Bloggers: Guard Your Page Rank

Hi all I really had this on my heart today and wanted to share this information on what page rank is, how to check it, why its important and why money for text links may not be a good idea. Just my personal thoughts, what are yours .............

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  1. Rebecca I had a very similar situation a couple weeks ago...and I too turned it down...I also feel like in the past when I have done this sort of thing it was a mistake...even those giveaways for links is a bad idea...I'm not totally against having advertising on my blog, just from now on it will be things I find useful or thing I think my readers might be interested in.

  2. Great tips Rebecca. I am loving all your videos!

  3. Hi Rebecca
    Many thanks for your video, very informative.
    I have been approached many times by advertisers but I have never accepted to do anything for them.
    I love giving a hand to my fellow Bloggers.
    I have received many emails from companies asking if I would like to receive their goodies but I have declined them too. I do not want to give my personal details (such as my home address) to people I do not know who they really are.
    There are people out there who will say or do anything for a quick buck.
    Beware of the scammers out there ♥

  4. Great advice. The other thing to do is to set your own rate sheet and actively approach companies you believe in for their advertising / affliation or support. Or join an ad network. Ahh & guess what. I've just got the said citrus approach too.

  5. Goodness. I do would not know what to do if my site did not earn a penny/day on a good day. $40 to $50 for site link sounds like a lottery win. I do not play the lottery :) Tien

  6. I also have a PR4 rating but I do accept text links on a limited basis. I screen the companies as best I can and I have variable rates according to either duration or content. It has worked ok so far.

  7. Fascinating. I have a few small ads that I make no money off of - so thinking of taking them down. And usually turn advertisers down since that's not the purpose of my blog anyway. The text links are new to me - mainly have people wanting to have their link on my blog - which I don't do. I like to choose the links on my blog. Great posting, Rebecca!

  8. Very interesting topic and something I hadn't even thought about are new about (as far as page ranking goes). Thank you for informing us of the challenges and pitfalls as we continue blogging!

  9. Bo well said I second it I think its just a topic we all need to be aware of
    3 hungry tummies he he pleased you like it
    Ana well said thats another good point about your address
    Emma stirling thats a great idea and thats too funny they have approached you as well
    Tien he he the money is tempting thats but we have to make informed choices
    doggybloggy i have noticed on your blog, I guess everyone has to do whats right for them
    Claudia this is an interesting topic
    savoring time in the kitchen my pleasure we should all help each other out :-)

  10. I love all your videos, Rebecca.Before your post I didnt even know that something like a page rank exists.Thanks so much for thr info.

  11. Rebecca, thanks for this very informative post. I am a newbie and I know there is much to learn. Will check out my pagerank and see where I stand :)

  12. Great info Rebecca, I did not know of this. We are still pretty new :)

  13. sinfully spicy thanks pleased I could help in my little way
    Biren smiles
    gulmohar my pleasure
    Alisha I only found out by chance but valuable info

  14. Rebecca, thank you for taking the time to share this. Just received your note on NEdpg and viewed your video.

    Many thanks,

  15. Rebecca, thanks so much for this information. I'd never thought of things like this until recently, I just blogged because I love it...but I've started to realize there's more than meets the eye, and bits like this make me want to go out and educate myself and figure out what/how I'm ranked and what helps and what hurts me/my site. Thanks again!

  16. Great post! Had no idea that having advertising can actually hurt your own site? How can you know that they are 'bad links'? interesting . . . thanks for sharing on NE too!

  17. Thanks so much for this info Rebecca. I had no idea what page rank was. I also have a page rank of 4, but I usually turn down offers to "exhange links" with strange websites and companies that I don't support. I also do not allow guest posts unless they are from legit bloggers (like you!) whose views on health reflect my own.
    Thanks for the great post!

  18. Anthony my pleasure :-)
    girlichef thats the number one reason to blog :-)
    Carrie my pleasure
    Eating RD smiles
    Emily thats wonderful

  19. Your video is excellent and full of such wonderful advice. Thanks for sharing this with all of us and educating us too. By the way congratulations on your app, I know it will be a huge success :)

  20. spicie foodie thanks so much very sweet of u

  21. Rebecca, thank you for taking the time to make this video on this important subject and to educate us. I need to look into page rankings. Very informative post. I'm on my way to page rank checker now.

  22. I never knew about this. I've never been approached, but thank you for sharing this! I will definitely be more aware in the future!

  23. Sam my pleasure will continue to share what I learn along the way
    Victoria you will be soon lol

  24. Who knew? Thank you for the information. I too am thinking about taking my ads down. I never have received any money for them anyway. Very interesting- thank you!

  25. Lori pleased I could help in my little way Rebecca


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