Homemade French Baguette

I have been making bread with Healthy bread in five minutes a day, but unfortunately my hubby doesn't like it and I really didn't want to give up on bread making. So I searched the web and settled on Steamy Kitchens method, and slightly adapted it. It seemed straight forward and I can happily report, I have now made a simple bread from scratch and kneaded it. So much softer than the no knead method and really not as hard as I thought!

  • 4 cups of all purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoon active yeast
  • 2 teaspoon salt
  • enough water to make a nice dough about 1 1/2 cups

  1. add the flour to a bowl with salt on one side and yeast on the other, I think the salt harms the yeast if together, (keep a little flour back for kneading)
  2. slowly add the flour and mix, I use a bread mixer

3. let it stand for 5 minutes
4. then remove it and knead, adding in the extra flour, this was fun, then add to a oiled bowl cover and let it rise for 1-1/2 hours I put on deck it rose beautifully
5. after it has risen punch and knead pack down and let it rise again

6. then divide into 2 stretch it out, and fold it over like below and seal it well to trap air inside, then let it sit for 20-30 minutes

7. meanwhile heat the oven to 425F with a pizza stone after 5 minutes add a broiler tray with water to create steam
8. now add the baguettes to the hot oven and bake for 20-30 minutes
9. enjoy a wonderful soft French Baguette at home!!

I hope this inspires those who haven't made bread to give it a try if I can do it so can you :-)

I will send this over to girlichef for REAL food two for Tuesdays-


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  1. good job - this is some REAL food - I can smell it from here and I would love to slather butter all over a big hunk!

  2. I can see myself slicing your awesome French baguette up.
    Great post ♥

  3. Delicious, Rebecca! I love baking fresh homemade bread. Bet this was delicious with some butter.

  4. ohh...the bread looks perfect..nothing can be better than this fresh homemade bread...my hubby love this french baguette..must try this out...thanks for sharing this!

  5. Gorgeous...great job, Reb!! It's not so bad once you get in there and do it, is it? Plus, I love kneading...so therapeutic! Definitely one of my favorite kinds of REAL food ;) thanks for sharing with Two for Tuesdays...link'll be up midnight Mon going on Tues!!

  6. What a delicious looking baguette! Kudos to you for giving this a go. Homemade bread is always so much better than store-bought.

  7. The inside of that bread looks like it's the perfect texture! I'm drooling.

  8. Yum!!! One of the things I love most are slices from fresh baguettes with a slather of butter or jam. And the smell when they come out of the oven, too.

  9. Rebecca, I always love French Baquette, and wanted to make this long time ago, I must try your recipe soon. By the way, I don't quite understand on this step:
    meanwhile heat the oven to 425F with a pizza stone after 5 minutes add a broiler tray with water to create steam, if possible, could you so kind so me the photo how you do this step, appreciate much!

  10. typo error- "so me", should be show me. Thanks.

  11. Just yummy! I can smell it from here :)

  12. doggybloggy: oh thanks your super nice
    Ana: thanks so much
    Kim thanks and I ate a lot with butter he he
    Suman thanks hope you try it
    girlichef oh thanks and your right wasn't so hard
    Janice thanks so much
    adventures in domestic cooking thanks
    Sasha thanks and thanks for stopping by
    Bridgett oh thanks love ya
    Lynn thanks
    Joanne oh it was so good, I need to make it again
    Jenn oh the smell was so good
    Sonia have emailed you a pic of my pizza stone and grubby oven he he
    Julie thanks

  13. Great job on your baguettes! I made these in culinary school and they are fun to shape :) You're absolutely right about the yeast/salt. The salt with retard the yeast and your bread won't rise as nicely.

  14. good looking french baguette you have here.. i could smell it from here LOL!

  15. Looks so perfect,love the step wise pics..

  16. Great job, Rebecca! I'm so excited to see you making your own bread. And I'm sure your huuby would like this one here. It's perfect for curry dipping! Hope you're having a wonderful day, darling.
    Chers, Kristy
    p/s kiss Jasmine for me!<3~muakkkk

  17. Love the home made bread....fresher and better.

  18. Never thought of making baguette at home, awesome work..looks prefect..

  19. oh fabulous..I've been meaning to make a stuffed baguette with cream cheese and other fillings but the baguettes here are not to my to my taste....yes I needed the encouridgement to bake it myself...thanks

  20. This method will make my life easier in the kitchen :) If only I could bite your bread right now!

  21. I love any bread that's homemade. I would eat that whole loaf that you made :P Would be so good to make garlic bread...mmm

  22. Oh yum, Rebecca! I can practically smell it from here. You make it sound as though even I, a non-bread maker for the most part, could make this with ease.

  23. I love home-made bread, my problem is I will eat it ALL. Looks delicious!

  24. What a beautiful baguette! I haven't made bread in ages and you've inspired me to try a new recipe. thanks.

  25. A beautiful baguette--I am very impressed!

  26. Beautiful loaf of bread...love French baguettes...yummie!

  27. Victoria oh thanks
    Malou he he lol
    sushma wanted to explain so folks can do it
    my little space oh that would be awesome
    Angie oh your so right
    priya thanks so much
    jelena wow stuffed sounds amazing
    the lacquer spoon yeah was easy lol
    Mary oh garlic bread now your talking
    sonia oh my pleasure
    Barbara hope your try it
    Diana he he I did!
    Cathy looking forward to seeing yours
    Deb oh you made my day
    Juliana thanks

  28. I haven't had much luck with the Healthy Bread in five minutes a day book either. But love the Artisan Bread in fives minutes a day recipe. I'll have to give this version a try. It sounds delicious!

  29. Beautiful bread! Your form looks perfect. There's nothing like a baguette for soups and such.

  30. I love your method - sounds simple enough even for a beginner! We love baguettes around here - I am going to have to try this. I am glad you linked this to Two for Tuesdays.

  31. There is nothing better than home baked bread. Great baguette, soft on the inside and golden on the outside.

  32. Hi Becca! As a long time baker I send you Kudos for making a kneaded bread! It can be rather intimidating! I have been interested in the healthy bread in five minutes idea, but will stick with my sourdough for now! I grabbed your feed and following on twitter and facebook! Thanks so much for sharing on the two for tuesday recipe blog hop! Alex@amoderatelife

  33. What a great baguette!! I like the 5 minute bread, but not being an accomplished baker, I havent tried very many other recipes...
    thanks for sharing yours!

  34. Barbara thanks I guess i should get the other book
    Cristie oh thanks means a lot to me
    Christy hope you like it lol
    mother rimmy oh so true and thanks
    Alex thanks will follow also lol
    chef dennis oh looking forward to seeing yours

  35. Oh la la, french bread! Thanks for linking up with the blog hop at Two for Tuesdays.

  36. My family has mutinied as well. I took a break from HBinFive and went back to Artisan in Five. Your baquette looks heavenly. I'd like a slice with some jam please.

  37. It has never occurred to me to make my own French Baguette but you make it look so easy. I love Baguettes!!!

  38. I love the holey bread....and good on you for going from scratch!!!! I will start baking breads in the coming weeks! LOL

  39. butterpowered bike oh my pleasure
    Bonnie he he glad I am not the only one heres a slice
    Emily oh hope you try
    Kitchen butterfly looking forward to seeing the snaps

  40. Thanks for the French baguette recipe! I made pizza dough this weekend and had so much fun with it. Think I'll be experimenting more with breads, your included. Cheers!

  41. Trish wow just saw your pizza wonderful thanks for stopping by Rebecca


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