Sausage and White Bean Stew

I made this stew recently after seeing it in the New York times, I have been wanting to combine sausage and beans after seeing Lauren's Causoulet on Healthy Delicious and the same week ordering it at The Print Works Bistro in Greensboro. So when I saw this recipe I was thrilled its an easy way to make a fun stew and the use of the tomato paste and fresh herbs eliminates the need for stock often high in salt. He he that's the dietitian talking!, enjoy a great dish for fall :-)

Sausage and White Bean Stew 

Based on a recipe in the New York Times 


  • 3 large Italian sausages
  • 4 cloves of chopped garlic
  • one onion finely chopped
  • 1/2 a cup of tomato paste
  • 2 sprigs of fresh rosemary
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 3 stalks of celery chopped 
  • 2 large carrots chopped
  • one tablespoon of cumin powder
  • olive oil
  • one can of Northern beans or dried can be used
  • 2 bay leaves
  • tablespoon of Italian herbs

  1. cook the sausage in olive oil then set aside
  2. then saute the onion in olive oil with tomato paste add garlic, celery and carrots and saute for 7-10 minutes add the bay leaves and a little Italian herbs, beans with 6 cups of water and turn to a simmer
  3. add the sausage and cook on low for 30 minutes 
We had a little get together for my husbands colleagues and their families at our house tonight we cheated and got food from a local Indian restaurant but all in all a fun evening nice to meet the team, love the the diversity of it Americans, Indians and a Haitian :-)

 Jasmine enjoyed hanging out with the big girl, an 8 year old although she wasn't so sure as Jasmine didn't know how to play tag properly!

I would encourage you to have a party this way hassle free and the cost can be shared :-)

Have a great start to the week everyone and thanks again for all your great comments and discussion on my video clip love ya

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  1. This is comfortat its best and a dish after my own heart. I do use stock - either my own or low-sodium. But oh, the sausage. Oh! the beans!

  2. Agree with Claudia! Totally comforting....

  3. Gorgeous--hearty and true comfort food for sure. I have been craving caussoulet lately and this looks just yummy. ;-)

  4. That is so hearty! Best of all it is very healthy too.

  5. Un plato de salchichas excelente, me encanta. SAludos

  6. Very comforting and healthy too! Love it :)

  7. Simple yet so flavorful, perfect to make a big pot on the weekend and enjoy it on the busy weekdays!

  8. i tried a similar stew in Brazil last time, they cook bean with beef, quit delicious. Your stew look yummy too.

  9. Is that time of the year again for a great soup.
    Your looks mouth watering.
    My mom cooks a very similar soup using lentils.

    Thanks for sharing it.


  10. This is so much more approachable than a true French cassoulet, Rebecca! Not that I don't love one, but really time consuming to make.
    This is a super dish to try...can't wait for our first chilly weather.

  11. Sausage and beans go sooo well together!

  12. yum. this sounds so comforting and delicious.

  13. wonderful combination of flavors! I might make this dish this week!

  14. Sausage and beans-- hearty, comforting, and delicious! Looks great!

  15. so strange but I've never made a stew or maybe I have but didn't call it a stew. I love the sound of this one. We ski in the winter and this seems like the ultimate apres ski meal. I also think my kids would enjoy this.

  16. Hey Rebecca!

    It sounds fantastic! And healthy?

  17. Sausage and white bean..that's a great comforting dish!

  18. Love cassoulet. White beans are so fall/winter. Love the flavors you have there. Well done!

  19. When is someone going to invent a machine that can manufacture dishes we see on food blogs? I want that stew. Now please.
    Robyn x

  20. I always love newspaper recipes, they are mostly wonderful! This one looks like it's in that category. Thanks, as always, for visiting!

    P.S. I had never heard of white salmon either and frankly, it didn't look too appetizing to me, but the commentator said that it is white because of where the salmon live and what they eat, apparently they weren't eating whatever other salmon eat that make them pink. Doesn't that erase the Omega 3 benefits? I don't know.

  21. This sounds so good - perfect for a cool fall evening! Plus, my husband is irish and sausage is one of his staples - I must try this. Thanks!

  22. I'm a huge fan of white beans and sausage together. My very smart grandmother always combined the two.

  23. mmmm, what a beautiful stew, i love the combo of flavors!

  24. This sounds like a very great meal!

  25. This looks great! I love the big pieces of sausage...yum!

  26. This looks wonderful, Rebecca. The combination of sausages and beans is a comforting favorite. I've been buying no sodium stocks lately ;)

    Sounds like you had a wonderful evening with your husband's colleagues!

  27. Real comfort food! Looks delicious...and rich!

  28. Looks so delicious. I like the idea of using sausage and beans in a stew. Great combo!

  29. This sounds like such a nice, healthy AND delicious combination! Perfect for the cooler weather that is coming upon us!

  30. Claudia smiles I agree total comfort food
    Belinda :-)
    Deb thanks
    3 hungry tummies i know perfect right
    jose thanks
    Anncoo thanks
    stephanie yep we had leftovers for a few days
    Sonia wow cool you were in Brazil
    Mely oh I want to try your Mums
    Barbara from being there may be a while he he yep I like easy recipes
    Kim i agree
    Michael thanks
    design wine and design hope you try it
    the food hound thanks
    Lauren sounds great after skiing :-)
    Sommer thanks
    Angie thanks
    Doc aw thanks kind of u
    Robyn here you go a plate my friend
    Joie de vivre interesting info on the salmon
    Gina hope your hubby likes it
    Damaris yep shes smart
    teresa thanks
    Dimah thanks
    nutmeg nanny thanks so much
    savoring time in the kitchen yep was a fun evening :-)
    Erica thanks
    Raina thanks
    emily smiles
    sushma thanks

  31. this sausage and bean stew looks so delicious!

  32. You have to love a stew that can be made in one pot. That's one of the great things about fall cooking. Easy!

  33. my heart stayed here lol such a soothing, comforting, warming and downright good.

  34. Love this comfy stew! Cumin powder with Italian herbs are very good combo of flavors and soul soothing taste!

  35. yum! sausage and white beans are such a natural pairing, aren't they? I've been obsessed lately.

    Thanks for the mention! :)

  36. Ottimi abbinamneti per un piatto ricco di sapore. Ciao Daniela.

  37. This recipe is a keeper; Love to find something healthy to add to menu; true comfort food...good for you.
    I really enjoyed your video.

  38. I have some middle eastern lamb sausages in my freezer, I think they would work nicely with this recipe. Love these kinds of stews in the Fall!

  39. Very nice recipe, one that looks easy and tasty. Thanks for it.

  40. Azita thanks
    the duo dishes so true easy rocks
    daphe smiles
    always a winner love cumin as well
    Lauren my pleasure
    Daniela thanks
    Rita thanks enjoy
    fortheloveofyum oh your sausages sound perfect for it
    Judy my pleasure

  41. oh this is a stew my husband and I would both love!

  42. If there's sausage, I'm so in on this recipe!

  43. I got away with making this once with hubby- he is not a big fan of either ingredient. I would like to go have the Parisian version one day!

    Yours looks yummy!

  44. simply life thanks hope you guys try it
    peachkins he he sound like me
    E oh you mean in Paris great idea

  45. What a complete and pretty meal. Great directions and photos.

    Plan B

  46. Looks very delicious...very inviting and comforting in this cold weather :D

  47. This stew looks delicious! I love sausage stews....I don't really know why but they sound really yummy to me =) haha....
    I never realised you were a dietician! that the same as a nutritionist?

  48. Rebecca, I love white beans specially with sausage. What a nice way to beat the cold weather :-)YUMMIE!

  49. these dishes are the best for fall, comfort and tummy pleasing..glad you had a great get together..


  50. chef B thanks so much
    mr pineapple man smiles
    Mary oh I agree love stews at this time of year
    Von yep I am a dietitian same thing just registered
    Juliana thanks
    sweetlife thanks smiles


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