
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Chow and Chatters First Giveaway!

We went to Costa Rica a few years ago and loved it, if you haven't been go!, its a beautiful country with amazing countryside and wildlife, friendly people and one of my favourite things in the world is grown there. Yep coffee, I adore it in fact you can order it directly from one of the plantations there, Cafe Britt.

So for the giveaway, a $25 dollar gift voucher, for you to go online and choose some of their coffee's to try its fantastic by the way!, or some chocolate covered espresso beans or fruits or whatever takes your fancy.

You have until the end of June, to some up with a creative coffee recipe, either sweet or savoury, or a coffee drink, it can be as simple as the perfect cappuccino. Simply give me a link to your blog, as a comment, either in this post or any other during the month of June, oh and consider becoming a follower, and come along for the ride.

The winner will be announced June 30th so get your thinking caps on I can't wait to see your master pieces.


the best place in the world to have coffee.

looking forward to your posts

Love Rebecca

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Homemade Shortbread with Hawaiian twist! and.......Duck Eggs!!

Ingredients; 4oz butter softened, 2oz caster sugar, 5 oz flour, and some hawaiian pineapple sugar

1. cream butter and sugar
2. add flour with fork, then add to a baking tin, punch with fork many times and sprinkle with hawaiian pineapple sugar
3. bake in oven for 40 min at 325 until pale straw color.

and its done, lovely with strawberries and a cup of tea.

Oh and the mail man asked me the other day
Do you realize you have a Duck nesting in the front yard?, I said no, then I looked behind a bush and low and behold the little duckie has build herself a pretty little nest with 7 eggs inside.
How exciting, I keep quietly checking on her, as its right next to the front door, she covers them goes about her business and returns at night to keep them warm.

Lets hope they make it and we have some little chicks!!,
Does anyone know what ducks eat??

Love Rebecca

Friday, May 29, 2009

Goodies from Hawaii!! and Supper

So the Goodies from dear Deb in Hawaii came today from her giveaway in Kahakai kitchen
I was trying to make a nice little display to show you all but my little Angel got to it!

So I slightly modified Anthony's recipe from Blog: from a dietitians perspective for the fish and added some of the hawaiian spices to it, and ate it with asparagus and cous cous

Turned out really well, thank you again so much brightened our day and of course the chocolate is already gone he he

Love Rebecca

High Triglycerides are Associated with Nerve Fiber Loss in Diabetes

I just wanted to post this study for anyone with diabetes or who has friends and family with the condition, researchers have recently found that high levels of triglycerides in the blood ( a type of fat) is a marker for nerve damage. Therefore its very important to keep a check on this and keep it down under 150. Neuropathy or nerve damage is one of the long term complications of diabetes, along the cardiovascular disease, damage to the eyes and more. However with good control of your blood sugars and lipids, the risk of these can be significantly decreased. Follow a healthy diet and keep active, work with a good Dr. and Dietitian to stay in top shape.

Diabetes doesn't need to control you, YOU control it!

oh and another resource for you written by no other than me!!

15 ways to Recession Proof Your health:

If you need any help or suggestions I am always here for you


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Homemade Chapattis

Well I call them Chapatti, some folks also say rotti. Its an Indian flat bread like a tortilla, and tastes great with any type of curries, or veggies and my daughter loved it!

Ingredients: Chapatti flour (whole wheat) from indian store, salt, water, yogurt, oil.

1. mix some flour, amount depends on how many you want to make, I don't make much as its work he he, add water till you get a nice dough, 1 tablespoon natural yogurt as this makes it softer, salt and little oil.
Put this aside for a couple of hours.
2. knead the dough then roll out into little pancake type shapes
3. heat a pan with a little oil if desired, also works well without, then add the chapatti to the pan (the thinner the better, I use a dosa pan) press spatula down along the edges to try and trap a pocket of air inside to make it puff up. This makes it soft, cook a couple of minutes on each side and set aside.

we ate ours with chicken curry, okra, broccoli and dal

This was our daughters!

Enjoy and remember portion control its very easy to get a lot of these, 2 - 3 is plenty, fill up on the veggies, one of the reasons I steamed broccoli.

Rebecca, oh and not bad for an English girl!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Indonesian Fried Rice: Nasi Goreng

When you need a quick tasty and healthy meal, curry pastes are great, I found this one in world market now I need to read up on Indonesian food and make it from scratch the ingredients are shallots, garlic, tomato paste and chili's. Stores like World Market and foreign grocery stores are a great introduction to new cuisines and put you on the search for more!

So first you make an omelette I added chilli's to mine!, cut into thin strips and keep it aside.

Then you fry onions in canola oil, scrimp with 4 tablespoons of the paste, green pepper, snow peas, peas or any veggies then slowly add cooked rice. I use a rice cooker, so all in all this meal is so easy, great for when you are short of time,


Much Love Rebecca

Lovely Blog Award and Note Worthy Blogs to Read

The lovely Dar from Girlichef gave me this award, she has a wonderful blog and has become a great blogging buddy, she writes entertaining and lively posts and boy can she cook check her blog here, I know a lot of you already have he he

For the award we have to mention 7 blogs we have recently discovered so here goes

1. A Slice of Cherry Pie this is first class, in fact the author a fellow Brit founded the UK bloggers association that we can all join even if not living in the UK

2. Steph Chows another fab find and great chef and person

3. Angies recipes Angie lives in Germany and can cook such a wide range of foods, she's lovely, you will love her blog

4.My Carolina Kitchen Sam is a food writer and awesome cook, living in the North Carolina Mountains she even saw a Black Bear yesterday!, you will enjoy her blog

5. One Perfect Bite Mary is an amazing cook and often adds great bits of food history with her posts

6. Suzzie the Foodie she is a food writer and writes fab tutorials on her blog
and finally

7. Sunny at that extra 20 pounds, a frank and lovely blog about her quest to get healthier

I love blogging and making new friends in the process, it inspires me to try new dishes and get great tips for life, happy reading......


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Change it Up: Walk in a New Part of Town

Recently I mentioned its a good idea to walk in different area's of your town, to make walking more fun. So today we did just that here are some amazing pictures.
While activity may not have a lasting effect on our metabolism it sure does have a lasting effect on our well being and mood

This was the biggest and most beautiful magnolia tree I have ever seen!

What a mansion gorgeous

This beautiful home has tomato plants planted in the front

Hubby pushing baby with doggie

So don't be disheartened get out and walk, smell the flowers, enjoy the sites and feel great


Exercise Shown Not to Rev up Metabolism: So be Careful What You Eat!

A study done by an exercise physiologist in Colorado and Duke University found that exercise doesn't significantly increase our metabolism after a workout, it only seems to increase fat metabolism during with no lasting effect. Therefore we need to be careful what we eat afterwards. A lot of folks, feel good that they worked out and may over eat feeling that exercise gives them a licence to do this.

Don't be disheartened however exercise is great for us and along with a balanced diet will lead to weight loss and maintenance of that loss.

Just some food for thought, keep a food diary of calories consumed and along side it record calories burned with activity,
Professor Melanson states that " If you exercise and replace the calories you burn, you're no better with regard to how much fat you burn than if you didn't exercise."

If calories burned equal calories consumed our weight stays the same, so enjoy a workout followed by a healthy portion controlled snack a piece of fruit, one cookie not 4! and only eat if your feeling hungry!

Feel free to share tips below.......


Monday, May 25, 2009

Home Made Biscotti

So I love biscotti and always figured it would be hard to make not so I looked up a few on line recipes then adapted this one,

Ingredients: 1/2 cup canola oil (as monounsaturated), 1 cup sugar, 3 cups all purpose flour, 1 tablespoon baking powder, any kind of dried fruits and nuts, little Cinnamon, and 2 tablespoon of cocoa

1. Preheat oven to 375 and grease cookie sheet, I used baking paper in fact I wrapped this around the mixture to keep in in shape!
2. beat eggs, oil and sugar together it really works you don't need butter
3. slowly add in flour and baking powder , nuts and cocoa and stir. it makes a thick and sticky mixture by the the way.
4. put on cookie sheet and press down to 1/2 inch thickness.
5. Bake for 25-30 min until golden brown, then remove and let it cool

6. slice then bake slices about 5 min on each side
7. let cool then drizzle with melted chocolate, dip in nuts and have fun!

It tasted amazing I was proud of little me



Sunday, May 24, 2009

Interview with Abbie ER Nurse and Marathon Runner

Hi there I just wanted to share a link to another article I wrote, I interviewed Abbie an ER Nurse and Marathon runner, its really quite inspiring that she has a busy job but still makes time to stay in shape, eat well and follow her passion.

She is also a fellow blogger and foodbuzz publisher in fact thats how I stumbled upon her blog and asked her if I could interview her!

her blog is

Wow I am coming across some awesome folks in the blogging world.

Much love Rebecca

Guest Post from Bernie at Yo- Yo No More

Let me introduce you to Bernie a wonderful person from down under who is on the road to feeling healthy and good about life, I found her blog one day and adored the concept of writing 5 things you are proud of each day, lets all give it a try....

check her blog below and her post, its inspiring, you will love reading it

5 Things I'm Proud Of

It sounds totally dorky, but being proud of myself has changed the way I see myself and my life.

Like many other people who struggle with their weight I also struggle with a little voice inside my head that tells me I’m not good enough, don’t deserve the life I dream of and basically can’t do it.

Over the years of failed dieting and yo-yoing out of control this voice got louder and louder, until some days it was all I could hear. That’s when I decided I’d try the positive thinking mumbo jumbo I was so jaded about. I’d read a few books, heard the catch phrases of all the motivational speakers, but none of it really resonated with me. So I made up my own positive thinking exercise.

It started with me thinking of 5 things everyday. I found it really hard at first I would often sit there staring at the wall with nothing coming to mind. I persevered, determined to make a change, and soon enough it all started to flow a bit easier.

The thing about this simple exercise is that it helped immensely in quietening that little voice inside my head and also got me looking at the positives in my life. The 5 things I chose didn’t have to be all about dieting and healthy living, I started to be proud that I cleaned the house, walked the dogs, that I went to bed early.

It had a flow on effect I didn’t anticipate. I found I was seeking out activities in my day that I knew I would be proud of and soon I realised I’d become one of ‘those’ people, you know the ones, happy, positive, unburdened.

Doing this, letting myself be proud of all the little things, has been a revolution in my life. I feel as though I’m kinder to myself and others, more patient, less expectant.

As far as the dieting goes, I’ve stopped. I’m taking each day as it comes, some days are not so great, other days I really feel like I’ve found my groove, but the most important thing is I’ve learned to recognise my achievements no matter how big or small, be kind to myself and let myself enjoy this life I’m living, today.

What about you? Got any positive thinking tricks up your sleeve? Any tactics to silence that little, yet loud, voice in your head? See you in the comments :)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Mushroom Croquettes Inspired by Jenn from Bread and Butter

I saw this recipe on Jenns blog today Bread and Butter

and it inspired me to give it a shot as today is our 6th wedding anniversary and I thought it would make a good starter for the main we are having Italian sausage with veggies fresh herbs and a tomato based sauce over polenta, then tiramisu for dessert. I cheated on the dessert its from Fresh Market!!

I adore Jenns blog she posts such simple recipes, in fact I want to give her another award

I also want to give this to Erica at My Columbian recipes she in inspiring me to try South American cooking so watch this space!, more than just rice and beans which I make a lot!!

check her blog out at

In fact I follow so many great blogs and get inspiration to try new things, cooking is fun and often so much healthier than eating out

Just going to put little one to bed then we will enjoy, I hear a sleepy cry!!

Love Rebecca

Great Find: Handmade Food Dome from Bali

This is so cute found it yesterday in World Market great for keeping cakes and breads in on the table, or as a fruit bowl to keep those pesty summertime flies of!!

I adore World Market its a great place to get food from around the globe I go there when I am craving Mcvities Digestive biscuits and British Chocolate he he -


Friday, May 22, 2009

Easy Peasy Tuna Panini

Quick and easy Panini idea mix tuna with a little light mayo, put between 2 slices of wholegrain bread with cheese and grill and there you have it a tasty little lunch.

I just love my Panini maker he he


Ever Dreamed of Staying in a Scottish Castle........

My parents recently visited myres castle in Auchtermuchty Fife apparently it is only open to the public a couple of times a year. It was owned by Mary Queen of Scots daughter my Mum says. Even then folks are just allowed in the gardens and not the house. But you get to enjoy the gorgeous gardens meet the staff of the castle and eat home made cakes on the lawn. My Dad forgot to take pictures of these sob sob he was probably too busy eating them to remember he loves his cakes. I have inherited this from him tea and cake on the lawns of a castle, heaven.

In fact when I studied in Aberdeen in the North of Scotland we would often drive to castles and do this, fresh homemade scones, strawberries, cream and tea. It was our little treat to ourselves after long days studying.

Check out the website of this 5 star castle it can be rented out, but its not cheap!... but we can dream. For those living in North Carolina or planning to visit be sure to go the The Biltmore Estate America's castle there's a winery and restaurant on site.
North Carolina also has wonderful vineyards often with restaurants.

Check your local area maybe there's a hidden gem like Myres castle in my parents neighbourhood and please share.....

The 16Th century castle is completely invisible from the road as it is hidden in the woods

highland cows grazing. Don’t be taken in by their friendly looks – the horns are very sharp

Have a great Memorial Day weekend, hope your all have time off work

Love Rebecca

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Florida Eats! and Thank you Kahakai Kitchen!

We just got back from Destin Florida, wow what a place the beaches are amazing, sugar white sand and green clear waters and great outlet shopping. We stayed in the Marriott on the Sanddestin resort, beautiful. Manicured lawns, lakes, and golf courses, also great little restaurants.
Destin is a great place for families, low key and compact, I highly recommend it, I am so pleased folks stressed how good it is to us so we visited. We will be going back !

Gumbo, well not really Floridian but a New Orleans special, but of course loaded with fresh fish from the Gulf of Mexico you can't go wrong. In fact on the last night we had a wonderful Gumbo from one of the Restaurants in Baytowne village in the Sanddestin Resort, we had take out as our little one was tired and I needed to put her to bed. So we enjoyed it on the hotel balcony small adaptations you make as a parent!.

Crab legs, delicious and so fresh our 9 month old even liked these!!

more crab!!

Crab claws, fried southern style very tasty but I wasn't very good at getting the little amount of meat inside of them out!!

Destin is also blessed with a huge Fresh Market you may recall from one of my earlier posts is my favourite grocery store, so we loaded up from fresh bread, yogurts and fruits for snacks.

All in all we had a wonderful trip to Destin, if you haven't been what are you waiting for he he

Now I need to catch up on reading all of your blogs, missed y'all !! ( he he with a British accent!!)

On a final note I want to say Thank you to Deb at Kahakai kitchen she had a fab giveaway of Hawaiian goodies if you simply left a comment of the items you would pack from your country, I choose Yorkshire tea, digestive biscuits, custard, Heinz baked beans, and cadburys dairy milk chocolate. Be sure to check our her blog, its wonderful and she has a lovely little cat who assisted her on the draw!!

what would you pack from your country or state? please share, its lovely to see what everyone loves from where they come from.......


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Great Find: Brown Cow Farm Yogurts! and Bon Voyage

I just found these yogurts the other day I am so into natural and tasty yogurts with a baby and these are truly divine, me and little Jasmine tucked into the chocolate one he he, scrumptious.

Just thought I would recommend them, they have cream top, low fat and some with whole grain's.

Probably you know them already but it was so good I just had to share, also if you go to the website you can print off coupons!

We are going to Florida tomorrow for 3 days excited to get our little one in the water for the first time and have some good fresh sea food,

Much Love Rebecca

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Winston Salem's Greek Festival

Every May Winston Salem's Greek community hosts a Greek festival with home cooked food, gifts, cooking lessons and live music to showcase the rich cultural heritage of the local Greek community. It is a very popular event and you will indeed struggle to get parking!

Its a wonderful place to visit the food is great and tastes Authentic I have been fortunate to have been to Greece a couple of times so have a benchmark. The dancing and music is a lot of fun, for kids. Our daughter is still a little young and poor thing was so sleepy, but in the future she will get more out of it.

Cars are parked everywhere!

The Hellenic Center

Live Music, folks are sitting out enjoying the warm NC evening

Traditional home made sweets, delicious

Chicken, Rice and Green Beans

Greek Salads

Pork Souvlaki, sauteed green beans, rice, spinach pie and greek salad, we got a take out as the little one was getting tired.
They also sold Greek Food there and to my delight I found there is a Greek grocery store in town you guessed it, I'll be going there, as they are getting a shipment of honey in 2 weeks!

Does your town have any local festivals, if so tell us about it below......