Chocolate Orange Cake

Here's another wonderfully easy chocolate cake recipe with the addition of orange juice, it was moist and yummy! I made this for my Mum and Dads arrival although there was only half left as Jasmine and me snacked on it, oops!


4 oz of self raising flour
4 oz of butter
2 small eggs
4 oz of sugar
2 tablespoon of cocoa
a little powdered sugar
1/2 cup of fresh orange juice


1. cream the butter and sugar add the eggs
2. then mix in the flour, cocoa and orange juice little by little
3. bake in the oven at 350 for 25 minutes
4. dust with the powdered sugar and garnish with fresh orange slices

Little Jasmine enjoying her new slide!

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  1. Yay! A new slide! I can imagine Jasmine is having a wonderful time. This cake looks awesome.

  2. Lovely welcome gift for your parents! I guess you'll bake this everyday during their stay :)

  3. A chocolate cake is always a good gift. :) Cutie little Jas on her slide with her little teddy bear. Too cute!!

  4. Jasimine is so cute enjoying her new toy!
    Lovely cake!

  5. Lovely cake. I will like to snack on it too!

  6. Slides are all kids favourite, and I can imagine how happy Jas was.
    So lovely of you to welcome your parents with this wonderful chocolate cake.

  7. Fun...a new slide....Chocolate and orange go so well together.

  8. I've never had this before. I love chocolate, lol, so this is perfect for me.

  9. Beautiful cake, loved the combo..

  10. Mmmm, that looks deliciously moist and chocolaty...

  11. That girl is just too cute! Can I eat her? Along with a slice of this gorgeous cake?

  12. the added of orange, made this normal butter cake look so good and nice!well done.

  13. wow, lucky girl, going down the slide, looking cute as a button :) , cake looks lovely

  14. Chocolate and orange sound awesome together. I must give this cake a try!

  15. Yummy looking Cake. So moist and with lovely combo of ingredients! Jasmine looks very happy with her slide!

  16. Jasmine looks so happy with the new slide and I love the chocolate cake, sounds good with orange flavor in it.

  17. Congrats jasmine on the new slide!! Great cake as you and jasmine thought so too lol Making me crave jaffa cakes!!

  18. This cake looks great. I always love the chocolate and orange combo. Citrus and chocolate do go nicely. Ok, maybe not with grapefruit.

  19. I bet Jasmine is having a wonderful time on her new slide. Chocolate and orange are a magical combination. I bet the cake was absolutely wonderful!

  20. this looks delicious! great flavors!

  21. looks great, the fresh orange is a lovely touch.

  22. Your daughter is so cute, Rebecca! That cake looks yummy too.
    Love the new blog layout, btw. Sorry- haven't visited in a while :(

  23. Chocolate and orange!!!!Wonderful combination, Rebecca! Cute little angel!

  24. That is a delicious cake to welcome the arrival of your parents :)

  25. Chocolate and orange so scrumptious combination, it's delish
    Jasmine looks phenomenal!!



  26. Lucky Jasmine and a very happy Jasmine! I love those days. I also adore the combination of orange and chocolate. The cake is a winner.

  27. Bridgett: thanks oh she loves it
    the Lacquer spoon: he he well maybe not
    Jenn: he he she has a bear of the moment this week is big bird
    lululu thanks
    Penny: he he see you would do it as well
    Dajana oh i bet your girls would love it come over
    Bo thanks
    Xiao Zen recipes heres a slice for u'
    Sushma thanks
    Robyn smiles
    Joanne oh now thats too greedy!
    Peachkins: Ykaie can come on over
    Sonia thanks so much
    Peanutts: oh she loves it
    Kris heres a slice!
    Dinners and Dreams it worked well
    cool lassie i know so cute
    Anncoo smiles
    Ruth oh I could do with a jaffa cake right now
    Melinda: oh that might work lol
    Kim thanks
    teresa thanks
    Janice thanks
    Sybril oh no problem I understand
    3 hungry tummies thanks
    Gera aw thanks
    Claudia oh me too

  28. Orange and chocolate are a great combination. Sounds like a yummy cake.

  29. Yummy cake, I like chocolate & orange flavors! Looks like Jasmine is having lots of summer fun!

  30. Delicious looking cake. Jasmine and Mr. Bear appear to being enjoying the new slide

  31. Lovely combo of chocolate and orange. Your cake looks moist and delicious. Jasmine looks adorable as usual.

  32. That looks so good that it's a wonder there was any left for your parents!!

    Adorable photo of Jasmine, Rebecca!

  33. Don't see you bake very often! I have to say this cake looks awesome and so is Jasmine. She's growing...isn't she! How many inches?
    With love, Kristy

  34. Your daughter is so cute! So fun to have a slide at home! Cake looks great. I bet your house always smells good from the great food you make!

  35. Your cake looks lovely! Would love devour a slice of it!!

    Coincidentally, I just posted another chocolate-orange cake ... but it's a cheesecake! Guess we were on the same track ... Hahaha!

    Have a great one, Rebecca!

  36. Awesome. I love orange with chocolate

  37. Ooh chocolate cake with orange juice! I would like to try it!

  38. Barbara thanks so much
    5 star foodie smiles
    Mimi: oh they sure are
    Mary thanks so much
    Barbara: love ya
    my little space not sure of the inches but she is growing and learning so many new words love it
    Nour: oh your sweet to say that and your right awesome to have a slide at home
    Janet thanks
    Sook thanks

  39. This looks delicious! I will love to bake this cake :) Little Jasmine in a cutey.

  40. Looks great. I love chocolate cakes. Recipes.

  41. This cake is truly delectable - I love how you reinforce the delicious flavour combo with your presentation :D

    Choc Chip Uru


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