Lisa's Zucchini Bread

So our little one loves Zucchini bread and often has a slice with a glass of milk as an evening snack. I was thinking its high time I learnt how to make it so I posted a question on the facebook page and the sweet Lisa of bread wine and cheese sent me a recipe. I halved it to make just one loaf, but I think I didn't get enough moisture out of the zucchini and maybe I added a little too much blame the dietitian in me. It was decent but I am sure yours will be better here's the recipe, for you to get it perfect :-)

Zucchini Bread 
  • 3 cups all-purpose flour 
  • 1 tsp baking powder 
  • 1 tsp baking soda 
  • 1 tsp salt 
  • 1 Tbsp cinnamon 
  • 3 large eggs 
  • 1 cup vegetable or canola oil 
  • 2 cups light brown sugar, firmly packed 
  • 2 tsps vanilla, optional
  • 2 cups freshly grated zucchini, drained on a paper towel 
  • 1 cup chopped walnuts or pecans (optional) 


  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Grease and flour 2 loaf pans. In a large mixing bowl, combine dry ingredients. Beat together the eggs, oil, brown sugar and optional vanilla in another bowl and add to dry ingredients. Blend well. 
  2. Fold in the zucchini and optional nuts. Divide the batter between the loaf pans. Bake for 1 hour. Cool the pans for 10 min before you turn out loaves. 
  3. Note: If your zucchini seems extra damp, toss it through the dry ingredients before adding the liquid. This keeps it from settling to the bottom of the loaves as they bake.

So tonight I tried again this time, I didn't fold in the zucchini I think I over blended it in the mixture it made a thick dough and I put on facebook and tweeted @FoodGossip suggested biscotti so I sliced it and baked another 5 minutes and my mistake turned into something yummy

Oh the joy's of baking so pleased I don't do it as a living wouldn't make a profit he he he

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  1. hey Rebacca ..i make a zucchini bread with whole wheat and without squeezing the zucchini and it comes out neat ... may be the baking time was not enough for you.

    The recipe here looks great though.

  2. Que curioso, un pan de calabacín, me gusta.


  3. The recipe sounds interesting. I love zucchini but on bread.. i never thought. Thanks for sharing :)

  4. I needed an excuse to use my new minin loaf pans; thanks.

  5. Yum--I love zucchini bread--I don't know why I never try to make it myself. ;-)

  6. A cross between bread and biscotti...I love it!

  7. New to me but sure looks delicious and healthy. Rebecca, I'm excited to see your baby's picture soon :D Please care care. Hope you have a wonderful day.

  8. I keep saying I am going to make this, but forget...maybe now you have jetted me into doing it LOL!

  9. During the summer months when zucchini is abundant in the garden we often make bread or muffins. I just use a simple banana bread recipe and replace with the zucchini. I recently discovered whole wheat pastry flour. I love it for baked goods.

  10. Love, love, love zucchini bread!

  11. Oh, we love Zucchini Bread in this house, too. Glad it worked out in the end :D

  12. have you a recipe for zucchini scones?

  13. I must try baking with zucchini one day. It sure is nutritious.

  14. I love quick zucchini bread. I don't mind adding a little bit more of zucchini in it ;-)

  15. EA oh it worked out well will share recipe soon
    Sangeeta oh must be me
    Jose :-)
    Kanana very popular in the US
    Rita :-) enjoy
    Deb yours will be great
    claire me too
    Joanne kind of
    Mary will share I am sure
    Chef E thats cool
    mother rimmy good tip
    kysta me too
    girlichef :-0
    so mo no sorry try tweeting it
    cheah pretty healthy but oil in it
    angie :-)

  16. I am loving everything zucchini right now! This looks very yummy.

  17. I've never tried zucchini bread! This looks better than sugary bread for my kids' snack time. Looks delicious too! :-)

  18. I am going to use your recipe to mske my first zucchini bread!

  19. Zucchini bread is my favorite and is the perfect way to use some of the zucchini that will soon overwhelm us. I wish everything in my garden grew as well as that does.

  20. xialou thanks
    Nami looking forward to your post
    Maris cool
    Cathy bet your a pro

  21. i love zucchini bread!!! thanks so much for the recipe :D

  22. Love Zucchini in my bakes and this looks great!

  23. Zucchini bread or biscotti, both sound great :)

  24. What a creative idea!

  25. sanjeeta I need to use it more
    chef pandita :-)
    yummy chunklet he he

  26. we have an abundance of zucchini and always looking for new ideas to cook them. Your bread sounds great. Thanks for sharing Rebecca

  27. I love zucchini bread, but I am terrible with baking...the idea of a biscotti here sounds wonderful, great save :)


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