East coast railway

We have had a fun filled few days in London seeing my brother and his girlfriend, hubby's siblings and our new little nephew - adorable. Ate some good British food with flare at Bennets Oyster Bar in Battersea and amazing Japanese in Lavender hill. This morning we took the train to Scotland to spend a week with my parents in just 4 1/2 hrs you can be in Edinburgh from London much faster than driving. We tucked into a bacon sandwich with a cuppa on the train and enjoyed the countryside along the way.

Berwick south of Edinburgh


Crossing the forth rail bridge looking at road bridge crossing into Fife.

This evening we ate Scottish salmon with vegetables, homemade cake and Jasmine used my mums knife and folk from when she was little :-)

What do you have from the past in your kitchen ?

Love from Bonnie Scotland


Posted using BlogPress from my iPhones


  1. You have the most amazing holidays! Enjoy!

  2. Nothing beats the feeling of being "home" and with family. These are precious moments that will always remain in our memories and warm the heart whenever we take a trip back to memory lane. I am so happy for you Reb. Enjoy and make the most out of your visit.

  3. Have a wonderful time with your parents, Rebecca. What wonderful travels. Jasmine must have loved that little set of utensils :)

  4. How fun! And to have your childhood utensils. Sweet.

  5. Sounds like you're having a great time. Too bad we couldn't meet this time. There's always next time... :)
    Enjoy the rest of the holiday!

  6. Hi, I am very glad your holiday is going well.
    Wishing you all the best ♥

  7. Enjoy the days in London and be with family. It is always worth it.

  8. Have fun !! Roaming all the around the world before the new member comes :D

  9. Jasmine is the best well rounded traveler I know! Looks like the best time ever! XOXO

  10. What an amazing holiday you are having. I envy you the good British food. Today I had the worst craving for some bacon flavored crisps. If you eat any, take a picture for me so that I can live vicariously:)

  11. Sounds like a great time! Love the utensils!

  12. Enjoy your precious family time! We look forward to your story when you come back. :-) I miss my home in Japan too, especially I can't spend the mother's day with my mom. Have a safe and wonderful trip.

  13. Sounds like a pretty fantastic trip so far! Thanks for sharing it with us :)

  14. ooo i wish i were there right now! hope spending time with family is wonderful :)

  15. I give you so much credit pregnant lady, nothing is holding you back. Have a great time with your parents and Happy Mothers Day to you.

  16. oh how fun! scotland is one of the very first places i want to go when we can travel. lovely pictures!

  17. Sounds like you had a great time!

  18. Enjoy time with your parents and have a great Mother's Day!

  19. I'd love to get back to Edinburgh one day! Funny you should ask about family treasures in the kitchen...I just found some funny, old salt and pepper shakers in my cupboards today. Made me think of my grandmother (for whom I was named after :-) Happy Mother's Day!

  20. Beth thanks so much Beth
    Malou oh thanks and great advice as always
    Susan oh she did and thanks so much
    Melinda thanks
    Belinda :-)
    Michael I will be back for sure its my homeland :-)
    swathi thanks so much
    Gulmohar he he cheers
    design wine and dine hugs
    Angela I should get you some :-)
    Marnely :-)
    Nami oh so sorry its so hard living away from home i know
    Parsley sage my pleasure
    Junia :-)
    Doc he he
    Lauren thanks so much your sweet
    Teresa I can be your travel guide
    5 star foodie :-)
    Angie aw thanks
    EA oh thats cute

  21. Beautiful photos...I just love that Jasmine got to use your mom's utensils from when she was little, so precious :)I hope you guys have a lovely time, hugs

  22. you're getting closer!... call me when you're near!!!

  23. Alisha :-) hugs back
    mehjabeen :-)
    Dom will email you

  24. Enjoy ur holidays rebecca firat pic is so cute!


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