Beef and Vegetable Soup


This soup is rather special if I do say myself, because I made my own stock!, for the first time. It was easy and cost effective. I found a big bag of beef bones at my local butcher for just $3 made it the day before and voila a tasty soup was born :-) The soup was inspired by both Mely's blog - Mexico in my Kitchen (she recently did a guest post) and Deb's blog Kahakai Kitchen 
Next time after making the stock I will make it a clear soup but the dietitian in me couldn't discard the veggies in it so blended it. 

So don't throw your Turkey bones away this thanksgiving - make stock!

 Beef and vegetable soup

The Stock -

slowly boil 4 beef bones with 2 chopped carrots, a large chopped onion, 4 cloves of garlic and turnip for 1-2 hours if you want a clear stock remove both bones and vegetables, allow to cook and skim of the fat


  • one pack of stew beef 
  • one chopped onion
  • 4 cloves of chopped garlic 
  • one sprig of fresh rosemary
  • 1/4 cup chopped cilantro
  • salt and pepper to taste 
  • 2 large carrots chopped
  • 1/2 a turnip chopped 
  • a small pumpkin chopped
  • one cup frozen peas 

  1. brown the stew beef in olive oil, with the onion and garlic for 5 minutes
  2. then add the vegetables basically any you have on hand or what's in season
  3. add the stock from earlier and the herbs 
  4. simmer for 45-60 minutes and enjoy
Have a wonderful thanksgiving all, I am so thankful so far 126 chow and chatter recipe apps have been downloaded in 10 countries :-)

Love you all - reading your blogs, stories and your friendship make life so much fun :-)

God Bless 

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  1. Yay, I'm so glad your stock turned out well, and your soup looks great!

  2. Homemade stock is so much better than the boxed stuff. I'm glad your app is selling so well.

  3. Homemade stock is wonderful. Great idea for the turkey bones. Glad to hear your app is selling well.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your lovely family Rebecca.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving
    You really understand about good food, well I should not forget your line of work.
    Yummy soup ♥

  5. I love making my own stock! You can use your crock pot too. Soup looks extra delicious! Congrats on your apps! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your beautiful family! xoxo

  6. Yum! Your stock looks great Rebecca. I would have kept the veggies in too.

    Have a great Thanksgiving! Congrats on your app sales!

  7. Rebecca that is such great inspiration to make my own stock! I used to make it alot but have gotten lazy - but what a difference REAL stock makes. This is the perfect time of year to do it too. Thanks for the inspiration and congrats on the app sales - how fabulous!

  8. Such a hearty soup but the weather here is too hot for that now :(

  9. Once you make your own stock, you'll never go back, it does make a big difference in flavor. I like your idea of pureeing veggies into the stock.

    I'm glad to see your app doing well!

  10. Whoa! I love that you made your own stock. That makes this soup both cost-efficient AND extra delicious!

  11. We are freezing up here; your soup is what will have to be on the menu; love making my own stock;it does make a difference. I sould do the same; keep those vegies; they
    are full of flavour.

  12. Victoria thanks so much
    Bo thanks so appreciate your support
    Sam thanks hugs
    Ana aw thanks thats kind of u
    Reeni good idea happy thanksgiving
    Julie aw thanks
    honeybeecooksjackfruit thanks
    stephanie thanks so much lol
    3 hungry tummies aw well always time for it later enjoy the Aussie summer
    Sushma thanks
    Christine thanks so much
    Joanne your right
    Rita thats cool

  13. There is nothing better than a hearty beef soup. I just made one last night for my husband. He's been feeling under the weather, and soup fit the bill. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  14. Making homemade stock is an intimidating concept... until you do it, then you wonder what all the fuss was about!! Soup looks great! Have a lovely Thanksgiving!!

  15. Gorgeous soup--it looks so hearty and good. Thanks for the shout out too. ;-) Let me know if you want to share your soup at Souper Sundays this week.

    Have a great Thanksgiving!

  16. mother rimmy bet yours was great
    food hound so true
    Deb so sorry forgot to send it in to you Rebecca


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