Salmon with a Spicy Cilantro Sauce and a Winner!

I Made this quick and easy salmon recipe the day Jasmines swing was being built and then later one of the guys who built it asked for the recipe as the smell made him hungry!
I first made this recipe a year ago after seeing it on My Colombian Recipes its so easy and really makes salmon out of this World.


  • Wild Alaskan Salmon Steaks
  • One bunch of fresh cilantro
  • Olive Oil
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • Masala powder to taste about a teaspoon

  1. Grind the cilantro, oil, garlic and masala powder together cover the salmon and marinate for a couple of hours
  2. Then pan saute the salmon and serve over cous cous (with added mixed vegetables) its that easy
my little taste tester!

sitting around the table eating as a family, oh what a treat its been, so sad my parents are leaving on Thursday

The winner of Black Star Gourmets delightful Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar Giveaway is Susan of Savoring Time in The Kitchen please email me with your address
(rebeccasubbiah at yahoo dot com)

Have a great start to the week everyone

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  1. Rebecca that looks so delicious. I have only used the small cous cous before and haven't tried the larger one. I will have to give it a go.

    Enjoy the week and take care.

    Best wishes,

  2. Sounds delicious and your kid is so cute...

  3. A gorgeous coloured meal ! green and orange is a wonderful combo... colourwise n taste wise...I can see your precious one thinks so too :))

  4. Tasty salmons coloured with the early summer hue :) Thanks for the recipe and lovely family scene!

  5. Sounds delicious. When you say grind curious if you mean in a blender....And, does your "taster" really eat Salmon with cilantro, if so well done.

  6. Rebecca

    I love Erica's recipes too and this salmon is no exception; so simple to make and yet full of flavor! Plus I am partial to cilantro!

  7. This is obviously an omen. I was oogling a recipe yesterday of some white fish with a similar cilantro topping. I love cilantro and this definately means it will be on the menu this week.

  8. Aww, love the little taste tester! And that's a healthy, delicious meal I can really get behind.

  9. I love salmon and this sounds like a delicious way to prepare it!

    This is my very first giveaway win! Thank you so much and I'll be sending you an email shortly.

  10. I know it's been wonderful having your mom there, Rebecca. (BTW: I loved the yorkshire pudding in your previous post...I make it a lot.)
    I have a piece of salmon ready for dinner tonight and I was mulling over what I would do with it. No longer! This looks great! I am not a cilantro fan, so will substitute parsley. Forgive me!

    Congrats to Susan!

  11. Your dining area looks almost identical to mine! Sounds like you had a wonderful time with your parents and also enjoyed some tasty food while they were in town. The salmon looks terrific. Hope you had a fantastic mother's day.

  12. WOW! This is a nice meal. Love the color, very creative.

  13. Mmm...I love salmon. Your salmon dish looks very delicious. It's always so wonderful to have mom and dad around but always so sad when they have to leave. I'm sure you had a great time with your parents.

  14. Boy do I love the sound of that cilantro sauce! Perfect with the salmon. And I LOVE your family dinners - so cute!

    Congrats to Susan!

  15. Salmon sounds terrific with spicy cilantro sauce!

  16. Rebecca, the salmon steak looks so tempting! Jasmine has fun with it too!

  17. Yumm-that definitely looks good!! Next time try adding some mint leaves,ginger+garlic and green chillies to the cilantro-gives a nice flavor!!
    BTW-the Parsi dish Patrani Macchi has a couple of extra spices and they steam it in banana leaves :)

  18. That is a gorgeous looking piece of fish.

  19. gorgeous! i love cilantro and salmon!

  20. Rebecca, the salmon looks delicious, I love everything with cilantro :-)
    Nice family picture!

  21. Love this. Erica from My Colombian recipes really knows how to cook fish and you recreated it perfectly! Love your likkle taste tester too. Alex is mine! Although they are going back, really looks like they had a wonderful time Rebecca! You are the hostess with the mosttest!!

  22. Natasha: oh the large one is fun hope you like it
    Sushma: oh thanks so much
    Zurin: thanks so pleased you like it
    the lacquer spoon my pleasure
    peachkins thanks so much
    Lauren she sure does love her, I used a hand blender
    taste of beirut he he love Erica
    Lea Ann oh thats so cool enjoy
    Muneeba thanks
    savoring time in the kitchen so happy for you
    Barbara oh can't wait to hear how it was with Parsley
    kim: oh thats cool and oh its was so much fun to have them here
    Anncoo thanks so much
    Mary oh well said its tough to think of them leaving feel bad for lil Jasmine
    Joanne thanks lol
    5 star foodie thanks so much
    Angie thanks
    Melinda thanks so much
    teresa thanks
    sweta will do sounds great
    Juliana aw thanks
    Ruth he he love the way you speak

  23. love the salmon, nice and healthy meal

  24. Great recipe and looks yummy. Guess I will have to expand out from fresh Gulf of Mexico fish now...

  25. That's so great that Jas likes to eat fish :)I like a good salmon every now and then. Yum...

  26. Delicious food Rebecca. Always a treat to enjoy family!

  27. You have some of the best fish recipes. This might get my husband to eat more salmon! I will have to give it a go.

  28. As salmon is hubby's favorite fish, I must give this recipe a try. I love the presentation. Looks so intriguing!

  29. fantastic recipe wonderful....i published an interview with chef Ferran Adria i liked your opinion.....cumpts

  30. This is delicious Rebecca with the cilantro! I love it over couscous too. Enjoy the last few days of your parents visit!

  31. Oh I am going to make this for hubby- He loves salmon, and I would love the spicy cilantro addition! Hmmm I am going back to the store tomorrow...

  32. Peanutts thanks
    Sophie enjoy lol
    Doc oh I know its so so sad about the gulf
    Jenn: oh she loves fish clever girl
    Lori: oh family and food heaven
    Bridgett oh I hope it works
    Zerrin oh thanks so much and thanks for stopping by
    Tiago on my way and will tweet it how exciting
    Reeni thanks so much love ya
    Chef E oh hope you like it


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