Bratwurst and Vegetable Pizza from Scratch

I made my first pizza from scratch last week, with homemade half whole 
wheat dough all in all pretty easy,  super tasty and healthy.


  • 2 cups of bread flour
  • 1 cup of whole wheat flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon active yeast 
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt 
  • about 1 1/2 cups of water enough to make a dough
  • 2 tablespoon of tomato paste 
  • freshly chopped oregano and basil about 1/2 a cup
  • 1/2 a zucchini sliced
  • 1/2 a yellow squash sliced
  • 5 mushrooms sliced 
  • 2 fresh tomatoes sliced 
  • 1/4 cup shredded cheeses of choice 
  • one cooked smoked bratwurst sliced

  1. Mix the flour with yeast and salt, keep a little back for kneading, then slowly mix in the water to make a dough
  2. let it sit for 5 minutes 
  3. knead it and let it rest another 45 minutes for the yeast to do its magic
  4. after the 45 minutes roll it out as flat as you can add flour to stop it sticking a pizza peel helps to transfer to and from oven
  5. top the pizza with tomato paste, fresh herbs, tomato, bratwurst and vegetables and the cheese
  6. also its wonderful to get a pizza stone and bake on this at 450 degrees for 10-15 minutes until the cheese is melted
  7. serve and enjoy

 Has anyone else made pizza from scratch?

This recipe is going in the Chow and Chatter recipe app just a few away from adding 50 more recipes to the app :-)

and the sweet Kris of Behind the Metatron passed on this awards, she a sweet food blogger and does great blog design

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  1. I too love to making my own pizza at home, fresh and good. Yours look good too.

  2. You know I am a pizza addict? So of course this looks AMAZING:-) You did a beautiful job on your first from scratch pizza:-)
    Hugs, Terra

  3. This looks incredible. You did a great job with the choice of toppings as well as the dough. Love it!

  4. Rebecca this looks yummy

  5. Great fresh toppings :) I love making pizzas at home! You can make them exactly how you want! My favorite is making Buffalo chicken pizza with homemade blue cheese dressing... mmmm! Not healthy at all but it hits the spot, haha.

  6. actually i haven't made my own pizza dough before! i want to attempt it :). hahahaha. i love how your pizza is packed with veggies!!

  7. I'm impressed you made this from scratch! It looks delicious.

  8. Sonia I need to do it more often
    Terra aw thanks
    Kim Bee thanks
    Akheela thanks and love seeing your name
    Victoria oh la la yours sounds amazing
    Junia oh yours would be fab as well give it a try
    yummy chunklet thanks

  9. What a great looking pizza! I shall too add some wholewheat to the pizza dough.

  10. Mmmm. I love bratwurst and I love pizza. This is a win-win!

  11. Have not tried to make pizza yet. Thanks for sharing this delicious pizza recipe :)

  12. One day...I want to make my own homemade pizza from scratch!! This looks delicious!

  13. What delicious toppings you have chosen for your first homemade pizza!

  14. Not for years! When the kids were little, they loved putting their own toppings on.
    This looks wonderful, Rebecca!

  15. We make pizza all the time. As unoriginal as it may sound, it's my favorite food. It's become a go to dish for me now that I've found my favorite crust recipe.

    Such a great idea with the bratwurst. We get some here locally and I'll have to remember this when I want to use some up. I love squash on pizza as well. great combo!

  16. Pizza from scratch is the best! We rock the bratwurst on ours too (at least on my side of the pizza!) Great recipe :)

  17. That is pretty darn amazing! I'm hungry!

    ps stop by for your award!

  18. looks very yummy ! i love pizza....who doesn't ?! i have a recipe too...yet to make it from scratch will put up later.

  19. I always buy the dough :),Yours looks delicious,Rebecca!

  20. Oh, love the combo of toppings on your delicious pizza, Reb! I've loved bratwurst on pizza ever since I made my Oktoberfest-inspired pizza. Can't beat homemade pizza (or dough).

  21. I love making pizza at home ~ its a fun weekend project to do with kids too!Yours look great n perfect!
    US Masala

  22. We have pizza night every Friday in our house and I started to make my own dough too. It is so much better, my boys love to choose the toppings... Thanks for sharing your delicious looking pizza!

  23. Looks great Rebecca! I made pizza dough several times but I leave it to my husband most of the time since he meddles in waay too much when I am making it. Just because he worked at Pizza Inn one summer when he was 17 makes him the pizza guru! So I shut up and leave the kitchen to him!

  24. BRAVO! Your pizza looks fantastic...
    very impressive Rebecca :)
    Hope your week is going wonderfully...

  25. Angie thanks
    tiffany aw thanks and thanks so much for stopping by
    jay sure
    Carrie aw thanks
    Ann oh looking forward to seeing yours
    Nami can have Japanese toppings
    Maris thanks
    peachkins thanks
    Barbara oh I let Jasmine do that
    Lori oh wow bet yours is amazing
    parsley sage :-)
    kris thanks on my way over
    a spoonful of yumm look forward to your recipe
    Erica thanks
    girlichef wish I could try yours
    ana on great tradition
    ilke that works wish mine could make it
    magic of spice good so far and thanks means alot to me

  26. Mm, looks like a very tasty pizza. Love zucchini squash on pizzas or any italian dish!

    Congrats on making it from scratch!

  27. I have just bought two oven stones for making pizzas. Thanks for the reminder make pizzas. Yours looks very delicious!

  28. Oh, yum! What a brilliant pizza topping using bratwurst.

  29. pauline thanks
    quay po cooks looking forward to your pizzas
    angela thanks

  30. Your pizza looks perfect. You wouldn't know it was your first from scratch pizza. ;-)

  31. I keep resisting pizza lately, but I just told lil'sis we are going to get some brick oven, but yours looks great!

  32. thanks Deb very kind of you
    E oh in a brick oven yum

  33. i love making my own pizza at home. this way each one can use their favorite toppings. yours look great. perfect dinner!

  34. looks like the dough came out perfectly - nice work!

  35. thanks so much Roxana it is fun :-)
    thanks simply life

  36. Yummy! this pizza looks amazing, Rebecca. I've made pizza before but don't make it that often, thanks for the inspiration :)

  37. chef pandita thanks so much can't wait to see your recipe


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