Great Clip On Sustainable Seafood

Just had to share this clip, its a great educational clip on sustainable seafood and how to choose it:

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  1. As always, you are an excellent source of information. Thanks!

  2. Hi Rebecca,

    I visited Monterey Bay Aquarium during my visit to my sister's home in California, back in 1995. It was even cooler than what the video showed. I learned from the video you posted. Thanks.

    Hope you and your family are well.

  3. Rebecca, thanks for the information on the video :-)

  4. Excellent! We should all be aware of it!

  5. thanks for the info rebecca! Sustainable is definitely the way to go!

  6. Fabulous, informative video! Thanks for sharing and helping to raise awareness about sustainable seafood:)

  7. Thanks for sharing that Rebecca. I just watch 'The end of the line yesterday' :) I think you be very interested in that!

  8. This is the link Rebecca :)

  9. Monterey Bay has an app for shopping, I use it all the time! We should be just as responsible (if not more) about our seafood choices as we are about a poultry, beef, and pig.

  10. Great post! It never hurts to be smart about our seafood.

  11. Happily, there are many ways of checking if your fish are endangered these days. Monterey Bay Aquarium is a great resource.

  12. This is definitely something we should all be paying attention to. Thanks for sharing.

  13. I think of my own mum's beef stew often. Ahhh those comforting dishes like this, and now you will have sweet J. remembering your delish bowl as well. Great to pass down things like this!

  14. hi all so pleased you found the clip useful its so important to buy wisely so we have good fish for future generations Love Rebecca


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