Hug a Dietitian!

March 14th is National Registered Dietitians day, a time to celebrate my wonderful profession. 
The clip above explains why we are the nutrition experts from The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics formerly The American Dietetic Association. Dietitians, work in hospitals, dialysis centers, nursing homes, home health, doctors offices, local gyms, the media. They are cookbook authors with many being qualified chefs too, pioneers in food and culinary nutrition, TV stars, social media practitioners and bloggers like me and more the possibilities are endless.

Here are some my favorites to follow on twitter, but there are so many more also of you want to read blogs written by dietitians be sure to check out The Nutrition Blog Network and if you need to find a dietitian in your area see here.

Just a few but if you want to see more see #rdchat its a hash tag we use to chat with each other and share great health and nutrition tips. 

Finally I want to spotlight two amazing dietitians and I am privileged to work with Amanda Archibald from Field to Plate, she conducts first class food and culinary workshops around the country and Azmina Govindji a star dietitian, author and media expert in the UK. 

Here's Azmina below she's amazing and love her Scottish accent :-) 

So if you see or know a dietitian give them a hug tomorrow and say thanks :-)

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  1. Rebecca, thanks for the reminder. Happy dietitian day to all the great RD out there!

  2. Kudos to the folks keeping us healthy!

  3. Nice post Rebecca and thank you so much for the links...
    Hope you are having a great week :)

  4. Lovely post Rebecca and thanks for the shout out! I am honored to be included in such an amazing group of RDs on Twitter, including yourself. Sending hugs to you :-)

  5. Happy Dieticians Day and here's your (((hug)))!

  6. Lots of great information here, Rebecca. Thanks for sharing. Hugs to you.

  7. Happy Dietician Day Rebecca. Thanks for all your kind comments on my blog. Diane

  8. It's me who's lucky to be working with you! We should have RD Day in the UK....


  9. Great post, will check out these links :)

  10. Dianne oh my pleasure :0) I enjoy your blog thanks Azmina I agree the Brits need one Alisha :-)


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