Castle Terrace Restaurant

My Dad outside :-)

Today we dined at Castle Terrace Restaurant in Edinburgh, it has a wonderful set lunch menu and first class food. Its has only been open 9 months and is the sister restaurant to The Kitchin  an award winning  Michelin star restaurant in Edinburgh. In fact the chefs of both places have known each other since they were 17. We were unable to get a table in The Kitchin so opted for Castle Terrace. It recently received a rising star Michelin star award and is on par for getting a star next year. 

Castle Terrace has a philosophy of Nature to Plate with seasonal produce and sustainable seafood and has a great relationship with its suppliers the fisherman and farmers . When I asked about my tomato starter the manager who eagerly served and checked on the tables kindly showed me the tomatoes. I also asked about Hake and what the fish looked like and whether it is sustainable. He kindly educated me on the fish and showed me a picture on his phone, its a delicate white fish and a sustainable alternative to cod. 

I highly recommend this restaurant if your visiting Edinburgh you will be treated to attentive service and gourmet food. For lunch you can have three courses for 20 pounds the portions are adequate and reasonably priced for the high quality of the food.

Seaweed, and cracker canapes

Amuse Bouche - of cucumber foam and smoked salmon, a treat for the tongue

Mum's starter of fresh Scottish asparagus

Hubby's pea soup, with gnocchi and poached egg - wow this one of the best soups we had even eaten

Dad's pigs cheek with a medley of seasonal vegetables, I sampled the meat and to my surprise it was wonderfully tender and tasty I feared it would be chewy

Mum's skate from Shetland a Scottish Island with vegetables 

my tomato and balsamic starter so good

My Hake with a deconstructed Waldorf salad, wonderful delicate and flavorful

Dad's dessert an apple en croute served with an apple crisp and cinnamon ice cream

Petits four - Rhubarb macarons, fudge and mini lemon shortcakes - what a treat

The outside of the restaurant 

Just steps away from the mighty Edinburgh Castle

Our family catching up in Bonnie Scotland over a lovely lunch :-)

Love to you all hugs

33-35 Castle Terrace
Edinburgh EH1 2EL
0131 229 1222

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  1. Wow. Simply an amazing looking meal.

  2. the pea soup with gnocci looks divine, love the last pic!!
    how fun!

  3. looks like some one had fun.. its always nice when families are together..

  4. You're in Scotland now? I tell you Rebecca I can't keep up with you! How nice to get another chance to visit family. Great family photo!

    This is lunch? Wow, it looks wonderful or beautiful! I agree...your hubby's pea soup, with gnocchi and poached egg does look divine!

  5. What a great experience! Your meal looks delicious and was reasonably priced. I loved Edinburgh - isn't the castle gorgeous?

  6. Great photos and I love the philosophy of this restaurant...if I ever get there one day, I'll be sure to go. Love the family pic =)

  7. Awesome meal. Looks delicious each plate is. Enjoy and have fun.

  8. Wow - looks like you are having a lovely time with your family. That restaurant looks fabulous - each dish looks better than the next:) Enjoy!

  9. Such a wonderful spot! Everything looks divine! ;) Glad you're having a nice trip.

  10. As i was reading the post and seeing the spread I thought I could pick my fav .. but then I kept changing my mind and realised that I could eat all of these with absolute satisfaction.. Each of dishes looks too delicious !! nice family pic too :)

  11. nice to see that you're enjoying your holiday....great to see your family too ! happy mother's day :)

  12. yummy chunklet smiles
    sweetlife :-) oh that soup rocked
    Mehjabeen oh love seeing them will miss them
    Lyndsey he eh i know doing all travel before new baby
    Beth oh its an amazing city
    girlichef u would love the place
    swathi thanks so much
    stephanie he he so true
    belinda will say hi to them
    the ungourmet thanks
    kankana oh each dish was awesome great memories
    the picky eater aw thanks so nice of u

  13. that pea soup looks delicious!!!! mmmmm i love green soups. hehe.

  14. Oooh, I'm in Edinburgh in a couple of months. I'm definitely getting a table there! Hope you're having a great time - I love Edinburgh so much.

  15. yummy!!! thats all i have to say.

  16. Wonderful photos and what a great time you are having! Food and family - nothing better :)

  17. What a fantastic post. I know I wiil never go there, but you really made me live your expeience so thank you so much.
    Happy Mother's Day Rebecca!

  18. Looks so good and I love the presentation. Love the simple presentation of the asparagus. You and your family look so happy, enjoy!

  19. Rebecca, all the dishes look very posh...! And what a beautiful family picture :).

  20. Sounds like you're having fun and eating well too Rebecca.

  21. I wish I knew you when I was in Ediburgh - but of course, you were probably a child... sigh. Lovely!

  22. What a delicious looking meal! You look so happy to be home :)

  23. Rebecca, thanks so much for sharing your holiday with us over here state-side. My husband is of Scottish descent and we, yes, WE both enjoyed this post. It is a dream of ours to visit his Scotland and my Italy. I hope you enjoy your lovely trip! Roz

  24. Junia oh you would love it
    greedyrosie oh how cool enjoy
    suzyeats :-)
    susan so true
    Rita aw thanks same to you Marnely :-)
    sailor :-)
    cooking gallery he he I guess it was nice treat
    Sam yep sure am
    claudia he he your funny
    nutmeg nanny oh its lovely
    Roz hope you get to visit hugs

  25. What a gorgeous meal there, each dish looks terrific, especially that pea soup!

  26. Sigh... amazing meal and enjoy every moment!!!

  27. five star foodie he he Natasha thought of you as posting
    Nami thanks :=)

  28. Wish I could have joined you for lunch. Everything looks delicious!

  29. SO much delicious looking food.

  30. Oh wow, these are some amazing dish! The Edinburgh castle looks so wonderful. Can't wait to see it in July. I can't believe I miss all your UK blog posts.

  31. Everything looks so wonderful...I want to go some day :)

  32. Biren would have been fun
    Lori :-)
    Victor but this one on your list of places to eat
    magic of spice hope you can


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