Spicy Tomato and Vegetable Rice

This is a simple and great way to Jazz up rice, my Mum in law made something similar while she was here and  I really liked the way she added the mint. I added less Indian recipes this time as most are in archives. I love eating a different countries food every day so you will see Indian, Chinese, Thai, Italian, British and so many more here. I hope you enjoy global food as much I do, I keep reading all your lovely blogs and learning new recipes to add to my repertoire :-)

What are your new favorite recipes you have learnt recently ?


  • One cup of cooked rice
  • one small onion chopped
  • 3 cloves of chopped garlic
  • about 1/4 cup chopped fresh mint
  • one tablespoon masala powder
  • one teaspoon garam masala powder
  • salt to taste
  • one cup frozen mixed vegetables 
  • a pinch of turmeric powder

  1. saute the onions and garlic in olive oil for 3 minutes
  2. add the vegetables and masala powders and for another 5 minutes until vegetables are cooked
  3. then add the rice and serve nice and easy
This makes a great packed lunch with a boiled egg or a quick meal.

Also just for fun I added a little Welcome Clip to give new visitors a wee intro to Chow and Chatter please let me know what you think and if you would edit in any way, I value your opinions :-)


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  1. A great and very flavoursome rice dish.
    Recently I have been trying out courgette cakes.
    All the best, tomorrow is back to work ♥

  2. Yes, I must go to India, but only if I get to tag along with you!!

  3. Very flavorful and easy to make.

  4. I've been making all sorts of vegetable fritters with the crop wwe've had recently - courgette, feta and dill are the best so far. This rice does look great, too!

  5. Good looking twist on rice! Recently I posted a blog on Kale Hummus. We loved it!

  6. looks droolworthy rebecca....ful of flavours and nice twist dear

  7. I do love the sound of the mint with the spices in the rice...mmmm! And I love your video...you're so adorable and I've told you before, I love hearing your voice. What a wonderful way to welcome people! =)

  8. I am loving to cook my rice with flavours! Just like those Mexican paella and yours sounds as wonderful. Thank you and again... good to see your home cook meal. Have fun and enjoy your day.
    Cheers, kristy

  9. Rebecca- I think your video clip is a grand way to introduce people to your blog. Good job!

    I'm loving all the spices in this rice and veggie dish. Sounds delicious.

  10. Ana thanks hope you have a good week at work
    Liz: he he sure
    Nisrine thanks so much
    greedyrosie: oh they sound great and thanks so much for stopping by
    Jane oh thats a cool recipe thanks for visiting
    snayukta thanks so much
    girlichef oh your so sweet hugs
    Kristy thanks so much
    peachkins thanks
    Kim oh thanks you made my day
    Joanne thanks

  11. I love your video clip - I always enjoy getting to meet the bloggers behind the blog!
    the rice sounds delish!

  12. My stupid computer/internet is dying on me and it won't play your video =[ *sigh* I'll watch it when I get it fixed!

    I love how blogs have introduced me to so many different types of food- not just the interesting, unusal types, but also food which is really common only I've never heard of before =] Like, I wouldn't have known what masala powder or tumeric powder was if I didn't read blogs (we don't use it at home). But now I do =] Which is why I could just imagine how yummy this rice dish is!

  13. That looks delicious, would love to have that..

  14. You are so cute Rebecca! :)) the rice dish is indeed so simple and looks very tasty.

  15. So fun to watch your cute welcome video. I feel right at home now.

  16. Lovely recipe, like the video clip.

  17. Hi...simple and tasty rice, looks great..

  18. Lovely fried rice and lovely to see you on video! :D

  19. What a great recipe! I always enjoy global recipes because I think they have a lot more flavor than our US standards that often rely on sugar (# 1 food additive in the US) and fat for flavor. :-)

  20. Agreed,
    Rice is such a staple across the globe and so many delicious and varied recipes. Love this one!

  21. Wonderfully flavorful rice and I love your video clip!

  22. I love Ethnic food. I always love to learn about the new foods and the cultures that go with them. I just recently have been learning more and mroe about Ethiopian. At some point I will post it all on my blog.

  23. The rice dish looks very delicious and quick to make.
    You look sweet in the video!

  24. Christy thanks oh and me too
    Von so true
    sushma thanks
    Zurin thanks so much
    Barbara oh thats great to hear lol
    Sanjeeta thanks so much
    treat and trick thanks
    Mary he he thanks
    peannuts thanks
    Emily I agree but its improving
    Sonia thanks
    Doc thanks so much
    5 star foodie thanks
    Lori oh looking forward to learning from you
    Angie he he thanks

  25. Aparte de rico, con esos ingredientes es una receta muy saludable.

  26. I agree with you, adding different cultures foods to your diet is fun and rewarding for the most part. I have enjoyed having my niece with me this summer who has been teaching me some intersting foods from Jordan-- delicious!

  27. thanks Javiar
    Christie oh thats wonderful she must have had so much fun with u

  28. I love different types of 'fried rice', your one looks great!

  29. cooking gallery thanks so much and thanks for stopping by

  30. This is a great rice and my husband is back on a rice kick. Would you do me a favor and link this to My Meatless Mondays?


    I am selfish. I love having all these good recipes on my blog so I can look them up, at a moment's notice. I can assure you, I am not the only one.

    I hope I can make this soon. It sounds so good.


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