Grandmas Coffee Cake

Since getting back I have made my Grandma's coffee cake and chocolate cake. I think now more than ever I want to learn her recipes, perfect them with practice and record them here to preserve them. This is a wonderfully simple cake and full of flavor and it turned out beautifully. 


Tips from my Grandma - weigh eggs and then use the same weight of flour, sugar and butter, this really works.

  • 2 medium eggs
  • 4 oz of self raising flour (the same weight of the eggs)
  • 4 oz of butter, softened
  • 4 oz sugar 
  • 1/4 of a cup of cold coffee 

  1. make a cup of coffee and allow it to cool
  2. mix the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy 
  3. add the eggs and the flour, I used a light cake flour this time (self raising) made all the difference 
  4. add about 1/4 cup of the coffee
  5. line a round baking tin with grease proof paper and bake at 350 for 25-30 minutes until a knife comes out clean
  6. for the icing mix a about 1/2 a cup of coffee with confectioners/icing sugar until you get a paste cover the cake and grate some chocolate over it allow it to set.

Jasmine testing the icing :-)

My amazing Grandparents :-) 

What cake did you learn from your Grandma?

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  1. I love this post! What a lucky tester and you are lucky to have her test it for you :D

    My mom has my grandma's recipe box and the last time I was visiting I told her that I wanted to go through them with her and post some. I love how food a recipes bring back such nice memories!

  2. Miss Jasmine is so lucky that she got to taste that icing & eat this wonderful coffee cake.

  3. Man, I must stop reading your FB so early in the morning. I am sooo hungry and want this cake NOW!!

  4. This looks like a lovely cake--simple, delicious and special as it is a family recipe. Jasmine seems to be enjoying it too. ;-)

  5. Love the balance between the coffeee and the chocolate. And the cake so perfectly risen. Is this a Scottish recipe too?

  6. Lovely recipe ...

    Such nice and lil tips from grandma.. helps us in getting the secret touch ...

  7. That cake looks lovely! I think Miss Jasmine agrees :) Thanks for sharing. My Gramma wasn't really a cake person, more of a peanut butter ball kind of gal!

  8. You have such an adorable cake tester. The cake looks so good, I love her method :)

  9. My grandma never had any cake recipes, she just seemed to work by eye. This would NOT work for me, but I guess she had been baking for a long time when I came along. So I don't have any heirloom recipes sadly.

    I hope what I have inherited though, is her cheerful willingness to cook when any of her rather large (I have close on 20 cousins) family came to visit. That or a love for rice pudding skin, anyway :)

    I'm going to try your Grandmas coffee cake.

  10. This looks like a great recipe and cake! And, I think it's great how you want to preserve your grandmother's recipes!

  11. Mademoiselle Jasmin is one lucky girl with a cake like that!

  12. Your kid is so cute, Rebecca :) Just yesterday I was at my grandma's for Mother's day. Thanks for sharing this lovely cake! xoxo

  13. What a wonderful cake!!!!I learned all my Traditional Colombian desserts from my grandmother.....:)

  14. oh, this sounds so wonderful! Angel Food Cake is the one I learned from my grandma =)

  15. That looks really yummy.

    Happy Memorial Day!

  16. Sounds Delicious! Have you tried blending in some greek yogurt to this recipe?

  17. What a great coffee cake! The use of equal weights of the ingredients reminds me of how pound cake came to be. I believe it was simply a pound each of butter, sugar, and flour (or something along those lines). Glad you are trying out all of grandma's recipes. I love doing the same!

  18. Oooh, This coffee cake looks absolutely mouth-watery.I bet your grandma's cake recipe brought back some good childhood memories too :)

    Have a great day,


  19. Lovely cake and you can rest asssured that Grandma's recipes are tested and proven!

  20. i love recipes that have been passed along! this looks scrumptious :). and someone seems very eager to taste-test too :D

  21. it goes to show that simple can be made wonderful! I love how short the ingredient list is but how lovely it looks at the end! I hope your little girl enjoys it too!

  22. The last pic is precious! Totally love cake n grandma's tips :)
    US Masala

  23. Nothing beats family recipes. Not only for others to share but for yourself to reminisce about childhood memories in the kitchen

  24. Lyndsey oh can't wait to see what you cook from the recipe box :-)
    Belinda :-)
    Marla smiles
    somner cake is good for breakie he he
    deb love simple
    jose thanks
    Ruth thanks my family is English my parents moved to Scotland when I was a teenager :-)
    sandhya oh for sure
    parsely sage he ehe that works too
    carol :-)
    greedy rose I am surprised she still needs recipes after all these years family get togethers must be fun at your place
    yummchunklet :-)
    mad about macaroons and your kids too your an amazing baker
    chef pandita so cool you can see your grandma often
    Erica you learned well my friend
    girlichef oh i want to learn that one
    sailor thanks same to you
    lisa thanks I guess yogurt would work but might make it wet?
    victoria cool facts
    aldy yep I was actually just in the UK
    cheah for sure
    daphne :-)

  25. Looks dleicious, sure it taste great as it from grandma with lot of love and care.

  26. Great looking cake...I never knew my grandparents, but I found one of my great grandmothers recipes in an old Rotary Club cookbook...I made it the other day.

  27. So nice that you are sharing your grandma's recipe; I love the old ones and it looks really goodd,

  28. My grandmother's apple cake is what I learned. She would actually make it with either apples or pears but the basic cake was the same. It was a very easy and basic cake that lent itself well to afternoon snacks with a cup of coffee or tea.

  29. This coffee cake looks amazing! Thanks for sharing such a special recipe!

  30. how yummy! i love family recipes, this looks great!

  31. Such a lovely post :) I wish I could get into the kitchen and cook with my grandmother again. She is unfortunately very ill and cannot cook anymore. I was lucky enough to learn how to make an amazing chocolate mousse pie. It was my grandfathers favorite and we used to make it every Thanksgiving and Christmas.

  32. Oh grandma's recipes are the best. Mine would make Easter Bread and something pronounced pizzarustica that was essentially every italian meat, cheese and eggs baked into a "cake". ha!

  33. I'd like to have that now for lunch!

    ps I have another giveaway!

  34. Blogging is a great way to record things for posterity. And your grandmother's coffee cake looks absolutely delicious!

  35. swathi oh its awesome to cook like her
    bo oh thats neat that you found it there
    aarti on my way over
    Rita thanks will let her know
    sylvie oh bet your Grandmas cake is awesome
    5 star foodie my pleasure
    teresa :-)
    Michelle thats neat I really want to try Easter bread
    Kris will check it out
    indie aw thanks

  36. grandma's recipes are the best would love to try!!

  37. Hi Rebecca's grandparents! Thanks for sharing the beautiful coffee cake recipe. Looks DELICIOUS! Hehee Jasmine is so cute!

  38. Ananda so true
    Nami oh they are amazing

  39. What a lovely coffee cake and I am so intrigued by your grandmothers measuring technique...I bet it does work and makes so much sense :)


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