  17. what a great new chicken recipe!

  18. where are the onions in the ingredient list?

  19. Rebecca, have you checked out the miso chicken recipe i posted recently? Please give a try and I bet you will love it. Hmm, this dish sound simple and good .

  20. Yum, I love a good Columbian twist on anything...sounds great!

  21. oh how yummy! the flavors look so good, love this chicken!

  22. I have never had Columbian food; youa re tempting me with this chicken recipe. Going to check out that blog!

  23. love a good chicken dish, this sounds like a keeper.

  24. I too love Erica's recipes and am glad that I've got smitten with Colombian food. Loved this delectable, easy-to-make dish too!

  25. I love this kind of dish...simple and so tasty. I visit Erica quite often ;-) Have a great week Rebecca!

  26. This dish looks great! Thanks for sharing.
    Hope your week is off to a good start.

  27. Mmmm-yet to taste Colombian food,but I guess I'll love it :)
    This sounds good and I definitely love the idea of adding shrooms to it!

  28. Looks delicious as always, Rebecca!

  29. Really great flavors here and love you add with the mushrooms...I could see this working with fish as well :)

  30. Looks delicious. Even "I" can try this recipe. Don't have to beg my wife :D

  31. Looks fab. Love the added veg.

  32. chef pandita you will love her blog
    Angie oh you must try it
    priscilla oh your friend will love her blog
    suptapa thanks
    cheah thanks
    Suman :-)
    Michael u would love it
    parsley sage thanks
    suzy eats oh thanks
    anonymous thanks so much for letting me know have added in the onion :-)
    sonia oh sorry missed it on my way over to book mark it
    girlichef :-)
    teresa thanks
    Rita oh you will enjoy it
    Lauren :-)
    swapna oh Erica is a sweetie
    sweta oh you would love it
    Kristen aw thanks and you too
    Juliana :-)
    angela thanks
    greedy rosie thanks so much kind of you
    magic of spice oh nice idea

  33. I love Columbian food and this looks delicious and healthy! Fabulous!

  34. Worcestershire sauce is an interesting addition, and seems a pretty easy recipe as well :)

  35. Hi Rebecca,
    Your variation sounds delicious! Thank you for your support :)

  36. The Worcestershire sauce was a happy surprise - love how she/you spiced it.

  37. Ananda :-)
    Erica I am one of your fans anytime
    Claudia :-) credit goes to Erica like you with the carbonara

  38. I would like to make this dish! I love its flavors and it's something I have never made B4 - not sure why?! Love it!


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