My First Article!

This is an interview with Anna Obi one of my dear friends wife an infectious disease nurse working in Scotland.

My next interview is an ER nurse, marathon runner and fellow blogger I found on line so watch this space!

So if anyone knows of any nurses around the world I can interview drop me a line!

Have a fab weekend all



  1. Oooo...New blog name. I like. Great job on the article. I have quite a few friends who are nurses. I think I'm the only one who didn't take up any type of a medical career.

  2. Love your new blog name and the article is excellent! Great job!

  3. Thank you so much I hope I can find more writing work to stay home with my Angel and its a lot of fun, much love Rebecca

  4. Very well written article.
    I'm quite aware of NHS and the shortage in the nursing staff in the UK.So,many of the nurses from the hospital that I used to work in B'lore are now in the UK.

  5. thats interesting, I think the UK is getting harder for immigrants now, my sis in law is a DR there and she tells me about it also.


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