African Music to Make You Smile

Just for fun I thought I would share some music from Africa, when I am feeling low this kind of music uplifts me, love it when Jasmine was a small baby and colicky would dance with her to this and it soothed her. There is a wonderful music company called Putumayo that does CD's from around the World, I have a few it introduces us to musicians we may never have heard of :-)
Enjoy :-)

Bongo - Mulemba Xangola - Angola
Sekouba Bambino Famous - Guinea

What country shall I cover next?

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  1. You are so fun. I just want to hang out with you and enjoy every moment.

  2. This music is wonderful, Rebecca. I love African music too. Thanks for telling me about some new songs to add to my playlist

    If you feel like it, please join in with my Sunday Song linky party and link up this post. We'd love it if you could join in!

    Best wishes always,

  3. another music to chill out. .smooth and nice

  4. I just saw invictus and loved the South African locations and spirit... thanks for the great music!

  5. I will listen to this later for sure. Right now I am sitting at my in-laws (traveling for the holiday) and my nephew is asleep next to me! XO

  6. African music does make one want to dance!

  7. I fell in love with African music years ago when I saw Watoto children's choir! Thank you for your visit to my site. Look forward to more from your blog.

  8. Music doth sooth the savage breast-I love reggae for the same purpose. I think if we made warring countries listen to reggae they would stop fighting....

  9. You so cute- what you do to bring this various stuff to introduce to people! I can see you dancing around with Jaz!

  10. I like the uplifting sound of this song. It reminds me of the jazz tunes of the 60s and 70s.

  11. so pleased you al enjoyed the music I think Bollywood songs will be next he he

    hugs Rebecca

  12. I love putamayo wish We could hang out with the girls :)

  13. Calling by from Italy via Australia and Sunday Song, listening to your selection at the moment. Very cheering on a cold and wet day.


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