Turkish Pita Bread

For this Healthy Bread in Five Minutes a day we were to make Turkish pita bread I couldn't resist this one and it felt so good to get back to the master recipe, nice simple bread.
This is a special one for me as we are going to Turkey next week then the UK. My husband is watching formula one car racing there!
I can't wait to see the spice bazaar and have Turkish coffee, I wish you were all coming with me!
This was delicious I only wish I had made hummus to go with it like Joanne of Eats Well with Others

My Mum enjoyed the bread and me, but my Dad wasn't sure he is like my hubby and likes light loafs, aw well can't win em all!!

Be sure to check out everyones amazing breads on Big Black Dogs

Hope your all having a lovely weekend
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  1. How exciting. I would join you at that bazaar in a heart beat. Enjoy your trip

  2. I keep putting off making bread- that sounds like fun!

  3. Yum! Fresh pita bread. That sounds wonderful.

    Enjoy your trip to Turkey. I hope that you will share your exeriences while traveling.

  4. Your pita looks super delicious! But more than that...I'm so excited for your trip to Turkey! So much good food there.

  5. Your bread looks fantastic! I would love Turkish coffee! Is that where they hold the sugar cube in their mouth? Have fun!

  6. Petra thanks so much
    Chef E you need to make bread chef!
    Velva: oh thanks of course I will share he he can't stop myself
    Peachkins: oh thanks your sweet
    Joanne email me tips!
    Reeni: oh not sure will check it out

  7. Love all the seeds...............your breads look wonderful!!!

  8. What a fun trip! Thats a place I've been close to, but never actually been in the country. Enjoy. Loved the true black seeds on your pitas.

  9. Yum, and great to know you'll fly to Turkey and the UK soon! Can't wait for your culinary report from the destinations :)

  10. Oh, this is Turkish Pita Bread! Looks pretty good! Guess, you'll have to enjoy this with Jasmine. I think this must be good to go with curry! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
    Blessings, Kristy

  11. So cool you'll be traveling to Turkey. Have some Turkish coffee for me. :)

  12. Have fun on your trip, Rebecca!
    Your pita looks dense and delicious. Yes, hummus would be divine with it.
    Also...on your last post, I think we all should use our treasured dishes...what good are they doing sitting in the cupboard? It brings me pleasure to use my mother and grandmother's dishes!

  13. Rebecca, It was funny because I didn't really like how my pita turned out. But just last night my hubby was saying, it would be great with some homemade hummus! Great pictures.

  14. Oh my...yes....that looks delicious but I am more interested in sneaking a trip in there with you ....any room in that suitcase?

  15. Yum! Sometimes I think I could live on bread :) Enjoy your trip, and be safe!

  16. wow you are really becoming a bread expert ,

  17. It looks like it would be fantastic with some hummus! Oh how I would love to go to a spice bazaar! My friends think I'm nut when I get excited about my Mountain Rose Herbs catalog, or Penzey's Spice catalog, I visit when I am home where they have one. Nothing like smelling the spices...okay I done here! (see why they think that?)

  18. What a wonderful looking bread. Have a great time on your trip.

  19. I think this looks great. I am not sure, I don't think I have ever had this tough.

  20. The bread looks great...Hope you guys have a fun safe trip.

  21. Have a wonderful time in Turkey - your bread was a great way to start off your trip.

  22. femalechef thanks
    Christie thanks hope you get to go as well some day
    the lacquer spoon can't wait to write it he he
    my little space I think your right
    jenn will do lol
    Barbara oh thats sweet they must have memories when you use them
    Lynda thanks so much
    Kenny smiles
    Trish sure there is!
    Victoria: oh me to
    peannuts oh your too kind
    Lyndsey not at all I am the same way!
    elwood thanks
    Melinda: oh your a pro at pita
    Bo thanks so much
    Raelyn thanks

  23. I have to say I am with your mum on this one. I like the heavy thick variety and this would have gone down a treat with me! Well done you!!

  24. I do love this bread - never met a homemade bread I didn't love! Who needs hummus? I'd just gobble it up. Enjoy your time in Turkey - grand fun!

  25. Well then your dad missed out because it looks fantastic! Enjoy your trip, we loved Turkey!

  26. That bread looks delicious.Have a good trip.

  27. this pita looks incredible! baking success indeed.

  28. Looks good, the Pide does. I only buy mine :-) but I have that book so need to get my backside in gear! Well done, you've really done well with baking bread since you joined the group!

  29. I love Turkish food and have seen wonderful photos from children of friends travelling there. Enjoy your trip.

  30. mmm I love any kind of bread really, especially with hummus! Hope you guys have a nice trip :)

  31. I love Turkish food and have seen wonderful photos from children of friends travelling there.

  32. I have had this book for months, but still haven't made anything. This bread sounds delicious.

  33. Turkish Grand Prix--I am impressed! And the bread looks good, too.

  34. Enjoy your trip. How exciting!


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