The Spice Bazaar in Istanbul

Today we had a great first day in Istanbul the city of Asia and Europe. In the morning we went to the magnificent Blue Mosque built 400 years ago by the same stone masons that built the Taj Mahal! Its wonderful in Turkey how foreigners are welcome and able to enter Mosques, this should be the case everywhere. We have also been getting lots of Turkish tea, it comes in regular like a British black tea blend and fruit flavors, the apple is wonderful. I will definately be taking some home. Locals don't seem to add milk to their tea or coffee (yep Jenn I had one for you!) so I ended up buying buttermilk in the grocery store!

We went to the Grand Bazaar it was amazing and we will return but it was hot and crowded and little Jasmine fell asleep in our arms so took the metro to the galata bridge for fish. I tried to find a recommendation by a fellow blogger but with a sleeping babe we settled for one under the bridge and little Jasmine took her nap! it was cool as you could see the locals fishing over the bridge and see their lines in front of you!

Look at the fishing lines above!

I ordered some Meze very delicious vegetable dishes

We all shared a fresh grilled sea bass, caught right there, it was lovely

wow look how old the spice bazaar is, Istanbul sits between Asia and Europe and you can see the influence of Indian spices and ones of the Mediterrenean truly fascinating, again we plan to return I want the meatball seasoning and fish one!

Inside the Ancient Bazaar/Market

Beautiful lamps for sale
Spices and tea the smell is divine

Turkish delight we got a lot of samples as the store keepers kept giving it to Jasmine, folks here adore kids and are very kind to families, an older gentleman gave up his chair for me when Jasmine was sleeping and of course free cakes!
Going back here to get some to take to my Granddad next week this was his clever request

You can even find caviar in the Bazaar, they have a gourmet taste

Street Vender selling fruit, I love this as a dietitian there is fresh fruit available on most streets the cherries are so good

Simit folks tell me its like a Bagel there is a baker a few minutes walk from our apartment so I think this will be breakie!

Lunch is going to be a fish sandwich from here, this has to be one of the coolest things ever, little boats with chefs onboard grilling fresh fish from the sea and selling at a seaside restaurant. As recommended by @OneTribeGourmet on twitter, thanks for the awesome tip

Much love from Turkey

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  1. lucky lucky lucky you..and I am pea green with envy :) nice sort of envy...the spice bazar looks super fragrant and the coffee and thefood...sigghhh

  2. I am passing out over on this side of the pond you lucky girl you!

    That first plate of food, I am drooling, I know better than to look at this before dinner :(

    Keep them coming...

  3. Rebecca, what a fabulous bazaar. Looks like you're having a great trip. Keep these great posts coming. We're loving it.

  4. Oh what fun, looks fabulous! Wish I could be there with you! Can't wait to see more!

  5. Oh I truly should have been born in Istanbul! Everything looks amazing.

  6. I am so jealous! I wish I was there.

  7. That looks like such fun Rebecca!

  8. Thanks for the lively and tasty report under the sunny weather! Looks like a perfect trip :)

  9. Wow! Love all of the colors in the market! Can't wait to see the rest of your pics from your travels!

  10. seems like a good place ...lovely...

  11. How beautiful! Thanks for sharing your adventures with us...those spices truly look amazing, how are you not diving into those bins!? HA!

  12. wow, lucky girl, I love that spices all the colours. mezze looks delish. HAve fun,

  13. Wow! Looks like you're having an amazing trip!! Be safe and enjoy the rest of your vacation :)

  14. The photos of the spices are truly inviting. I can imagine the delectable aromas. The colors, the busyness. What a fabulous experience.

  15. I love looking at all the pictures. You are in the country of my dreams. I will note down tips from you and check it out when I go there. Yes, "When" is the active word here.

  16. I am so jealous. Looks like an amazing experience. Now I want to go. Oh well, at least I am going to Europe soon, and Morocco. I am really looking forward to Moroccan food. I will be posting on my blog soon about my upcoming trip and I hope to be able to post while I am traveling.

  17. Thank you for sharing these images from your travels. I would absolutely love to spend a day in the spice bazaar - what a fantastic oppotunity!!

  18. Lucky you! The lamps look so beautiful.

  19. Jhonny: oh it will be you one day for sure
    Chef E: he he smiles
    Sam: will do lol
    Lyndsey: hope to add but its slow to do it
    Joanne I think you would love it and the spices
    Bo sorry lovie
    Amanda oh its wonderful
    the lacquer spoon my pleasure
    high low will add more maybe of the cotswolds next week
    Sushma cool city for sure
    peachkins oh I so need to learn how to make it design wine dine I did get some though
    peannuts thanks so much
    Victoria K thanks so much
    Claudia oh you would adore this market smiles
    cool lassie you will do to Istanbul I believe it much love
    Melinda: wow Morocco look forward to your posts
    Kim: oh your right its a treat
    Angie oh love those

  20. My grandpa was from there and I know how marvelous is this city and the market.
    I can get crazy with all these spices and teas :)



  21. That fish dish looks fabulous! Yummy!

  22. What an amazing place. Thank you for sharing. The food looks wonderful!

  23. Look at all those spices!! I have the hardest time finding Indian spices in my city. Great pics. The bazaar looks fabulous.

  24. Gera oh how cool I bet your Grandpa always talked about it
    Sook oh you would love it
    Jolene oh they are for sure
    Erica my pleasure
    Xiao Zen Recipe oh thats a shame I sometimes get mine online

  25. I could spend days walking around the spice bazaar--what fun you must be having and the tea and food look amazing too. ;-)

  26. What fun. Thanks for taking us along.

  27. Deb you would love it
    Mimi my pleasure lol

  28. I really need to plan a trip to Istanbul! Lovely photos!

  29. Have fun dearie.....looks lovely. I wish I was at the bazaar, soaking up the heady scents of spices!

  30. wow , turkey! it looks beautiful. Hope I'll b so lucky to go there one day! great post

  31. that's so much fun.. travel can get challenging with a child but I'm glad you are still able to enjoy the cool things... never been to Istanbul before but I can imagine the beauty of it... much love back!

  32. for the love of yum you would love it and thanks for stopping by
    Ozoz thanks so much
    thats Ron on i hope you can as well lol
    Nour oh I know but so worth it and she is having a ball love ya

  33. Rebecca

    I am retracing my steps with you; I was there at Christmas and both my daughter and I fell in love with Istanbul; but my favorite time was at the Spice Bazaar; I bought some apple tea (the natural kind, with bits of dried apples) to take home as well as some sahlep (for making ice-cream) and also some spices for kebabs. Enjoy it !

  34. taste of beirut oh what a great place to be for Christmas love it and got some apple tea as well lol

  35. Just FANTASTIC shots of your wonderful trip! You are so lucky to have experienced Turkey and its lovely culture and food. I would love to visit someday. Haven't chatted over chow with you for a while and hope you're doing well. Roz (aka bella)

  36. Roz sorry its been a while will try and visit more thanks for coming along to Turkey in spirit love Rebecca


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