Green Lentil Coconut Curry

I made this lentil curry dish recently based on this coconut dal, we eat dal all the time and the method of cooking the lentils in coconut milk sounded so good to me. I couldn't find red lentils in the grocery store so used French green lentils, over all it was a tasty dish but a tad rich for us, will stick with our regular dals :-)

We just had the best week with my dear sister in law and her hubby, who visited from the UK. We took them to Charleston for a couple of days they loved it and of course it was a joy for them to get to meet Roshan and play with Jasmine in fact Jasmine's middle name is my sis in law's name she's a special lady. Its so quiet now and we miss them both but my parents come on Thursday! 

Have a great rest of the weekend everyone 


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  1. Loved the recipe because i like lentils and coconut milk flavor. Liked the combination you've brought here as well as the pics.

  2. What a lovely dish. I'm so glad you got to spend fun time with your family. I know what it's like when you are living away and you cherish the time you have when family visits.

    Enjoy your visit with your parents.

    In the meantime I'm going to make this green lentil coconut curry!

  3. just the name itself sounds absolutely amazing let alone how you describe it! Love this dish! Thanks for the visit by my site the other day! I love yours as well!

  4. hi rebecca,

    doesn't that sound and look delicious!
    i'm definitely doing this!

    have a great remainder of the weekend.


  5. I like the idea of coconut milk with the lentils too, Rebecca. Sorry you thought it was too rich....but it sure looks delicious!
    Have fun with your family!

  6. Having family over is so special, it's more people to love and play with your beautiful children. I happen to have red lentils in the house. I will have to figure out how to cook them with coconut milk.

  7. I love lentil soup but I'm not sure I would like a sweet version either. Love the photo and have a great time with your parents with they arrive!

  8. This looks delicious Rebecca! And love the photo!

  9. Will definitely be trying this while my family's in town!

  10. Have a wonderful time with all the family. This soup sounds perfect and I love the coconut curry combo.


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