Rebecca's Twitter Tips


  1. Thanks for sharing Rebecca, have a nice weekend ahead.

  2. Hi Rebecca
    Many thanks for you video, really loved watching you.
    Great tips, unfortunately due to lack of time I do have a Twitter account, impossible to juggle everything.
    Wishing you a great weekend ♥

  3. Thanks for the tip. Twitter is a great tool to connect us all over the world :)

  4. Thanks Rebecca for the twitter tips.

  5. Thanks for your twitter tips Rebecca! I don't get the time to twitter as much as I would like to, but I do like to have fun when I do! Meeting people from all around the world with similar likes is the best!

  6. thanks for all those great tips abou twitter, I really don't use it well right now, just for updates on brought up some really good points
    thank you!!

  7. Great tips, Rebecca! I think blog videos are fun :)

  8. Thanks for sharing the tips, great video!

  9. Thanks for the Twitter tips. I only use mine to post recipes but I have not been sure how effective it is.

  10. Great vlog Rebecca! Your tips are spot on for Twitter. I didn't even know you could see your @ replies straight off of twitter!

    I used tweetdeck which I love for keeping track of my twitter messages and mentions.

    Hope you're having a great weekend!

  11. great tips rebecca and wow you make a great tv material as well... haha.. good job, good job.
    oh btw, thanks for all the support and all the mention... I thought I read you mention me again at Tangled Noodle... Thanks Mucho!


  12. Thanks for the great tips Rebecca. I am not on Twitter yet...I know hard to believe..I am a little behind with technology, blogging being my only leap into it:) But these tips will really help when I do begin to Twitter.

  13. thanks everyone look forward to tweeting with you all

    Love Rebecca

  14. So valid tips! #4 is very common... one tip: is nice for search engines a good description of the video, they "eat" words. Hope you're having a wonderful trip!

    All the best,



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