Galleria Restaurant Cambridge UK

Today we had a wonderful day with family in the beautiful city of Cambridge it was just perfect one of those days to cherish for life, my hubbies brothers and sister were there with their wife's and future hubby and my bro and his lovely girlfriend came. I wasn't going to blog but this restaurant deserves a mention!
For supper we ate at The Galleria Restaurant next to the river. My sis in laws Fiancee studies at Cambridge University and took us punting it was wonderful. I pray you can visit this place after living in the US when I go home I want to visit all these amazing cities and do the Touristy things and soak it all in. I miss my family so much.

Me and Jasmine ate this Lemon Sole with a leek puree and mash potatoes yum
hubby had lamb
Thai inspired Monk fish with rice, loved the lemon grass in this
Salmon risotto, apparently one chef is Scottish one Canadian and one Italian!

No dessert snaps gobbled up fast !

Punting with our very own excellent punter!!

Love to you all, next time you visit a city with boats on a river, its a must to take a ride!!!

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  1. How fun. What beautiful memories you are making.

  2. punting? what is that? some guy who pushes you along with a stick in a boat? I love this term! The meal looks great and it seems nice and sunny there.

  3. I am so glad you decided to do a little post about your trip, Rebecca! I love looking at your holiday pictures!

    That food looks divine too! Whoever said that British food was bland and boring obviously needs to go to Cambridge!

    Keep enjoying your break and thanks for this beautiful virtual tour!

    Best wishes,

  4. Well, I did punt in Cambridge when I was 17 and I don't want you to do the math. Monkfish--loup de mer, always my choice on the menu!! Have fun, I'm jealous.

  5. I love how Jasmine eats just about everything! Delicious meal.

  6. All of the dishes looks wonderful..seems you had a lovely time with your family

  7. All dishes look so delicious, and Thanks for sharing your trip's pictures.

  8. All dishes look so delicious, and Thanks for sharing your trip's pictures.

  9. Welcome back to the UK! Lovely food, lovely place and lovely people. A perfect setting with your family round :)

  10. WHat fun, enjoy your time with family.

  11. The meal looks really great...esp. the lamb.
    Beautiful weather there too.

  12. What a wonderful last picture. -Tien:)

  13. I visited beautiful Cambridge as a poor college student and (sigh) did not eat like a king. Soaking in the food and the lovely ride on the river.

  14. Thank you for sharing...The food looks delicious.

  15. Now that is the way to get around, I would have had my head cocked back with an 'Ahhhh' expression!

  16. Oh Rebecca, cannot believe that after all this nice dishes, you did not take a snap of the dessert :-) Everything sure looks delicious.

  17. I've been to Cambridge once - didn't get to luxuriate in the sun though. Have fun dear!

  18. I've been a bit awol with my son getting married. Didn't realise you were in the UK. Perfect weather for a punt on the river.

  19. Lori: oh your right its amazing
    doggybloggy: he he you must try it its wonderful yep thats what punting is
    Natasha:oh my pleasure much love
    dovecote decor: hope you get to go back one day lol
    Joanne well most of the time she does
    Sushma of its lovely
    Sonia my pleasure
    the lacquer spoon oh your so right
    peanutts oh thanks lol
    Angie I know the weather was amazing
    Tien thanks so much
    Claudia aw but just walking around the old sts is the best for me
    Erica my pleasure
    Chef E smiles
    Juliana well the story really is I was changing Jasmine in fact didn't have a diaper so was asking a stranger for one!
    Ozoz I know the weather was a treat for sure
    Bridgett thanks
    Janice oh thanks and all the best for your sons big day

  20. What a sweet picture! I do wish to get to Cambridge at some point- I'll have to keep this info handy. Enjoy every minute with your family!

  21. I just love traveling to UK. and take a boating experience. It is exceptional!

  22. My cousin Andrew studied at Cambridge and his ex and kids live there still and I never knew what the place looks like; thanks to you I have a little idea now. That meal looks great and the trip on the river so relaxing!

  23. Christie thanks so much
    taste of beirut thanks cool you will have to visit them one day

  24. Looks wonderful and glad you are having a well desreved fun break. English cuisine is so wordly these days-but I love a proper fish and chips.
    BTW, what is "punting"?

  25. Looks like a great meal! Enjoy your trip!

  26. So fun to be with family. Have a good trip.

  27. doc oh love the traditional stuff as well lol
    5 star foodie thanks
    mimi thanks


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