Mum's Beef Stew

While my Mum was here I got Le Creuset recipes as she has one and really knows how to use it!
This is a classic British Beef stew easy and very tasty!

  • One medium Rutabaga chopped or Swede to us Brits
  • 2 small parsnips chopped
  • one large onion chopped
  • 4 carrots chopped
  • one large pack of stewing beef

  1. saute the meat in olive oil for 5 minutes to brown
  2. add vegetables with herbs de Provence (this was my choice) and a beef stock cube and a liter of water
  3. turn down to a simmer for about 2 hours
  4. just before serving thicken with corn starch
What dishes do you want to learn from your Mum?

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  1. This looks like a terrific and comforting beef stew. I'd like to learn how to make egg rolls and dumplings from my mom, she made the best ones when I was growing up.

  2. See what deliciousness comes from just a few choice ingredients! There are so many dishes I want to learn from my mother - I just wish she didn't live so far away.

  3. That is a lovely stew Rebecca, does the meat need to be dusted with flour before browning?

  4. Beef Stew looks Delicious!!! Mom's are the Best!!

  5. I wish I can try out your mum's beef stew, look so delicious, but I don't think I can find some of the ingredients in here..

  6. That is one good looking beef stew. I have been prowling around the blog and you have some interesting recipes.

  7. It's always great to learn recipes from our mom's. The first thing I learned was how to make fried rice. :)

    Delicious Stew!!

  8. Very comforting! I wish I could say gimme some right now but it has been in the 90's around here! will have to wait till fall.
    I learned tricks in the kitchen from my mom. She did not have a huge passion for cooking but she liked to cook French dishes at her leisure.

  9. Family recipe sounds and tastes so beautiful! I just recalled my host-mother in the UK cooked a stew with dumplings :)

  10. I love beef stew. There is a Russian restaurant here which served very good beef stew.
    I learned braised mushrooms from my grandma.

  11. Looks very delicious. I know my children would love that poured over rice or noodles.

  12. What a mouthwatering stew. I love the use of all those nutritious root vegetables.

  13. Ninety percent of my stock cooking comes from Mom. the stew is proof positive who much our moms know. Lovely.

  14. Looks like a lovely meal, especially tasty if mom made it!

  15. Your mom's stew looks splendid. If it was lamb instead of beef i would have reached for it and licked the bowl clean!:).

  16. Thanks very much for your lovely comment on my post. You can certainly use my prawn dish on the seafood blog. Have a nice day,

  17. I love beef stew and this is a lovely and comforting food Rebecca. great recipe!

  18. This looks so good! It's still a bit chilly here and I'm totally in the mood for warm, cozy food like this. And I LOVE any excuse to use my Le Creuset pots!

  19. Fresh Local and Best: oh hope you learn and teach us all on your blog!
    Tangled Noodle: oh I know how you fell lol
    3 hungry tummies: I don;t remember her doing that
    Sara they sure are
    Sonia oh thats a shame
    sweet and savory thanks smiles
    Jenn oh thats a great thing to learn
    tasteofbeirut oh French yum, yep 90 is hot for this
    Sushma thanks so much
    the lacquer spoon oh my mum was going to do dumplings but we couldn't find suet
    Anncoo oh grandmas are the best as well thats cool you have a Russian restaurant there
    Mary oh rice is what my hubby had
    Cathy oh me too thanks for stopping by
    Claudia so true
    Kim: thats very true
    Cool lassie oh lamb would work well
    Sophie oh they are my fav
    Mary thanks so much
    azita thanks
    teresa smiles
    Katie oh love those pans
    Kris thanks

  20. A great satisfying beef stew! Very delicious!

  21. MEATLOAF!!!! She made it the best and I swear I try and it never comes out the same! It's so true that sometimes Mom just does it best (still waiting for my best!) Thanks for sharing a simple, delicious looking, special recipe with us all!

  22. Nothing says comfort food like a good stew!

  23. I love beef stews....This looks comforting and delicious.

  24. Aren't Mom's stews always the best?! ;-) It looks delicious.

  25. Angie thanks
    design wine and dine oh I wish I could try your mums meatloaf
    Joanne oh so true
    Erica thanks
    Deb thanks and your right

  26. Angie thanks
    design wine and dine oh would love to try your mums meatloaf
    Joanne so true
    Erica: thanks
    Deb aw thanks will tell her

  27. Rebecca, your beef stew reminds me so much of my mom' comfort food!

  28. oh Rebecca that looks so good.I'd like to learn how to make a good pastry from my Mum...


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