Awesome detour: Guglhupf cafe Durham NC

On the way to Williamsburg VA with my parents we stopped for lunch in Durham at this amazing cafe I googled bakery as I adore fresh bread.
It was a vibrant and hip cafe and the food was fresh and tasty. The decor was also contempory and fun Jasmine spotted some little frogs and said Wibbit!!

This is a guglhopf cake what the cafe is named after.

Fresh cakes and breads just like Europe I got a loaf of bread and jam for the road !

Mums French dip potato salad and roast beef and French bread

I got a leek and mushroom omellet to share with Jasmine

Jasmine gobbling up the nutella brownie again just had to get one of these to take away !


Love these lights

So if you are in Durham or driving past stop at chapell hill blvd for a coffee and brownie

I think I just may have to make another detour on my way home Friday !!!

What's your favorite foodie find on a detour ?

finally just want to thank Penny from Mimi's Kitchen a fellow NC blogger and blogging buddy gave me the Sunshine award thanks so so much, you are the ray of sunshine

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. I would SO make a detour for such deliciousness. Good call.

  2. the guglhupf cake and very nice place that I would like to visit one day.

  3. Pretty cafe! A bakery is a good idea and I also like to drop by a ice cream/ gerato shop on a detour :) Wonderful time with your parents!!

  4. looks like a super fun little place. also love the neat lighting!
    and nutella brownies sound a-mazing!

  5. Cool bakery. I'm loving that brownie right now. I need a brownie fix. hehehe...

  6. The guglhopf cake looks amazing! Glad you are having a nice day out!

  7. Lovely pics, seems u had a great time

  8. Guglhopf cafe sounds pretty awesome! Jasmine has a fine taste! Nutella brownie!

  9. the dishes all look delicious, look like you have a great day in this nice place.

  10. Yum -that Nutella brownie looks so good! Congrats on your award.

  11. Cool lassie: he he oh they were
    Joanne: oh i know right
    Anncoo: see your a pro you even knew what a guglhupf cake is
    the lacquer spoon: oh thats a nice stop idea as well
    Emily smiles
    Jenn: i have a wee bit left!
    Carrie oh thats a good idea
    3 hungry tummies aw thanks
    Sushma thanks
    Angie oh she is learning
    Sonia lol
    peachkins sure did he he
    Kim thanks

  12. lucky Jasmine and that nutella brownie. Lucky you and your detour. Supremely jealous - we always stick by highways and don't do enough detours!

  13. That looks like a fun place!

  14. I lived in Durham several years back when my hubbie got his MBA at Duke...dont remember this bakery..must have opened a few years ago.Those brownies would have been my nightly snack!!

  15. Wow! Everything looks so good! I'll have to agree with everyone that the brownie looks delicious!

  16. Congrats on the award. :) I love finding great bakeries - unfortunately I have only found a few bakeries that I really like in America. Do you feel the same way about American bakeries?

  17. Wow, what a nice detour...cute bakery...and congratulations of your award :-)

  18. Oh I love finding great detour places like that! Everything looked so good. Jasmine seemed to be enjoying it too! Yummy...nutella!

  19. I love finding places like this. Your little one is just so darling.

  20. Claudia so you must have a detour next trip lol
    Janice: oh it was lol
    figtree: he he so cool that you lived in NC
    Lilli: oh I need another!
    Sook: oh I agree much easier in Europe this place came close though thats why it needed a blog post he he
    Juliana thanks
    Lyndsey: oh she loved it
    Bridgett thanks so much

  21. Oh Rebecca, you're torturing me with those photos! I need a closer look at those breads & desserts at the counter! Anyway, you can get them zoom? hahaha.... Jasmine is just so lucky. She always got the chance to try all the good stuffs before ME! hehe...

  22. We are most proud of Guglhupf in our wonderful town. The "Gug" opened 11/98 as just the bakery and continues to evolve, now with delicious dinner service in the café. In one of your pix, Rebecca (, it appears that you accidentally caught one of the Dukes of Duke University and 20th century industry fame--Mary Duke Biddle Trent Semans--in her usual Guglhupf spot! She's a terrific gal and another asset, like Guglhupf, to Durham. Thanks for visiting our town and come again!

  23. my little space you make me smile
    Durham Booster oh thats cool about the photo and thanks for visiting my blog will visit Durham again for sure -Rebecca

  24. my little space you make me smile
    Durham Booster oh thats cool about the photo and thanks for visiting my blog will visit Durham again for sure -Rebecca


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