How to Make Frappe

Heres a a couple of clips! (I am so bad at doing this maybe when I get a TV deal he he will be easier!!) on how to make Greek Frappe at home, great for warm summer days :-)

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  1. Haha yes I think that if someone else is manning/worrying about the camera, it's a lot easier! Good videos though!

  2. Cute post, great videos. Yes, it will be easier if another person is holding the camera. Have fun.

  3. hey rebecca,
    great clips... you definitely could make a great tv host! hahah.. i just couldn't hear you well as it is not audible... (even at high volume!)
    but bravo for these clips!

  4. I just happened upon your blog. Love all your great recipes.

  5. Thanks for the video, really enjoyed watching it.
    Good volume too.
    Well done, great work ♥

  6. hey Rebecca... this is cool! Great idea. I too couldn't hear it despite having the volume on max. I want to do some videos too... what kind of camera are you using? Maybe more lighting... keep it up looking forward to more videos

  7. That's a lovely video, thanks! I'm just back from my kitchen with 40C... so hot and humid. Need your frappe right now!!

  8. Rebecca, sharing is good right! I need one. hahaha.... Hope you're having a wonderful weekend with your family.
    Cheers, Kristy

  9. Cute videos... and better than you think they are! You're brave, I am not sure if I could post myself on the internet in video form. I hate hearing my own voice! Haha! Happy 4th of July!

  10. You're so cute! I hope you do get your own show. Pass a delicious frappe this way, please!

  11. too damn cute! Making videos is harder than it looks - I like the frappe!

  12. Joanne oh so so aw well at least I tried
    Cook with Madin so true
    Malou oh thats a shame you can't hear my British accent
    Moogie thanks will hop on over to yours
    Ana aw thanks so much
    Nour with laptop webcam maybe not the best way!
    the lacquer spoon will make one more for u wow thats hot
    Sam thanks
    Kristy heres a frappe for u
    sushma thanks
    Angie he he thanks
    Emily go on you can do one
    Reeni and one for u
    doggy bloggy your not kidding yours are really good though

  13. You're so cute, Reb!!! And I'd totally love a frappe right now...perfect for a steamy day like today =) Hope your family is enjoying the 4th!

  14. Hehehe...good videos. A frappe pick me up is what I need right about now. I'm totally going into a food coma. hahaha...

    Happy 4th

  15. Great video but had trouble hearing your voice in-spite of tuning the volume to the max. Happy 4th of July!

  16. It looks like a great drink... get a microphone a little closer for those of us who can't hear perfectly!!! I'd love to hear your charming English voice telling me about fun things to try... hmm where's that contract for Food Network?

  17. Fun blog post! Love the video. Good job!

  18. You're so cute on camera. Yes I think it would help having someone else operating the camera! With the window light behind you we couldn't see your lovely face very well! I guess I'll have to come on up and, but it's too hot up there! he he!

    I'll have one of those frappes right now, am I too late? :-)

  19. girlichef heres one for u
    Jenn oh your kind, i know the truth
    cool lassie sorry
    lostpastremembered he he wish
    mother rimmy thanks
    Lyndsey come on up and help :0


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