Introducing the Chow and Chatter Recipe app!!!

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  1. Rebecca, this is SO exciting and I am SO excited for you. I really want an IPhone or an IPad. Christmas is coming up and if Verizon gets the IPhone, we'll be getting a phone. I wish you and your APP the very best.

    Chow and Chatter APP rocks.

  2. Rebecca, I am so proud of you! You're one of the few people who I know who set out to accomplish someone and get it each and every time. I don't have an iPhone, but I wish your venture the best of luck!

  3. You know I'm excited for you!! Good luck and keep us in the loop on how the whole process is going! Have a great rest of the weekend!

  4. How wonderful, Rebecca. How did you do this? I'm wishing for an IPhone now :)

  5. CONGRATS!! That is awesome & I am sure that every single penny spent will be well worth the effort. I must go check out your app & will spread the word :)

  6. Love it, Rebecca! Congrats again! I do believe that dreams come true and I'm so happy for you :)

  7. Hi Rebecca.
    Congratulations, you are a great inspiration.
    I stayed with you for the whole 5 mins 43 sec and loved it.
    I do believe that dreams come true ♥

  8. Hi Rebecca.
    Congratulations, you are a great inspiration.
    I stayed with you for the whole 5 mins 43 sec and loved it.
    I do believe that dreams come true ♥

  9. Okay... So I just want to reach into that screen and give you a GIANT hug and kiss! Rebecca, you continue to inspire me! I wish I could just DO things like I want to and this was just the motivation I needed!!! Okay, I'm buying this app and I'm going to post about it on my blog because I just think it's the greatest thing ever and I'm so proud of you for going for it! You are a gem!!!

  10. Wow! Congrats! I'll have to check this out on my phone soon.

    Glad I started following you on Twitter! =)

  11. Congratulations! Good job! I will be checking it out on my iphone!

  12. I bought the app! It works great on the should go out and get one. They are awesome :)

  13. Wow, how exciting to have your very own app!

  14. Sam thanks so much your support means the World to me HUGS
    Christine thanks so much and for being so sweet hugs and love Rebecca
    peachkins thanks
    Julie thanks so much sure will will keep you all updated
    the Ungourmet I paid a developer lol
    Marla thanks so very kind of you hope so
    Victoria your so so sweet looking forward to meeting you next month
    Ana wow thats cool maybe get to meet you one of these days in the UK
    Diana oh thanks your inspiring as well you know love ya
    Kim oh lovely to meet you on twitter and here, got to love twitter
    Pam oh cool let me know what you think
    Nutmeg nanny oh thanks and for coming back to let us know
    Emily smiles

  15. You added a video? Hmmm, must have missed it! Hubby bought me an IPod Touch, so I can upload it onto that? I will try it...maybe I can send recipes to him when a market trip is made!

  16. chef E yep will work on iTouch let me know what you think and how cool to email recipes

  17. Rebecca, I am so so so excited for you!!! And I am so proud of you for going all the way with this...I still remember when you were just starting the idea and process...
    P.S. I still want one for my blackberry ;)

  18. Alisha thanks so much for your support maybe one day will do it for blackberry have to break even first :-) hugs Rebecca


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