Nicoise Inspired Salad with Quail Eggs

This salad was so much fun, it is inspired by a Nicoise salad, from Nice in the South of France, the salad there often has eggs, green beans, anchovies and is so good. I saw these cute little quail eggs in the Asian store and thought they would be great in this salad, I also added some lychee for fun.

Nice always has a soft spot in my heart, as we went there when I was 5 months pregnant, we actually started of the trip in Barcelona Spain, met my Mum and Dad and friend there then we drove to Nice along the Southern part of France to Nice for a night, back via Provence. It was magically. We even watched the Formula one racing in Barcelona. So Jasmine had a taste of noisy fast cars at a very young age!

I just want to encourage all your pregnant ladies out there to enjoy pregnancy and travel for as long as you can, its so much fun, then even with a little one keep traveling its a little harder but where there is a will there's a way! I remember once meeting a couple with a 2 week old at the Grand Canyon the Mum still had the hospital tag on her wrist!

So often folks stop traveling as much as they feel it will be too hard, but it can be done. 
Also with food, let little ones try anything the more foods and cuisines from around the World the better, but that's just my humble opinion :-)

Nicoise Salad with an Asian Twist!


  • about 6 big lettuce leaves
  • 5 chopped potatoes - cooked
  • 1/2 a cup of cooked peas and 1/2 a cup of cooked edamame 
  • 4 lychee 
  • 8 cherry tomatoes chopped
  • one can of tuna
  • 1/4 of a cucumber chopped
  • 6 quail eggs boiled and halved

  • 2 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, I had a nice Californian one infused with Meyer lemons
  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh basil
  • one tablespoon balsamic vinegar 
  • herbs De Provence to taste
  • a little salt and pepper

  1. boil the peas, edamame and potatoes and keep to one side
  2. then mix it all together arrange eggs on top and enjoy

My little taste tester diving into the eggs! as I was taking pictures, even today as I was writing this post earlier she saw this snap and said eggs!

Here's me when I was pregnant with Jasmine walking along the beach front in the most beautiful city of Nice. You know we even took Jasmine back to the same restaurant we ate in when I was pregnant a year later with my parents. I am beaming just thinking about it.

What trips do you remember when your were expecting and men where did you go with your loved one?

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  1. Lovely post. I nicoise salad is one of favorite salad. Wow, this is interesting with the addition of lychee and the quail eggs.

    Jasmine is so cute. Thank you for sharing the photos.

  2. When I was small, my mum used to add boiled quail eggs in my lunch box. That's my sweet memory now, but good idea to use the eggs for salads! Easy to eat and so pretty to look at. Thanks, Rebecca :)

  3. I love quail eggs...they are just so cute.

  4. jasmine is so pretty....lovely n colorful salad...darling u r and all the very best...when i was carrying we always use to go to beaches and spend romantic evenings

  5. Oh love the little quail eggs in the salad, she is loving it :)

  6. Lovely salad gives a fresh healthy feeling! Little princess is sooo cute!
    It's great to know that a little new member is joining us soon!Congrats and take care!
    Love always.

  7. I remembered I had a nice trip to a nearby beach in my 1st pregnancy. This salad is suitable for all as it is healthy and good.

  8. Your Nicoise salad looks scrumptious with quail eggs!

  9. I agree! Life shouldn't stop just because you have a child. Travel, eat well, and have fun always.

    The salad looks absolutely delicious! Love how you dressed it up with lychee and quail eggs.

  10. What a great story and I love the quail eggs. -Tien :)

  11. Cook with Madin thanks so much
    the lacquer spoon oh those eggs are perfect for lil ones lol
    Sushma thanks
    Bo thanks me too
    Sanyukta oh not now that was when I was pregnant with Jasmine but who knows maybe one day!
    3 hungry tummies smiles
    alwaysa winner no no not pregnant well not yet anyways !
    Sonia thanks, oh its good to travel when expecting
    Angie thanks
    Joanne I am sure you will be a good travelling mummy in future lol
    Tien thanks

  12. for me the best trip with my son is either the last one we went on or the next one we are taking - he is growing so fast he gives me a new memory every day - oh and I love the salad!

  13. I love using quail eggs and no doubt the size is what attracted your darling Jasmine! Small, like her.

    Nicoise is one of the great salads of all time, Rebecca. What a lovely recipe!

  14. I love quails eggs, can't find them fresh anymore. Lovely post and great to meet you.

  15. Beautiful and healthy salad.
    Jasmine is so adorable :)

  16. Beautiful salad, Rebecca. And your photos look wonderful!!

  17. What a beautiful salad. I've never eaten a quail egg and am not sure where I would even buy one in this tiny town where I live.

  18. Beautiful and delicious salad.
    Thanks for sharing your photos with us.
    Great post ♥

  19. Looks so healthy and delicious! I love the way you presented this salad. So beautiful.

  20. mmmmmmm light and refreshing....this is perfect for today, it's a scorcher outside here!

  21. Delicious salad, Rebecca!I love quail eggs.

  22. One of these days I am going to have to find some quail eggs!Minnesota has plenty of quals - and seemingly no eggs! This looks absolutely delicious and love looking at Nice.

  23. Nicoise is one of our favorite salads! But I've never tried/used Quail eggs - in fact, I've never seen Quail eggs here in my area. Your daughter is beautiful!

  24. That's so sweet that you went back to the same restaurant! The salad looks delicious - never had a quail egg - Jasmine looks so cute!

  25. I can't think of any places that I visited when I was pregnant-not for a lack of will, just wasn't the opportunity.
    I think traveling is the best gift that you can give yourself and your children. The life experiences and the tolerance that is built is priceless. I travel as often as possible and bring my children too.

    The salad looks beautiful. Cheers to Jasmine for digging right into it!

    P.S. I have never had quail eggs.

  26. doggybloggy oh thats the sweetest statement ever your a fab Dad
    Barbara oh thanks so much and your right the size is so appealing to little hands
    simply life thanks
    Shaz thanks and like wise love your blog
    Anncoo thanks
    Trix oh thanks I really appreciate it
    Judy kind of tastes like a chicken egg try a local Asian store
    Ana aw thanks
    Sook thanks so much
    fortheloveofyum oh its hot here as well sob
    Erica thanks
    Claudia um I bet they must be somewhere lol
    smith bites thanks and thanks for stopping by great blog you have wow keeping finding more blogs to rd!
    Reeni oh you would love them
    Velva oh your right travel is a gift for sure
    peachkins thanks
    magic of spice thanks

  27. Rebecca, love quail eggs, nice touch to Nicoise salad, more delicate flavor. So right about where there's a will, there's a way! Applies to everything in life. Jasmine is adorable.

  28. A very creative take on a Nicoise salad--those quail eggs are adorable as is your little taste tester. ;-)

  29. lovely! i love quai eggs and nice as well!
    many hugs,

  30. yumm, looks delish, love salad nicoise, and you are right about getting kids to eat diffrent cuisines, broadens their taste buds , makes them less picky i think

  31. salad with quail eggs truly jive well! I know I am in love with it already!

  32. Rebecca, this salad sounds wonderful. Love everything about it. The dressing sounds wonderful with the fresh herbs. I will get to the bread recipe . . . heat wave is not a good time to bake :)

  33. Cool. Love that salad and LOVE the quail eggs, a favorite of mine. I hope to get to Nice sometime-I hear it's nice.

  34. When they flew the first time to Disney for Ane's Make a Wish- they were so excited, and the first night we stayed in Give The Kids a World house, full fridge, money to spare, our own car- well the king and queen came and asked what they wanted to do- I found them with the two grown ups jumping on the bed laughing- too many others to write it all down :)

  35. great post, I love traveling with my kids...yes it is harder but as long as you prep, your quail eggs, yum


  36. What a beautiful salad and Jasmine is just the cutest thing diving in to get the eggs! :) Quail eggs are perfect for bentos too! :D

    I was a travel agent when I was pregnant, so right up front my doctor told me when my cut off date was for traveling. I remember going to Colorado Springs for a jet ski race that my husband was in. Another wife was pregnant too and everyone went rock climbing, but we could go up to that here were two 6mo pg women hanging around "The Garden of The Gods". I went to as many races as I could that year. My daughter has traveled since she was a tiny baby!

  37. Eleanor so pleased you liked the salad
    Deb thanks adore her
    Justyna aw thanks
    peanutts thanks and your doing a great job with your lil one
    big boys oven thanks
    Christie no problem take your time lol
    Doc u would love Nice
    sweetlife well said
    Chef E lovely memories
    Lyndsey oh thats so cool your sporty and a good mum

  38. It's always nice to create recipe from memories that mean so much to us. I love the presentation of it. Definitely a salad worth trying.

  39. A good article nonetheless. I dont like quail eggs personally but through this salad wow! I can;t wait to try this one out. Perfect for my family. Thanks for sharing, continue to post more:)

  40. I have just been thinking about using quail eggs recently; what a great idea to add them to a salade niçoise!

  41. I love quails eggs so I'll definitely be making this in a few weeks! Looks lovely, as does Jasmine! X X X

  42. Jenn thanks
    daphnesy thanks for stopping by
    taste of beirut oh thanks would love to see what you make with them lol
    Ozoz thanks you will love this salad


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