Chai Smoked Salmon

I have to say my favorite Food Section is The Guardian I always seem to get so inspired and cook from it and I tweet with a couple of the writers, lovely folks. This article about a smoked salmon dish with greens and poached egg in a pub, got my attention as I have been wanting to try home smoking and it sounded so easy. So I made chai smoked salmon it was so good. But the only draw back to making it is the fact it makes the house smell :-) I bet you could do on a grill outside. 

Simply get an old broiler pan, line with foil, add about a cup of rice and a cup of tea I used Chai, place on a medium heat and allow it to smoke

place raw salmon or any fish on top cover with foil and smoke for 2 minutes. Remove fish and keep in fridge until ready to eat. Then bake in oven at 300 for 7-10 minutes till pink. 

I served with brown rice and okra. I admit though my three year old was not impressed with this meal, maybe a little of an adult taste, she ended up with cheese and ham, aww well can't win them all.

Me and my amazing kids at Jasmine's little spring party at her pre school. 

 Look forward to reading your blogs, sorry if I don't get to all of them like I used to but the picture above explains the reason why :-) 

Have a wonderful start to the week all


  1. i love smoked salmon. thanks for sharing!

  2. What an interesting method of smoking fish! I need to try that. But on the grill, probably. Thank you so much for the inspiration :)

  3. That salmon looks so appetizing! I haven't had a good salmon for more than a year (there's no salmon in this parts of the country, only frozen...)

  4. That sounds quite amazing. I have a proper smoker but it is not that big. I used to use it often, but I seem to have slipped recently. I must bring it back into use. Thanks for the reminder. Diane

    1. oh nice a proper smoker look forward to seeing your posts

  5. I wondered how you smoked it when you put it on FB the other day. Looks very good to me but I can understand it being on the adult side a bit.

    You are one busy bee :) How can you not be with a three year old? And it is so nice outside, so who wants to spend time in front of a computer! Enjoy your spring :)

  6. I've seen someone do this on TV and thought it a great idea. Thanks for describing the process in detail. (Of course, all the fire alarms would go off in my apartment!)

  7. Just looks like such a great dinner. Cute family photo, too!

  8. Oh wow what a great combination that I would have never thought of!

  9. The salmon looks so fresh and great! I would go with rice and lady fingers!
    Lovely photo of you and your two babies ;-)

  10. This is a must try recipe; we love salmon. Love that photo of you and your kids; happiness!

  11. awwww what a delight to see your kids grow up! hehe kids usually like simple meals, hahaha. love the chai infused salmon dish!

  12. I have always wanted to try this miethod, looks tasty!! Great pic they kids are too cute!! and your a great mommy!!

  13. this is such a fun dish, i love the flavor of chai!

  14. Fun dish! I doubt my kids would like it either, but sounds delish to me :-). Enjoy the time with your little ones. Being a mom is the best thing I've ever done!

  15. You have the most beautiful smile!

    Love your smoked salmon too. Very clever.

  16. What an adorable photo of you guys :) And sounds like wonderful flavors for salmon :)

  17. That sounds delicious!!!! I love salmon. And what a beautiful family:)

  18. Adorable photo of you and your little prince and princess :)

    I tried making salmon inside once and am afraid to do it again because of the smell. I like the idea of trying this outside on the grill though!

  19. That's a fabulous smoked salmon recipe Dear. U have adorable kids. My luv to them

  20. Family time is the most important, so enjoy!!

    I am curious and excited about this chai smoked salmon. Gotta make some, soon :)


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