What is Tuesday Food Market

So what is #Tuesfoodmarket. Like other twitter hash tags its a fun way to collect images and blog posts about a topic from around the world. There wasn't one on food markets so I figured why not start one. It doesn't matter if your market is even on a Saturday I just choose Tuesday. Feel free to tweet pictures of farmers markets, cool foods you have grown, or even in your grocery store and lets celebrate good food. It will be fun to make new friends in different countries and share our love of food. 

I have also started a Pinterest board, let me know if you would like to contribute I would gladly add you 

Also tweet using the #tuesfoodmarket easier to just do on Tuesdays but any day is fine. 

Also your welcome to share pictures on the facebook wall 

Be sure to join in the fun.


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  1. Love, love, love the idea! I am definitely going to take part in this. I have a couple of blog posts about different markets. Add me to the Pinterest board so I can pin them. Do you want the whole post on Twitter, or just photos? You can tweet me the response, if you want - it's easier:)

    1. thanks Lana have added you to the pinterest board, you can do snaps and posts :) will tweet ya

  2. I love food markets Rebecca!Love thye idea I have some lovely pictures of food market!!

    1. Gloria hope you can join would love to see pictures of Chile

  3. I'll add one from Texas. Just let me know what to do, I've not pinned to someone else's board before :)

  4. Fun idea. We were just discussing when the Washington, DC outdoor markets will start up. They won't have anything but early greens for a while. I don't know what pinterest is all about, but I will find the answer.

  5. this is so fun! we don't have any winter farmers' markets here, but i am so looking forward to spring and the start of markets!

  6. This is a cool idea, can't wait for our farmers markets to open, still have to wait till May!

  7. Emily it will definately fill up the boards soon enough Natasha :-) can even pin old posts if you like

  8. Great idea. I have some photos already :)

  9. Maureen look forward to seeing them :-)

  10. Hi, Rebecca,

    Please add me to the Pinterest market board! Shopping for food is one of my favorite hobbies. Along with cooking it, of course.



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