Green Beans Poriyal

This is a wonderful way to serve green beans, we cook okra in the same way at home, a South Indian style of cooking I learnt from my hubby. For this recipe it helps to steam the green beans for about 5 minutes first to soften them to speed it up, I simply did this in a microwave in a glass bowl with a lid with a little water added. No need for those expensive bags of steamed veggies.


  • 2 cups green greens trimmed
  • 1/4 cup grated coconut non sweetened I get it frozen in Indian store 
  • 1/2 onion chopped
  • salt to taste 
  • a few cumin seeds
  • one - two green chili chopped if you want a kick 

  1. steam green beans till soft for about 5 min and chop
  2. heat a little canola oil and saute the onion with cumin seeds and chili if desired for about 5 minutes 
  3. add green beans, salt and coconut and stir fry for 5 minutes 
  4. It would make a great vegetable side dish for any meal in my opinion :-)

I have been enjoying the blossoms on my walks here's a snap from this morning, hope you can also do the same in your neck of the woods.

Other news, we are starting our first garden this year so excited, I couldn't resist starting with some lettuce and spinach as its been so warm. Its wonderful to teach the kids about how food is grown and all going well it will succeed and we will enjoy cooking and eating it. 

Who has a garden?

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  1. That sounds delicious. Bookmarked. Thanks Diane

  2. So agree about those micro bags, blech. Expensive and unhealthy. I love this recipe. Sometimes Indian meals are too many ingredients for a quick meal but this looks great. Fresh coconut or can it be shredded unsweetened?

  3. Oooh, I like the addition of the coconut. I would've never thought of that!

  4. Those trees are gorgeous!

    Your green beans sound really delicious too.

  5. Green beans and coconut sound fabulous

  6. That does sound like a lovely way to prepare green beans...nice flavors!
    And congrats on the garden, such mine, mostly herbs though :)

  7. I love Indian-inspired green beans. Looks delicious! I will keep this recipe for future reference.

  8. Lovely way to get your beans! I do adore them when they are not cooked to death. And then you added the coconut - nice. (Those expensive baggies of steamed vegetables will never come into my home.)

  9. This looks like such a good way to enjoy green beans. How exciting to have a garden. I'm sure you'll keep us posted on it's progress! and so fun to do with Jasmine.

  10. Green beans and coconut. Love! Perfect combo I would have never thought of! Thanks for sharing.

  11. You will LOVE having a garden, I mainly have an herb garden but will be planting some Spring veggies soon.
    Lovely pictures. You always have such great recipes :)

  12. Love all kids of poriyal and it is a must for our lunch :-) kids like beans the most

  13. Those blossoms are gorgeous! And your kid with the garden bed? Perfect capture :)

    Delicious poriyal and thanks for the tip on steaming the beans!

  14. mmm love green beans..such a delish & healthy recipe!

  15. This is my favorite poriyal and very comforting one when had with dhal and rasam. Yumm :)

  16. of my favorite from South India! Could eat bowls of it..

  17. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos. Simple recipes are often the best, aren't they?

  18. I love green beans. They are just delicious cooked anyway. Love that you added some cumin to it. I'm sure it gives added flavour. plant your own vegetables. I must try that one day. Hope you have a great day and weekend, too.

  19. I could eat green beans prepared this way all week long!

  20. what gorgeous flavors! i love this flavorful healthy dish.

  21. thanks Teresa :-) have a super weekend

  22. I adore green beans - love having a new recipe for them!

  23. Mother Rimmy oh you will enjoy this one :-)

  24. what a great idea for gussying up(is that even a word? lol) green beans! i just love getting ideas like this to make veggie side dishes more interesting!

  25. Hi Rebecca!!! Long time since I stopped by. It seems I found you on the perfect day. We just planted one of our garden beds yesterday. My Munchkin helped and it was so much fun. She has several starters in her own cups (tomatoes, peppers, basil). I am very excited for her to learn about growing food and that it doesn't come from the grocery store. Granted she is 2, but having a blast!

    1. the slow roasted Italian thats wonderful never too young to learn

  26. It is hard to call it "garden" but I do have 4 raised beds, about 20 pots with different vegetables (husband counted at one time), and so called "edible landscape" with parsley, basil, peppers between the flowers in the front of our townhouse, that landlord (we rent it) keeps reminding me to have it back to nothing when we move out.

  27. Marina :-) love it and he should keep it that way


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