Crab and Maitake Risotto

So I got a Maitake mushroom the other day also known as hen of the woods, look how cool it looks! (my Mum kept asking me if it was safe to eat he he ) I got creative and made a crab and maitake risotto for Mum and Dad. Maitake mushrooms have anti cancer properties and are often prescribed by doctors in Japan. Here is a great article from Health Castle -
They are a great source of vitamin D (827 IC/cup) in fact one of the best vegetarian sources, niacin, selenium, fiber (3g/cup), copper, phosphorus and potassium.


  • one Maitake mushroom chopped
  • 1/2 a can of crab meat
  • one cup of vegetable stock
  • 4 cloves of garlic chopped
  • 1/2 red onion chopped
  • 1/4 cup of white wine
  • 2-3 cups of water
  • one cup of Arborio Rice
  • one chopped zucchini and about 5 chopped green beans
  • a little Parmesan cheese for garnish

  1. saute the onion and garlic in olive oil
  2. then add maitake mushroom and vegetables and saute for 5 minutes
  3. add rice and the wine and stir keep stirring the rice loses the water then add another cup, stir then add the final cup this takes about 30-45 minutes
  4. near the end mix in the crab meat and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese
What's the strangest looking mushroom you have eaten?

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  1. I love the ingredients in there. Sounds great! Btw, did I tell you that your new header looks really gorgeous! Have a fabulous day, dear!
    Cheers, Kristy

  2. Yummmy...that looks delicious.

  3. maitake or hen of the woods is one of the premiere wild mushrooms - where did you find it? It will come back in the same spot or nearby year after year (provided you let some spores escape) what a lucky day. This risotto is glorious.

  4. Great, Rebecca! This is a specimen that proper eating keeps us fit. FYI, "maitake" literally means "to dance" in Japanese :)

  5. Hi Rebecca, I love learning about new food :-}

    Your risotto looks wonderful.

  6. YUM!!! Would so love to try those mushrooms!! You really sure they're not posonous ha ha.

  7. That is a darn cute looking mushroom. I have never eaten any that strange looking, but I saw many strange ones at a farmers market in NYC. This risotto looks great. I want some crab now!

  8. I have never heard of maitake mushrooms, Rebecca, but the minute I looked at your risotto photo, I knew mushrooms were a big part of the recipe. I love mushrooms and think shiitake have a garlic flavor...what flavor do the maitakes have?
    Great looking risotto!

  9. That is a funky cool mushroom and I love that you combined it with crab. Gorgeous.

  10. I haven't tried miatake mushrooms yet. I need to keep an eye out.

    Yum yum!!!!

  11. Wow, this looks great! I've never tried maitake mushrooms or cooked with them before, but it sounds like a fun ingredient to try :)

  12. You can put crab in anything, and it will be gobbled up!

  13. this looks wonderful~ i love the crab meat in there!

  14. my little space: oh thanks your a sweetie
    Faiza: thanks
    doggybloggy got it at whole foods not sure if the woods behind my house has them!!
    the lacquer spoon oh what a cool meaning
    brownieville food oh me too
    Ruth Oh we are all still here!
    Melinda: thanks
    Barbara oh it has its own unique taste you will have to get one ! lol
    Lisa: oh it was a good combo lol
    Jenn: can't wait to see what you cook with them
    Victoria oh they were cool
    duo dishes oh so true
    Teresa thanks

  15. What a beautiful Maitake, such a nice photo! The dish sounds so good!

  16. That mushroom looks wild and splendid!Lovely risotto! tell your mom to enjoy and not to worry too much!

  17. This is right up my alley! I just made risotto the other night and I'm it's my new obsession! Not sure I know the strangest mushroom I've even eaten - but I've never met one I didn't like!!!

  18. We love mushrooms in our house!

    I bought some too at whole foods the other day, so I am looking forward to trying your risotto recipe!

  19. The strangest looking mushroom I've ever eaten is the lobster mushroom. Maitake mushroom is actually my favorite of all mushrooms. I am sure that this risotto was delicious!

  20. The rissotto looks delicious. Lucky you to have found such a find.

  21. Jhonny oh it was cool
    Lyndsey thanks so much
    cool lassie well said
    deign wine and dine oh me too love risottos
    chef E hope you like it lol
    peachkins thanks
    fresh local and best oh hope I get to see one of them
    Velva I know right

  22. Never saw this baby before! Great in a risotto I am sure! Yum.

  23. Quiet interesting one, but looks nice as well

  24. This sounds like a perfect risotto. Looks yummy.

  25. Great combination! If she is not eating I will haha

  26. never seen this kind of mushroom before, but I bet it must be tasted good !

  27. Apparently the entire universe is vitamin D deficient, so these are a great solution to that! Sounds great paired with the crab.

  28. Rebecca,
    I am so jealous that you are going to Turkey next week. But really, have fun and share your experiences..I would love love to hear each and every single thing you did and didn't while you were there.And please do share your pictures. Bon Voyage!

  29. I LOVE risotto, so I'm definitely going to make this. :)

    Dropping by from Natasha's blog.

  30. wonderful combination of flavors! looks delicious!

  31. This is the third risotto dish I've seen today on various blogs. I hate to admit it, but I've never made risotto. I'm feeling a bit guilty too. Looks like I'm going to have to give it a try.

    Boy, you were really fortunate to find those mushrooms.

  32. That mushroom looks amazing! What a beautiful risotti. I love interesting mushrooms... I once ate a chef's special dish in France that I thought was some kind of yummy seafood but turned out to be mushrooms.

  33. taste of beirut oh it was yum
    Sushma thanks
    Joanne I know its cool its high in Vit D
    cool lassie will check it out for ya for when you go!
    buskeroomama welcome lol
    Azita thanks
    Sam oh you must yours will be wonderful
    Katie oh thats cool

  34. I've seen these at Farmer's market - never have bought them.Now I will - and your recipe is perfect!

  35. Wow. This looks amazing. I will be making this week!

  36. Great Recipe! Mushrooms and seafood always work well together!!


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